
With pip

CCL is available as a Python package through PyPi. To install, simply run:

$ pip install pyccl

This should work as long as CMake is installed on your system. Once installed, take it for a spin in by following some example notebooks here.

If you want the C library available, you have to follow the manual installation.

Dependencies and Requirements

You can also install CCL from the source, however in order to compile CCL you need a few libraries:

  • GNU Scientific Library GSL, version 2.1 or above
  • FFTW3 version 3.1 or above
  • CLASS version 2.6.3 or above
  • FFTlog (here and here) is provided within CCL, with minor modifications.

Additionally, to build the code you will need

  • CMake version 3.2 or above.
  • SWIG is needed if you wish to modify CCL and have it availabe in Python.

CMake is the only requirement that needs to be installed manually if you are using pip.

On Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install cmake

On MacOS X you can either install with a DMG from this page or with a package manager such as brew, MacPorts, or Fink. For instance with brew:

$ brew install cmake

You will avoid potential issues if you install GSL and FFTW on your system before building CCL, but is only necessary if you want to properly install the C library. Otherwise CMake will automatically download and build the missing requirements in order to compile CCL.

To install all the dependencies at once, and avoid having CMake recompiling them, for instance on Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install cmake swig libgsl-dev libfftw3-dev

Compile and install the CCL C library

To download hte latest version of CCL:

$ git clone
$ cd CCL

or download and extract the latest stable release from here. Then, from the base CCL directory run:

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..

This will run the configuration script, try to detect the required dependencies on your machine and generate a Makefile. Once CMake has been configured, to build and install the library simply run for the build directory:

$ make
$ make install

Often admin privileges will be needed to install the library. If you have those just type:

$ sudo make install

Note: This is the default install procedure, but depending on your system you might want to customize the intall process. Here are a few common configuration options:

In case you have several C compilers, you can direct which one for CMake to use by setting the environment variable CC before running CMake:

$ export CC=gcc

By default, CMake will try to install CCL in /usr/local. If you would like to instead install elsewhere (such as if you don’t have admin privileges), you can specify it before running CMake by doing:

$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install ..

This will instruct CMake to install CCL in the following folders: /path/to/install/include,:code:/path/to/install/share, and /path/to/install/lib.

Depending on where you install CCL you might need to add the installation path to your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables. In the default case, this is accomplished with:

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/bin

To make sure that everything is working properly, you can run all unit tests after installation by running from the root CCL directory:

$ check_ccl

Assuming that the tests pass, you have successfully installed CCL!

If you ever need to uninstall CCL, run the following from the build directory:

$ make uninstall

You may need to prepend a sudo if you installed CCL in a protected folder.

Once the CLASS library is installed, CCL can be easily installed using an autotools-generated configuration file. To install CCL, from the base directory (the one where this file is located) run:

Often admin privileges will be needed to install the library. If you have those just type:

sudo make install

If you don’t have admin privileges, you can still install the library in a user-defined directory by running

./configure --prefix=/path/to/install
make install

where /path/to/install is the absolute path to the directory where you want the library to be installed. If non-existing, this will create two directories, /path/to/install/include and /path/to/install/lib, and the library and header files will be installed there. Note that, in order to use CCL with your own scripts you’ll have to add /path/to/install/lib to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH. CCL has been successfully installed on several different Linux and Mac OS X systems.

To make sure that everything is working properly, you can run all unit tests after installation by running

make check

Assuming that the tests pass, you can then move on to installing the Python wrapper (optional).

After pulling a new version of CCL from the GitHub repository, you can recompile the library by running:

make clean; make uninstall
make install

Install the pyccl Python module

CCL also comes with a Python wrapper, called pyccl, which can be built and installed regardless of whether you install the C library. For convenience, we provide a PyPi hosted package which can be installed simply by running:

$ pip install pyccl # append --user for single user install

This only assumes that CMake is available on your system, you don’t need to download the source yourself.

You can also build and install pyccl from the CCL source, again without necessarily installing the C library. Download the latest version of CCL:

$ git clone
$ cd CCL

And from the root CCL folder, simply run:

$ python install # append --user for single user install

The pyccl module will be installed into a sensible location in your PYTHONPATH, and so should be picked up automatically by your Python interpreter. You can then simply import the module using import pyccl.

You can quickly check whether pyccl has been installed correctly by running python -c "import pyccl" and checking that no errors are returned.

For a more in-depth test to make sure everything is working, run from the root CCL directory:

python test

This will run the embedded unit tests (may take a few minutes).

Whatever the install method, if you have pip installed, you can always uninstall the pyton wrapper by running:

pip uninstall pyccl

For quick introduction to CCL in Python look at notebooks in **_tests/_**.

Compiling against an external version of CLASS

The default installation procedure for CCL implies automatically downloading and installing a tagged version of CLASS. Optionally, you can also link CCL against a different version of CLASS. This is useful if you want to use a modified version of CLASS, or a different or more up-to-date version of the standard CLASS.

To compile CCL with an external version of CLASS, just run the following CMake command at the first configuration step of the install (from the build directory, make sure it is empty to get a clean configuration):

$ cmake -DEXTERNAL_CLASS_PATH=/path/to/class ..

the rest of the build process should be the same.

Docker image installation

The Dockerfile to generate a Docker image is included in the CCL repository as Dockerfile. This can be used to create an image that Docker can spool up as a virtual machine, allowing you to utilize CCL on any infrastructure with minimal hassle. The details of Docker and the installation process can be found at this link. Once Docker is installed, it is a simple process to create an image! In a terminal of your choosing (with Docker running), type the command docker build -t ccl . in the CCL directory.

The resulting Docker image has two primary functionalities. The first is a CMD that will open Jupyter notebook tied to a port on your local machine. This can be used with the following run command: docker run -p 8888:8888 ccl. You can then access the notebook in the browser of your choice at localhost:8888. The second is to access the bash itself, which can be done using docker run -it ccl bash.

This Dockerfile currently contains all installed C libraries and the Python wrapper. It currently uses continuumio/anaconda as the base image and supports ipython and Jupyter notebook. There should be minimal slowdown due to the virtualization.