Source code for pyccl.boltzmann

__all__ = ("get_camb_pk_lin", "get_isitgr_pk_lin", "get_class_pk_lin",)

import numpy as np

    import isitgr  # noqa: F401
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    pass  # prevent nans from isitgr

from . import CCLError, Pk2D, check, lib, sigma8

[docs]def get_camb_pk_lin(cosmo, *, nonlin=False): """Run CAMB and return the linear power spectrum. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): Cosmological parameters. The cosmological parameters with which to run CAMB. nonlin (:obj:`bool`): Whether to compute and return the non-linear power spectrum as well. Returns: :class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D`: Power spectrum object. The linear power \ spectrum. If ``nonlin=True``, returns a tuple \ ``(pk_lin, pk_nonlin)``. """ import camb import camb.model # Get extra CAMB parameters that were specified extra_camb_params = {} try: extra_camb_params = cosmo["extra_parameters"]["camb"] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass # z sampling from CCL parameters na = lib.get_pk_spline_na(cosmo.cosmo) status = 0 a_arr, status = lib.get_pk_spline_a(cosmo.cosmo, na, status) check(status, cosmo=cosmo) a_arr = np.sort(a_arr) zs = 1.0 / a_arr - 1 zs = np.clip(zs, 0, np.inf) # deal with normalization if np.isfinite(cosmo["A_s"]): A_s_fid = cosmo["A_s"] elif np.isfinite(cosmo["sigma8"]): A_s_fid = 2.1e-9 sigma8_target = cosmo["sigma8"] else: raise CCLError( "Could not normalize the linear power spectrum. " "A_s = %f, sigma8 = %f" % ( cosmo['A_s'], cosmo['sigma8'])) # init camb params cp = camb.model.CAMBparams() # turn some stuff off cp.WantCls = False cp.DoLensing = False cp.Want_CMB = False cp.Want_CMB_lensing = False cp.Want_cl_2D_array = False cp.WantTransfer = True # basic background stuff h2 = cosmo['h']**2 cp.H0 = cosmo['h'] * 100 cp.ombh2 = cosmo['Omega_b'] * h2 cp.omch2 = cosmo['Omega_c'] * h2 cp.omk = cosmo['Omega_k'] # "constants" cp.TCMB = cosmo['T_CMB'] # neutrinos # We maually setup the CAMB neutrinos to match the adjustments CLASS # makes to their temperatures. cp.share_delta_neff = False cp.omnuh2 = cosmo['Omega_nu_mass'] * h2 cp.num_nu_massless = cosmo['N_nu_rel'] cp.num_nu_massive = int(cosmo['N_nu_mass']) cp.nu_mass_eigenstates = int(cosmo['N_nu_mass']) delta_neff = cosmo['Neff'] - 3.046 # used for BBN YHe comps # CAMB defines a neutrino degeneracy factor as T_i = g^(1/4)*T_nu # where T_nu is the standard neutrino temperature from first order # computations # CLASS defines the temperature of each neutrino species to be # T_i_eff = T_ncdm * T_cmb where T_ncdm is a fudge factor to get the # total mass in terms of eV to match second-order computations of the # relationship between m_nu and Omega_nu. # We are trying to get both codes to use the same neutrino temperature. # thus we set T_i_eff = T_i = g^(1/4) * T_nu and solve for the right # value of g for CAMB. We get g = (T_ncdm / (11/4)^(-1/3))^4 g = np.power( cosmo["T_ncdm"] / np.power(11.0/4.0, -1.0/3.0), 4.0) if cosmo['N_nu_mass'] > 0: nu_mass_fracs = cosmo['m_nu'][:cosmo['N_nu_mass']] nu_mass_fracs = nu_mass_fracs / np.sum(nu_mass_fracs) cp.nu_mass_numbers = np.ones(cosmo['N_nu_mass'], cp.nu_mass_fractions = nu_mass_fracs cp.nu_mass_degeneracies = np.ones(int(cosmo['N_nu_mass'])) * g else: cp.nu_mass_numbers = [] cp.nu_mass_fractions = [] cp.nu_mass_degeneracies = [] # get YHe from BBN cp.bbn_predictor = camb.bbn.get_predictor() cp.YHe = cp.bbn_predictor.Y_He( cp.ombh2 * (camb.constants.COBE_CMBTemp / cp.TCMB) ** 3, delta_neff) camb_de_models = ['DarkEnergyPPF', 'ppf', 'DarkEnergyFluid', 'fluid'] camb_de_model = extra_camb_params.get('dark_energy_model', 'fluid') if camb_de_model not in camb_de_models: raise ValueError("The only dark energy models CCL supports with " "CAMB are fluid and ppf.") cp.set_classes( dark_energy_model=camb_de_model ) if camb_de_model not in camb_de_models[:2] and cosmo['wa'] and \ (cosmo['w0'] < -1 - 1e-6 or 1 + cosmo['w0'] + cosmo['wa'] < - 1e-6): raise ValueError("If you want to use w crossing -1," " then please set the dark_energy_model to ppf.") cp.DarkEnergy.set_params( w=cosmo['w0'], wa=cosmo['wa'] ) cp.set_for_lmax(extra_camb_params.get("lmax", 5000)) cp.InitPower.set_params( As=A_s_fid, ns=cosmo['n_s']) cp.set_matter_power( redshifts=[_z for _z in zs], kmax=extra_camb_params.get("kmax", 10.0)) camb_res = camb.get_transfer_functions(cp) def construct_Pk2D(camb_res, nonlin=False): k, z, pk = camb_res.get_linear_matter_power_spectrum( hubble_units=True, nonlinear=nonlin) # convert to non-h inverse units k *= cosmo['h'] pk /= (h2 * cosmo['h']) # now build interpolant nk = k.shape[0] lk_arr = np.log(k) a_arr = 1.0 / (1.0 + z) na = a_arr.shape[0] sinds = np.argsort(a_arr) a_arr = a_arr[sinds] ln_p_k_and_z = np.zeros((na, nk), dtype=np.float64) for i, sind in enumerate(sinds): ln_p_k_and_z[i, :] = np.log(pk[sind, :]) pk = Pk2D( a_arr=a_arr, lk_arr=lk_arr, pk_arr=ln_p_k_and_z, is_logp=True, extrap_order_lok=1, extrap_order_hik=2) return pk if np.isfinite(cosmo["sigma8"]): camb_res.calc_power_spectra() pk = construct_Pk2D(camb_res, nonlin=False) sigma8_tmp = sigma8(cosmo, p_of_k_a=pk) camb_res.Params.InitPower.As *= sigma8_target**2 / sigma8_tmp**2 if nonlin: camb_res.Params.NonLinear = camb.model.NonLinear_pk camb_res.Params.NonLinearModel = camb.nonlinear.Halofit() halofit_version = extra_camb_params.get("halofit_version", "mead") options = {k: extra_camb_params[k] for k in ["HMCode_A_baryon", "HMCode_eta_baryon", "HMCode_logT_AGN"] if k in extra_camb_params} camb_res.Params.NonLinearModel.set_params( halofit_version=halofit_version, **options) else: assert camb_res.Params.NonLinear == camb.model.NonLinear_none camb_res.calc_power_spectra() pk_lin = construct_Pk2D(camb_res, nonlin=False) if not nonlin: return pk_lin else: pk_nonlin = construct_Pk2D(camb_res, nonlin=True) return pk_lin, pk_nonlin
[docs]def get_isitgr_pk_lin(cosmo): """Run ISiTGR-CAMB and return the linear power spectrum. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): Cosmological parameters. The cosmological parameters with which to run ISiTGR-CAMB. Returns: :class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D`: Power spectrum \ object. The linear power spectrum. """ import isitgr # noqa: F811 import isitgr.model # Get extra CAMB parameters that were specified extra_camb_params = {} try: extra_camb_params = cosmo["extra_parameters"]["camb"] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass # z sampling from CCL parameters na = lib.get_pk_spline_na(cosmo.cosmo) status = 0 a_arr, status = lib.get_pk_spline_a(cosmo.cosmo, na, status) check(status, cosmo=cosmo) a_arr = np.sort(a_arr) zs = 1.0 / a_arr - 1 zs = np.clip(zs, 0, np.inf) # deal with normalization if np.isfinite(cosmo["A_s"]): A_s_fid = cosmo["A_s"] elif np.isfinite(cosmo["sigma8"]): # in this case, CCL will internally normalize for us when we init # the linear power spectrum - so we just get close A_s_fid = 2.43e-9 * (cosmo["sigma8"] / 0.87659)**2 else: raise CCLError( "Could not normalize the linear power spectrum. " "A_s = %f, sigma8 = %f" % ( cosmo['A_s'], cosmo['sigma8'])) # init isitgr params cp = isitgr.model.CAMBparams() # turn some stuff off cp.WantCls = False cp.DoLensing = False cp.Want_CMB = False cp.Want_CMB_lensing = False cp.Want_cl_2D_array = False cp.WantTransfer = True # basic background stuff h2 = cosmo['h']**2 cp.H0 = cosmo['h'] * 100 cp.ombh2 = cosmo['Omega_b'] * h2 cp.omch2 = cosmo['Omega_c'] * h2 cp.omk = cosmo['Omega_k'] cp.GR = 1 # means GR modified! cp.ISiTGR_muSigma = True cp.mu0 = cosmo.mg_parametrization.mu_0 cp.Sigma0 = cosmo.mg_parametrization.sigma_0 cp.c1 = cosmo.mg_parametrization.c1_mg cp.c2 = cosmo.mg_parametrization.c2_mg cp.Lambda = cosmo.mg_parametrization.lambda_mg # "constants" cp.TCMB = cosmo['T_CMB'] # neutrinos # We maually setup the CAMB neutrinos to match the adjustments CLASS # makes to their temperatures. cp.share_delta_neff = False cp.omnuh2 = cosmo['Omega_nu_mass'] * h2 cp.num_nu_massless = cosmo['N_nu_rel'] cp.num_nu_massive = int(cosmo['N_nu_mass']) cp.nu_mass_eigenstates = int(cosmo['N_nu_mass']) delta_neff = cosmo['Neff'] - 3.046 # used for BBN YHe comps # ISiTGR built on CAMB which defines a neutrino degeneracy # factor as T_i = g^(1/4)*T_nu # where T_nu is the standard neutrino temperature from first order # computations # CLASS defines the temperature of each neutrino species to be # T_i_eff = T_ncdm * T_cmb where T_ncdm is a fudge factor to get the # total mass in terms of eV to match second-order computations of the # relationship between m_nu and Omega_nu. # We are trying to get both codes to use the same neutrino temperature. # thus we set T_i_eff = T_i = g^(1/4) * T_nu and solve for the right # value of g for CAMB. We get g = (T_ncdm / (11/4)^(-1/3))^4 g = np.power( cosmo["T_ncdm"] / np.power(11.0/4.0, -1.0/3.0), 4.0) if cosmo['N_nu_mass'] > 0: nu_mass_fracs = cosmo['m_nu'][:cosmo['N_nu_mass']] nu_mass_fracs = nu_mass_fracs / np.sum(nu_mass_fracs) cp.nu_mass_numbers = np.ones(cosmo['N_nu_mass'], cp.nu_mass_fractions = nu_mass_fracs cp.nu_mass_degeneracies = np.ones(int(cosmo['N_nu_mass'])) * g else: cp.nu_mass_numbers = [] cp.nu_mass_fractions = [] cp.nu_mass_degeneracies = [] # get YHe from BBN cp.bbn_predictor = isitgr.bbn.get_predictor() cp.YHe = cp.bbn_predictor.Y_He( cp.ombh2 * (isitgr.constants.COBE_CMBTemp / cp.TCMB) ** 3, delta_neff) camb_de_models = ['DarkEnergyPPF', 'ppf', 'DarkEnergyFluid', 'fluid'] camb_de_model = extra_camb_params.get('dark_energy_model', 'fluid') if camb_de_model not in camb_de_models: raise ValueError("The only dark energy models CCL supports with " "CAMB are fluid and ppf.") cp.set_classes( dark_energy_model=camb_de_model ) if camb_de_model not in camb_de_models[:2] and cosmo['wa'] and \ (cosmo['w0'] < -1 - 1e-6 or 1 + cosmo['w0'] + cosmo['wa'] < - 1e-6): raise ValueError("For w to cross -1, set `dark_energy_model=ppf`.") cp.DarkEnergy.set_params( w=cosmo['w0'], wa=cosmo['wa'] ) # cp.set_cosmology() cp.set_matter_power( redshifts=[_z for _z in zs], kmax=10, nonlinear=False) assert cp.NonLinear == isitgr.model.NonLinear_none cp.set_for_lmax(5000) cp.InitPower.set_params( As=A_s_fid, ns=cosmo['n_s']) # run ISITGR and get results isitgr_res = isitgr.get_results(cp) k, z, pk = isitgr_res.get_linear_matter_power_spectrum( hubble_units=True, nonlinear=False) # convert to non-h inverse units k *= cosmo['h'] pk /= (h2 * cosmo['h']) # now build interpolant nk = k.shape[0] lk_arr = np.log(k) a_arr = 1.0 / (1.0 + z) na = a_arr.shape[0] sinds = np.argsort(a_arr) a_arr = a_arr[sinds] ln_p_k_and_z = np.zeros((na, nk), dtype=np.float64) for i, sind in enumerate(sinds): ln_p_k_and_z[i, :] = np.log(pk[sind, :]) pk_lin = Pk2D( a_arr=a_arr, lk_arr=lk_arr, pk_arr=ln_p_k_and_z, is_logp=True, extrap_order_lok=1, extrap_order_hik=2) return pk_lin
