Source code for pyccl.cls

from . import ccllib as lib
from .core import check
import numpy as np
import collections

function_types = {
    'dndz': lib.trf_nz,
    'bias': lib.trf_bz,
    'mag_bias': lib.trf_sz,
    'red_frac': lib.trf_rf,
    'ia_bias': lib.trf_ba,
    'lensing_win': lib.trf_wL,
    'mag_win': lib.trf_wM,

# Define symbolic 'None' type for arrays, to allow proper handling by swig
# wrapper
NoneArr = np.array([])

[docs]class Tracer(object): """A tracer of the matter density field. .. note:: This class cannot be used directly. Use one of :obj:`NumberCountsTracer`, :obj:`WeakLensingTracer` or :obj:`CMBLensingTracer` instead. This class contains all information describing the transfer functon of a tracer (e.g., galaxy density, lensing shear) of the matter distribution. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError( "A `Tracer` object cannot be used directly. Use one of " "`NumberCountsTracer`, `WeakLensingTracer` or `CMBLensingTracer` " "instead.") def _build_tracer( self, cosmo, tracer_type, has_rsd=False, dndz=None, bias=None, mag_bias=None, ia_bias=None, red_frac=None, z_source=1100.): """Build the CCL_ClTracer. Args: cosmo (:obj:`Cosmology`): Cosmology object. tracer_type (:obj:): Specifies the type of tracer. Must be one of lib.number_counts_tracer: number count tracer lib.weak_lensing_tracer: lensing tracer lib.cmb_lensing_tracer: CMB lensing tracer has_rsd (bool, optional): Flag for whether the tracer has a redshift-space distortion term. Defaults to False. dndz (tuple of arrays, optional): A tuple of arrays (z, N(z)) giving the redshift distribution of the objects. The units are arbitrary; N(z) will be normalized to unity. If `None`, the tracer is assumed to not have a redshift distribution (e.g., it has a single source source redshift like the CMB). Defaults to None. bias (tuple of arrays, optional): A tuple of arrays (z, b(z)) giving the galaxy bias. If `None`, the tracer is assumbed to not have a bias parameter. Defaults to None. mag_bias (tuple of arrays, optional): A tuple of arrays (z, s(z)) giving the magnification bias as a function of redshift. If `None`, the tracer is assumed to not have magnification bias terms. Defaults to None. ia_bias (tuple of arrays, optional): A tuple of arrays (z, b_IA(z)) giving the intrinsic alignment amplitude b_IA(z). If `None`, the tracer is assumped to not have intrinsic alignments. Defaults to None. red_frac (tuple of arrays,, optional): A tuple of arrays (z, f_red(z)) givng the red fraction of galaxies as a function of redshift. If `None`, then the tracer is assumed to not have a red fraction. Defaults to None. z_source (float, optional): Redshift of source plane for CMB lensing. Defaults to 1100. """ # Verify cosmo object cosmo = cosmo.cosmo has_magnification = mag_bias is not None if (red_frac is None) != (ia_bias is None): raise ValueError( "Either both or none of `red_frac` and `ia_bias` " "must be specified.") has_intrinsic_alignment = red_frac is not None # Passing None for certain arguments causes segmentation faults at the # moment. The following checks try to guard against these instances # but this should probably be checked for at the C level. if tracer_type in [lib.weak_lensing_tracer, lib.number_counts_tracer]: if not isinstance(dndz, collections.Iterable) \ or len(dndz) != 2 \ or not (isinstance(dndz[0], collections.Iterable) and isinstance(dndz[1], collections.Iterable)): raise ValueError("dndz needs to be a tuple of two arrays.") if tracer_type in [lib.number_counts_tracer]: if not isinstance(bias, collections.Iterable) \ or len(bias) != 2 \ or not (isinstance(bias[0], collections.Iterable) and isinstance(bias[1], collections.Iterable)): raise ValueError("bias needs to be a tuple of two arrays.") # Convert array arguments that are 'None' into 'NoneArr' type and # check whether arrays were specified as tuples self.z_n, self.n = _check_array_params(dndz) self.z_b, self.b = _check_array_params(bias) self.z_s, self.s = _check_array_params(mag_bias) self.z_ba, = _check_array_params(ia_bias) self.z_rf, self.rf = _check_array_params(red_frac) self.z_source = z_source # Construct new ccl_cl_tracer status = 0 return_val = lib.cl_tracer_new_wrapper( cosmo, tracer_type, int(has_rsd), int(has_magnification), int(has_intrinsic_alignment), self.z_n, self.n, self.z_b, self.b, self.z_s, self.s, self.z_ba,, self.z_rf, self.rf, float(self.z_source), status) if (isinstance(return_val, int)): self.has_cltracer = False check(return_val) else: self.has_cltracer = True self.cltracer, status = return_val
