pyccl.emulators.baccoemu_nonlinear_pk module

class pyccl.emulators.baccoemu_nonlinear_pk.BaccoemuNonlinear(nonlinear_emu_path=None, nonlinear_emu_details=None, n_sampling_a=100)[source]

Bases: EmulatorPk

Nonlinear power spectrum emulator from baccoemu

This is an emulator of the non-linear matter power spectrum as a function of 8 cosmological parameters (\(\omega_c\), \(\omega_b\), \(A_s\) or \(\sigma_{8,c}\), \(n_s\), \(h\), \(M_\nu\), \(w_0\), \(w_a\)) and the scale factor.

If nonlinear_emu_path and nonlinear_emu_details are not specified, the installed public version of the emulator is used. If the user has access to a locally saved baccoemu version, the path can be specified with these two keyword arguments.

See Angulo et al. 2020 and

  • nonlinear_emu_path (str) – path to a folder containing a specific baccoemu version

  • nonlinear_emu_details (str) – name of the details file in the given baccoemu version

  • n_sampling_a (int) – number of scale factor values used for building the 2d pk interpolator