Source code for pyccl.baryons.baccoemu_baryons

__all__ = ("BaccoemuBaryons",)

import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy

from .. import Pk2D
from . import Baryons

[docs]class BaccoemuBaryons(Baryons): """ The baryonic boost factor computed with the baccoemu baryons emulators. See `Arico et al. 2021 <>`_ and .. note:: Note that masses are in units of :math:`M_\\odot`, differently from the original paper and baccoemu public code (where they are in :math:`M_\\odot/h`) Args: log10_M_c (:obj:`float`): characteristic halo mass to model baryon mass fraction (in :math:`M_\\odot`) log10_eta (:obj:`float`): extent of ejected gas log10_beta (:obj:`float`): slope of power law describing baryon mass fraction log10_M1_z0_cen (:obj:`float`): characteristic halo mass scale for central galaxies (in :math:`M_\\odot`) log10_theta_out (:obj:`float`): outer slope of density profiles of hot gas in haloes log10_theta_inn (:obj:`float`): inner slope of density profiles of hot gas in haloes log10_M_inn (:obj:`float`): transition mass of density profiles of hot gas in haloes (in :math:`M_\\odot`) verbose (:obj:`bool`): Verbose output from baccoemu. (default: :obj:`False`) """ name = 'BaccoemuBaryons' __repr_attrs__ = __eq_attrs__ = ("bcm_params",) def __init__(self, log10_M_c=14.174, log10_eta=-0.3, log10_beta=-0.22, log10_M1_z0_cen=10.674, log10_theta_out=0.25, log10_theta_inn=-0.86, log10_M_inn=13.574, verbose=False): # avoid tensorflow warnings import warnings with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning) import baccoemu self.mpk = baccoemu.Matter_powerspectrum(verbose=verbose) self.a_min = self.mpk.emulator['baryon']['bounds'][-1][0] self.a_max = self.mpk.emulator['baryon']['bounds'][-1][1] self.k_min = self.mpk.emulator['baryon']['k'][0] self.k_max = self.mpk.emulator['baryon']['k'][-1] self.bcm_params = { 'M_c': log10_M_c, 'eta': log10_eta, 'beta': log10_beta, 'M1_z0_cen': log10_M1_z0_cen, 'theta_out': log10_theta_out, 'theta_inn': log10_theta_inn, 'M_inn': log10_M_inn } def _sigma8tot_2_sigma8cold(self, emupars, sigma8tot): """Use baccoemu to convert sigma8 total matter to sigma8 cdm+baryons """ if np.ndim(emupars['omega_cold']) == 1: _emupars = {} for pname in emupars: _emupars[pname] = emupars[pname][0] else: _emupars = emupars A_s_fid = 2.1e-9 sigma8tot_fid = self.mpk.get_sigma8(cold=False, A_s=A_s_fid, **_emupars) A_s = (sigma8tot / sigma8tot_fid)**2 * A_s_fid return self.mpk.get_sigma8(cold=True, A_s=A_s, **_emupars)
[docs] def boost_factor(self, cosmo, k, a): """The baccoemu BCM model boost factor for baryons. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): Cosmological parameters. k (:obj:`float` or `array`): Wavenumber (in :math:`{\\rm Mpc}^{-1}`). a (:obj:`float` or `array`): Scale factor. Returns: :obj:`float` or `array`: Correction factor to apply to \ the power spectrum. """ # noqa # Check a ranges self._check_a_range(a) # First create the dictionary passed to baccoemu # if a is an array, make sure all the other parameters passed to the # emulator have the same len if np.ndim(a) == 1: emupars = dict( omega_cold=np.full((len(a)), cosmo['Omega_c'] + cosmo['Omega_b']), omega_baryon=np.full((len(a)), cosmo['Omega_b']), ns=np.full((len(a)), cosmo['n_s']), hubble=np.full((len(a)), cosmo['h']), neutrino_mass=np.full((len(a)), np.sum(cosmo['m_nu'])), w0=np.full((len(a)), cosmo['w0']), wa=np.full((len(a)), cosmo['wa']), expfactor=a ) else: emupars = dict( omega_cold=cosmo['Omega_c'] + cosmo['Omega_b'], omega_baryon=cosmo['Omega_b'], ns=cosmo['n_s'], hubble=cosmo['h'], neutrino_mass=np.sum(cosmo['m_nu']), w0=cosmo['w0'], wa=cosmo['wa'], expfactor=a ) # if cosmo contains sigma8, we use it for baccoemu, otherwise we pass # A_s to the emulator if np.isnan(cosmo['A_s']): # note that ccl parametrises sigma8 of the total matter power # spectrum while baccoemu defines it in terms of the cdm+baryons # power spectrum; so we have to convert from total to cold sigma8 sigma8tot = cosmo['sigma8'] sigma8cold = self._sigma8tot_2_sigma8cold(emupars, sigma8tot) if np.ndim(a) == 1: emupars['sigma8_cold'] = np.full((len(a)), sigma8cold) else: emupars['sigma8_cold'] = sigma8cold else: if np.ndim(a) == 1: emupars['A_s'] = np.full((len(a)), cosmo['A_s']) else: emupars['A_s'] = cosmo['A_s'] # change masses from Msun to Msun/h _bcm_params = deepcopy(self.bcm_params) l10h = np.log10(emupars['hubble']) for key in ['M_c', 'M1_z0_cen', 'M_inn']: _bcm_params[key] += l10h # baccoemu internally interpolates k with a cubic spline # it returns k, boost, so, since we are already requesting a specific # k-vector we can ignore the first returned object _, fka = self.mpk.get_baryonic_boost(k=k / cosmo['h'], **{**emupars, **_bcm_params}) return fka
[docs] def update_parameters(self, log10_M_c=None, log10_eta=None, log10_beta=None, log10_M1_z0_cen=None, log10_theta_out=None, log10_theta_inn=None, log10_M_inn=None): """Update parameters. All parameters set to ``None`` will be left untouched. Args: log10_M_c (:obj:`float`): characteristic halo mass to model baryon mass fraction (in :math:`M_\\odot`) log10_eta (:obj:`float`): extent of ejected gas log10_beta (:obj:`float`): slope of power law describing baryon mass fraction log10_M1_z0_cen (:obj:`float`): characteristic halo mass scale for central galaxies (in :math:`M_\\odot`) log10_theta_out (:obj:`float`): outer slope of density profiles of hot gas in haloes log10_theta_inn (:obj:`float`): inner slope of density profiles of hot gas in haloes log10_M_inn (:obj:`float`): transition mass of density profiles of hot gas in haloes (in :math:`M_\\odot`) """ _kwargs = locals() _new_bcm_params = {key: _kwargs[key] for key in set(list(_kwargs.keys())) - set(['self'])} new_bcm_params = {} for key in _new_bcm_params: if _new_bcm_params[key] is not None: new_bcm_params[key[6:]] = _new_bcm_params[key] self.bcm_params.update(new_bcm_params)
def _include_baryonic_effects(self, cosmo, pk): # Applies boost factor a_arr, lk_arr, pk_arr = pk.get_spline_arrays() k_arr = np.exp(lk_arr) fka = self.boost_factor(cosmo, k_arr, a_arr) pk_arr *= fka if pk.psp.is_log: np.log(pk_arr, out=pk_arr) # in-place log return Pk2D(a_arr=a_arr, lk_arr=lk_arr, pk_arr=pk_arr, is_logp=pk.psp.is_log, extrap_order_lok=pk.extrap_order_lok, extrap_order_hik=pk.extrap_order_hik) def _check_a_range(self, a): if np.ndim(a) == 0: a_min, a_max = a, a else: a_min = min(a) a_max = max(a) if a_min < self.a_min or a_max > self.a_max: raise ValueError(f"Requested scale factor outside the bounds of " f"the emulator: {(a_min, a_max)} outside of " f"{((self.a_min, self.a_max))}")