
CCL is structured around Cosmology objects which hold the cosmological parameters and any tabulated data associated with a given cosmology. The library then provides functions to compute specific quantities of interest. See the full API documentation through the pyccl module and submodules for more details.

Here are some of the generic conventions followed by CCL:

  • All units are non-h-inverse (e.g., Mpc as opposed to Mpc/h).

  • Distances are in units of Mpc, masses are in \(M_\odot\) units.

  • The scale factor a is preferred over redshift z as a time label (although this is not always respected!).

  • The Cosmology object always comes first in most function calls that require it.

  • Argument ordering for power spectra is (k, a).

  • Argument ordering for halo model functions is (M, a) or (k, M, a) (when both wavenumbers and masses are required).

This example computes the comoving distance, HALOFIT non-linear power spectrum using the BBKS transfer function, and the cross-power spectrum between cmb lensing and a sample of galaxies around \(z=1\).

>>> import pyccl as ccl
>>> import numpy as np
>>> cosmo = ccl.Cosmology(Omega_c=0.25, Omega_b=0.05,
                          h=0.7, n_s=0.95, sigma8=0.8,
>>> cosmo.sigma8()  # get sigma8
>>> z = 1
>>> ccl.comoving_radial_distance(cosmo, 1/(1+z))  # comoving distance to z=1 in Mpc
>>> ccl.nonlin_matter_power(cosmo, k=1, a=1/(1+z))  # HALOFIT P(k) at k,z = 1,1
>>> zs = np.linspace(0, 2, 512)
>>> ells = np.array([10, 100, 1000])
>>> gals = ccl.NumberCountsTracer(cosmo, has_rsd=False, dndz=(zs, np.exp(-((zs-z)/0.1)**2)),
                                  bias=(zs, np.ones_like(zs)))
>>> cmbk = ccl.CMBLensingTracer(cosmo, z_source=1100)
>>> ccl.angular_cl(cosmo, gals, cmbk, ells)
array([1.71356558e-07, 1.80803491e-07, 7.51805386e-09])

See Notation, Models and Other Cosmological Conventions for more details on the supported models for various cosmological quantities and the specification of the cosmological parameters.

A comprehensive set of examples showcasing the different types of functionality implemented in CCL can be found here.