
v 2.0 Changes

Python library

  • Made CAMB the default Boltzmann code (#685).
  • Added check to ensure the number of relativistic neutrinos is positive (#684).
  • Added massive neutrinos to Omega_m (#680).
  • Chamged neutrino API options to be intuitive and consistent (#681).
  • Enabled CAMB (#677)
  • Fixed bug when normalizing the linear power spectrum using sigma8 and the mu-Sigma modified gravity model (#677).
  • Enabled the mu-Sigma modified gravity model for any linear power spectrum (#677).
  • Refactored the power spectrum normalization routines to only run CAMB/CLASS once when using sigma8 (#677).
  • Fixed a bug where the power spectrum normalization was not being set accurately when using sigma8 (#677).
  • Added warnings for inconsistent models (#676).
  • Moved CLASS interface to python (#652).
  • Moved all benchmarks and tests to python (#653).
  • Changed IA bias normalization to be consistent with A_IA=1 (#630).
  • Implemented generalized models for tracers (#630)
  • Improved error reporting for angular_cl computations (#567).
  • Deprecated the pyccl.redshifts module (#579).
  • Remove global splines for RSD correlation functions. These are now stored per cosmology. Further, they are now rebuilt on-the-fly for a given cosmology if a new scale factor is requested. (#582)
  • Allow spline, numerical and constant parameters to be set from Python (#557).
  • Deprecated transfer function options ‘ccl_emulator’, ‘ccl_fitting_function’ ‘ccl_boltzmann’, ‘ccl_boltzmann_class’ and ‘ccl_boltzmann_camb’ (#610). These were either not implemented or aliases for another option.
  • Renamed transfer function option ‘ccl_none’ to ‘ccl_transfer_none’ to avoid ambiguity (#610).
  • Refactored transfer function and matter power spectrum options to allow any combination, even unphysical ones (#610).
  • Added capability to use the halo model power spectrum as the primary non-linear power spectrum in the code (#610).
  • Fixed infinite loop bug in splitting sum of neutrino masses into individual masses (#605).
  • Added custom Halofit code (#611).
  • Added has_density and has_shear tags to Tracer constructors.
  • Changed TCMB to T_CMB everywhere (#615)
  • Added support for modified gravity via mu / Sigma (scale-independent) parameterisation (#442)

C library

  • Added massive neutrinos to Omega_m (#680).
  • Moved CLASS interface to python (#652).
  • Added OpenMP (#651).
  • Removed all benchmarks from C and kept only the C unit tests in C (#653).
  • Implemented generalized models for tracers (#630)
  • Fixed memory leak in CLASS power spectrum computations (#561, #562).
  • Fixed a bug where CLASS would crash due to small rounding errors at z = 0 when evaluating power spectra (#563, #564).
  • Fixed bug in fftlog for some complex arguments (#565, #566).
  • Replaced custom gamma function with that from GSL (#570).
  • Deprecated the ccl_redshifts.h functions (#579).
  • Refactored spline and numerical parameters to be allocated per cosmology (#557).
  • Allow global physical constants to be changed (#557).
  • Fixed memory leaks in ccl_correlation.c (#581).
  • Deprecated transfer function options ‘ccl_emulator’, ‘ccl_fitting_function’ ‘ccl_boltzmann’, ‘ccl_boltzmann_class’ and ‘ccl_boltzmann_camb’ (#610). These were either not implemented or aliases for another option.
  • Renamed transfer function option ‘ccl_none’ to ‘ccl_transfer_none’ to avoid ambiguity (#610).
  • Refactored transfer function and matter power spectrum options to allow any combination, even unphysical ones (#610).
  • Added additional header and source files for clarity (#610).
  • Added capability to use the halo model power spectrum as the primary non-linear power spectrum in the code (#610).
  • Fixed infinite loop bug in splitting sum of neutrino masses into individual masses (#605).
  • Added custom Halofit code (#611).
  • Separated Limber and Non-Limber C_ell calculations (#614)
  • Added has_density and has_shear flags to ClTracers (#614)
  • Simplified C_ell unit tests (#614)
  • Changed TCMB to T_CMB everywhere (#615)
  • Fixed a small bug in the w_tophat expression and increased precision (#607)
  • Deprecated the use of GSL spline accelerators (#626)
  • Added support for modified gravity via mu / Sigma (scale-independent) parameterisation (#442)

v 1.0 API changes :

C library

  • Deprecated the native non-Limber angular power spectrum method (#506).
  • Renamed ccl_lsst_specs.c to ccl_redshifts.c, deprecated LSST-specific redshift distribution functionality, introduced user-defined true dNdz (changes in call signature of ccl_dNdz_tomog). (#528).