[docs] def get_internal_function(self, cosmo, function, a): """ Method to evaluate any internal function of redshift for this tracer. Args: cosmo (:obj:`Cosmology`): Cosmology object. function (:obj:`str`): Specifies which function to evaluate. Must be one of 'dndz': number density 'bias': bias 'mag_bias': magnification bias 'red_frac': red fraction 'ia_bias': intrinsic alignment bias 'lensing_win': weak lensing window function 'mag_win': magnification window function a (:obj: float or array-like): list of scale factors at which to evaluate the function. Returns: Array of function values at the input scale factors. """ # Access ccl_cosmology object cosmo_in = cosmo cosmo = cosmo.cosmo # Check that specified function type exists if function not in function_types.keys(): raise ValueError( "Internal function type '%s' not recognized." % function) # Check input types status = 0 is_scalar = False if isinstance(a, float): is_scalar = True aarr = np.array([a]) na = 1 elif isinstance(a, np.ndarray): aarr = a na = a.size else: aarr = a na = len(a) # Evaluate function farr, status = lib.clt_fa_vec(cosmo, self.cltracer, function_types[function], aarr, na, status) check(status, cosmo_in) if is_scalar: return farr[0] else: return farr
def __del__(self): """Free memory associated with CCL_ClTracer object. """ if hasattr(self, 'has_cltracer'): if self.has_cltracer: lib.cl_tracer_free(self.cltracer)
[docs]class NumberCountsTracer(Tracer): """A Tracer for galaxy number counts (galaxy clustering). Args: cosmo (:obj:`Cosmology`): Cosmology object. has_rsd (bool): Flag for whether the tracer has a redshift-space distortion term. dndz (tuple of arrays): A tuple of arrays (z, N(z)) giving the redshift distribution of the objects. The units are arbitrary; N(z) will be normalized to unity. bias (tuple of arrays): A tuple of arrays (z, b(z)) giving the galaxy bias. mag_bias (tuple of arrays, optional): A tuple of arrays (z, s(z)) giving the magnification bias as a function of redshift. If `None`, the tracer is assumed to not have magnification bias terms. Defaults to None. """ def __init__(self, cosmo, has_rsd, dndz, bias, mag_bias=None): # Call Tracer constructor with appropriate arguments self._build_tracer( cosmo=cosmo, tracer_type=lib.number_counts_tracer, has_rsd=has_rsd, dndz=dndz, bias=bias, mag_bias=mag_bias, ia_bias=None, red_frac=None)
[docs]class WeakLensingTracer(Tracer): """A Tracer for weak lensing shear (galaxy shapes). Args: cosmo (:obj:`Cosmology`): Cosmology object. dndz (tuple of arrays): A tuple of arrays (z, N(z)) giving the redshift distribution of the objects. The units are arbitrary; N(z) will be normalized to unity. ia_bias (tuple of arrays, optional): A tuple of arrays (z, b_IA(z)) giving the intrinsic alignment amplitude b_IA(z). If `None`, the tracer is assumped to not have intrinsic alignments. Defaults to None. red_frac (tuple of arrays,, optional): A tuple of arrays (z, f_red(z)) givng the red fraction of galaxies as a function of redshift. If `None`, then the tracer is assumed to not have a red fraction. Defaults to None. """ def __init__(self, cosmo, dndz, ia_bias=None, red_frac=None): # Call Tracer constructor with appropriate arguments self._build_tracer( cosmo=cosmo, tracer_type=lib.weak_lensing_tracer, has_rsd=False, dndz=dndz, bias=None, mag_bias=None, ia_bias=ia_bias, red_frac=red_frac)
[docs]class CMBLensingTracer(Tracer): """A Tracer for CMB lensing. Args: cosmo (:obj:`Cosmology`): Cosmology object. z_source (float): Redshift of source plane for CMB lensing. """ def __init__(self, cosmo, z_source): # Call Tracer constructor with appropriate arguments self._build_tracer( cosmo=cosmo, tracer_type=lib.cmb_lensing_tracer, has_rsd=False, dndz=None, bias=None, mag_bias=None, ia_bias=None, red_frac=None, z_source=z_source)
def _check_array_params(f_arg): """Check whether an argument `f_arg` passed into the constructor of Tracer() is valid. If the argument is set to `None`, it will be replaced with a special array that signals to the CCL wrapper that this argument is NULL. """ if f_arg is None: # Return empty array if argument is None f = NoneArr z_f = NoneArr else: z_f = np.atleast_1d(np.array(f_arg[0], dtype=float)) f = np.atleast_1d(np.array(f_arg[1], dtype=float)) return z_f, f
[docs]def angular_cl(cosmo, cltracer1, cltracer2, ell, l_limber=-1., l_logstep=1.05, l_linstep=20.): """Calculate the angular (cross-)power spectrum for a pair of tracers. Args: cosmo (:obj:`Cosmology`): A Cosmology object. cltracer1, cltracer2 (:obj:`Tracer`): Tracer objects, of any kind. ell (float or array_like): Angular wavenumber(s) at which to evaluate the angular power spectrum. l_limber (float) : Angular wavenumber beyond which Limber's approximation will be used. Defaults to -1. l_logstep (float) : logarithmic step in ell at low multipoles. Defaults to 1.05. l_linstep (float) : linear step in ell at high multipoles. Defaults to 20. Returns: float or array_like: Angular (cross-)power spectrum values, :math:`C_\\ell`, for the pair of tracers, as a function of :math:`\\ell`. """ # Access ccl_cosmology object cosmo = cosmo.cosmo # Access CCL_ClTracer objects clt1 = cltracer1.cltracer clt2 = cltracer2.cltracer status = 0 # Return Cl values, according to whether ell is an array or not if isinstance(ell, float) or isinstance(ell, int): # Use single-value function cl_one, status = lib.angular_cl_vec( cosmo, clt1, clt2, l_limber, l_logstep, l_linstep, [ell], 1, status) cl = cl_one[0] elif isinstance(ell, np.ndarray): # Use vectorised function cl, status = lib.angular_cl_vec( cosmo, clt1, clt2, l_limber, l_logstep, l_linstep, ell, ell.size, status) else: # Use vectorised function cl, status = lib.angular_cl_vec( cosmo, clt1, clt2, l_limber, l_logstep, l_linstep, ell, len(ell), status) check(status) return cl