
CCL is structured around Cosmology objects which hold the cosmological parameters and any tabulated data associated with a given cosmology. The library then provides functions to compute specific quantities of interest. See the pyccl module and submodules for more details.

Further, CCL follows the following conventions:

  • all units are non-h-inverse (e.g., Mpc as opposed to Mpc/h)
  • the scale factor a is preferred over redshift z
  • the Cosmology object always comes first in function calls
  • argument ordering for power spectra is (k, a)

This example computes the comoving distance and HALOFIT non-linear power spectrum using the BBKS transfer function:

>>> import pyccl
>>> cosmo = pyccl.Cosmology(Omega_c=0.25, Omega_b=0.05,
                            h=0.7, n_s=0.95, sigma8=0.8,
>>> pyccl.sigma8(cosmo)  # get sigma8
>>> z = 1
>>> pyccl.comoving_radial_distance(cosmo, 1./(1+z))  # comoving distance to z=1 in Mpc
>>> pyccl.nonlin_matter_power(cosmo, k=1, a=0.5)  # HALOFIT P(k) at k,z = 1,1

See Notation, Models and Other Cosmological Conventions for more details on the supported models for various cosmological quantities (e.g., the power spectrum) and the specification of the cosmological parameters.