Python library

  • Renamed to, deprecated LSST-specific redshift distribution functionality, introduced user-defined true dNdz (changes in call signature of dNdz_tomog). (#528).
  • Deprecated the native non-Limber angular power spectrum method (#506).
  • Deprecated the Parameters object in favor of only the Cosmology object (#493).
  • Renamed the ClTracer family of objects (#496).
  • Various function parameter name changes and documentation improvements (#464).

v 0.4 API changes:

Summary: added halo model matter power spectrum calculation and halo mass-concentration relations. Change to sigma(R) function so that it now has time dependence: it is now sigma(R,a). Added a sigmaV(R,a) function, where sigmaV(R,a) is the variance in the displacement field smoothed on scale R at scale-factor a.

C library

In ccl_halomod.c:

Added this source file. Contains functions to compute halo-model matter power spectra and also mass-concentration relations.

In ccl_power.c

Added sigmaV, changed sigma(R) -> sigma(R,a)

In ccl_massfunc.c

Added Sheth & Tormen (1999) mass function.

Python library

sigmaR(R) defaults to sigmaR(R,a=1) unless a is specified. sigmaV(R) is also added. New functions ccl.halomodel_matter_power and ccl.halo_concentration.

v 0.3 API changes:

Summary: the user interface for setting up cosmologies with neutrinos has been altered. Users should from now on pass Neff, the effective number of relativistic neutrino species in the early universe, and mnu, either a sum or neutrino masses or a set of 3 neutrinos masses.

C library

In ccl_core.c:

In the function, ‘ccl_parameters_create’, the arguements ‘double N_nu_rel’, and ‘double N_nu_mass’ have been removed. The arguments ‘double Neff’ and ‘ccl_mnu_convention mnu_type’ have been added. The argument ‘mnu’ has changed in type from ‘double mnu’ to ‘double* mnu’.

Similar changes apply in ‘ccl_cosmology_create_with_params’ and all ‘ccl_parameters_create…nu’ convenience functions.

Additionally, in the function ‘ccl_parameters_create’ and ‘ccl_cosmology_create_with_params’, arguments have been added for the parameters of the BCM baryon model; these are ‘double bcm_log10Mc’, ‘double bcm_etab’, and ‘double bcm_ks’.

In ccl_neutrinos.c:

The function ccl_Omeganuh2_to_Mnu has been renamed ccl_nu_masses. The arguments ‘double a’ and ‘gsl_interp_accel* accel’ have been removed. The argument ‘ccl_neutrino_mass_splits mass_split’ has been added.

Python wrapper


In the Parameters class, the arguments ‘N_nu_rel’, and ‘N_nu_mass’ have been removed. The optional arguments ‘Neff’, ‘mnu_type’, ‘bcm_log10Mc’, ‘bcm_etab’, and ‘bcm_ks’ have been added. Similar changes occur in the Cosmology class.


In the function Omeganuh2, the argument ‘Neff’ has been removed. It is now fixed to the length of the argument ‘mnu’. The function ‘Omeganuh2_to_Mnu’ has been renamed ‘nu_masses’. The arguments ‘a’ and ‘Neff’ have been removed. The argument ‘mass_split’ has been added. The argument ‘TCMB’ has been changed to ‘T_CMB’.

Other changes since release 0.2.1 (September 2017):

CLASS is no longer included as part of CCL; it can instead of easily downloaded via the script and this procedure is documented.

Tutorial added for usage with MCMC

Added support for BCM baryon model

cpp compatibility improved

Python 3 support added

Added support for computing the nonlinear matter power spectrum with CosmicEmu

Added support for CMB lensing observables, including splines for cosmological quantities to higher redshift

Added the ability to return useful functions such as dNdz for a tracer Cl object.

Clarified license

Values of the physical constants have changed to CODATA2014/IAU2015