[docs]def get_class_pk_lin(cosmo): """Run CLASS and return the linear power spectrum. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): Cosmological parameters. The cosmological parameters with which to run CLASS. Returns: :class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D`: Power spectrum object.\ The linear power spectrum. """ import classy params = { "output": "mPk", "non linear": "none", "P_k_max_1/Mpc": cosmo.cosmo.spline_params.K_MAX_SPLINE, "z_max_pk": 1.0/cosmo.cosmo.spline_params.A_SPLINE_MINLOG_PK-1.0, "modes": "s", "lensing": "no", "h": cosmo["h"], "Omega_cdm": cosmo["Omega_c"], "Omega_b": cosmo["Omega_b"], "Omega_k": cosmo["Omega_k"], "n_s": cosmo["n_s"]} # cosmological constant? # set Omega_Lambda = 0.0 if w !=-1 or wa != 0 if cosmo['w0'] != -1 or cosmo['wa'] != 0: params["Omega_Lambda"] = 0 params['w0_fld'] = cosmo['w0'] params['wa_fld'] = cosmo['wa'] # neutrino parameters # massless neutrinos if cosmo["N_nu_rel"] > 1e-4: params["N_ur"] = cosmo["N_nu_rel"] else: params["N_ur"] = 0.0 # massive neutrinos if cosmo["N_nu_mass"] > 0: params["N_ncdm"] = cosmo["N_nu_mass"] masses = lib.parameters_get_nu_masses(cosmo._params, 3) params["m_ncdm"] = ", ".join( ["%g" % m for m in masses[:cosmo["N_nu_mass"]]]) params["T_cmb"] = cosmo["T_CMB"] # if we have sigma8, we need to find A_s if np.isfinite(cosmo["A_s"]): params["A_s"] = cosmo["A_s"] elif np.isfinite(cosmo["sigma8"]): # in this case, CCL will internally normalize for us when we init # the linear power spectrum - so we just get close A_s_fid = 2.43e-9 * (cosmo["sigma8"] / 0.87659)**2 params["A_s"] = A_s_fid else: raise CCLError( "Could not normalize the linear power spectrum. " "A_s = %f, sigma8 = %f" % ( cosmo['A_s'], cosmo['sigma8'])) model = None try: model = classy.Class() model.set(params) model.compute() # Set k and a sampling from CCL parameters nk = lib.get_pk_spline_nk(cosmo.cosmo) na = lib.get_pk_spline_na(cosmo.cosmo) status = 0 a_arr, status = lib.get_pk_spline_a(cosmo.cosmo, na, status) check(status, cosmo=cosmo) # FIXME - getting the lowest CLASS k value from the python interface # appears to be broken - setting to 1e-5 which is close to the # old value lk_arr = np.log(np.logspace( -5, np.log10(cosmo.cosmo.spline_params.K_MAX_SPLINE), nk)) # we need to cut this to the max value used for calling CLASS msk = lk_arr < np.log(cosmo.cosmo.spline_params.K_MAX_SPLINE) nk = int(np.sum(msk)) lk_arr = lk_arr[msk] # now do interp by hand ln_p_k_and_z = np.zeros((na, nk), dtype=np.float64) for aind in range(na): z = max(1.0 / a_arr[aind] - 1, 1e-10) for kind in range(nk): ln_p_k_and_z[aind, kind] = np.log( model.pk_lin(np.exp(lk_arr[kind]), z)) finally: if model is not None: model.struct_cleanup() model.empty() params["P_k_max_1/Mpc"] = cosmo.cosmo.spline_params.K_MAX_SPLINE # make the Pk2D object pk_lin = Pk2D( a_arr=a_arr, lk_arr=lk_arr, pk_arr=ln_p_k_and_z, is_logp=True, extrap_order_lok=1, extrap_order_hik=2) return pk_lin