Developer Installation

To develop new code for CCL, you need to install it using pip’s development install. This installation method creates a symbolic link between your Python site-packages directory and the copy of CCL you are working on locally. Thus when you change CCL Python code, you do not need to reinstall CCL in order for the changes to be visible system-wide. Note, if you change the CCL C code, you will need to force CCL to recompile the code (and copy the resulting .so into the Python package) by rerunning the command below.

To install CCL using a pip developer installation, you can execute

$ pip install -e .

from the top-level directory in the repository. You will need CMake in order to install CCL in this way. See Getting CMake for help installing CMake if you do not already have it. In order to run the tests, you will need both CAMB and CLASS installed. See the instructions for Getting a Boltzmann Code for details.

C-layer Dependencies and Requirements

CCL has several C dependencies. The CMake build will download and compile these automatically if they are not present on your system. However, if you do have them installed locally in a spot accessible to CMake, the local versions will be used.

These dependencies are

  • GNU Scientific Library GSL, version 2.1 or above
  • FFTW3 version 3.1 or above
  • CLASS version 2.6.3 or above
  • SWIG

Uninstalling CCL in Developer Mode

To uninstall CCL in developer mode, simply type

$ pip uninstall pyccl