Source code for pyccl.correlations

__all__ = ("CorrelationMethods", "CorrelationTypes", "correlation",
           "correlation_3d", "correlation_multipole", "correlation_3dRsd",
           "correlation_3dRsd_avgmu", "correlation_pi_sigma",)

from enum import Enum
import numpy as np
from . import DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM, check, lib

[docs]class CorrelationMethods(Enum): """Choices of algorithms used to compute correlation functions: - 'Bessel' is a direct integration using Bessel functions. - 'FFTLog' is fast using a fast Fourier transform. - 'Legendre' uses a sum over Legendre polynomials. """ FFTLOG = "fftlog" BESSEL = "bessel" LEGENDRE = "legendre"
[docs]class CorrelationTypes(Enum): """Correlation function types. """ NN = "NN" NG = "NG" GG_PLUS = "GG+" GG_MINUS = "GG-"
correlation_methods = { 'fftlog': lib.CCL_CORR_FFTLOG, 'bessel': lib.CCL_CORR_BESSEL, 'legendre': lib.CCL_CORR_LGNDRE, } correlation_types = { 'NN': lib.CCL_CORR_GG, 'NG': lib.CCL_CORR_GL, 'GG+': lib.CCL_CORR_LP, 'GG-': lib.CCL_CORR_LM, }
[docs]def correlation(cosmo, *, ell, C_ell, theta, type='NN', method='fftlog'): r"""Compute the angular correlation function. .. math:: \xi^{ab}_\pm(\theta) = \sum_\ell\frac{2\ell+1}{4\pi}\,(\pm1)^{s_b}\, C^{ab\pm}_\ell\,d^\ell_{s_a,\pm s_b}(\theta) where :math:`\theta` is the angle between the two fields :math:`a` and :math:`b` with spins :math:`s_a` and :math:`s_b` after alignement of their tangential coordinate. :math:`d^\ell_{mm'}` are the Wigner-d matrices and we have defined the power spectra .. math:: C^{ab\pm}_\ell \equiv (C^{a_Eb_E}_\ell \pm C^{a_Bb_B}_\ell)+i (C^{a_Bb_E}_\ell \mp C^{a_Eb_B}_\ell), which reduces to the :math:`EE` power spectrum when all :math:`B`-modes are 0. The different spin combinations are: * :math:`s_a=s_b=0` e.g. galaxy-galaxy, galaxy-:math:`\kappa` and :math:`\kappa`-:math:`\kappa` * :math:`s_a=2`, :math:`s_b=0` e.g. galaxy-shear, and :math:`\kappa`-shear * :math:`s_a=s_b=2` e.g. shear-shear. .. note:: For scales smaller than :math:`\sim 0.1^{\circ}`, the input power spectrum should be sampled to sufficienly high :math:`\ell` to ensure the Hankel transform is well-behaved. The following spline parameters, related to ``FFTLog``-sampling may also be modified for accuracy: * ``ccl.spline_params.ELL_MIN_CORR`` * ``ccl.spline_params.ELL_MAX_CORR`` * ``ccl.spline_params.N_ELL_CORR``. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): A Cosmology object. ell (array): Multipoles corresponding to the input angular power spectrum. C_ell (array): Input angular power spectrum. theta (:obj:`float` or `array`): Angular separation(s) at which to calculate the angular correlation function (in degrees). type (:obj:`str`): Type of correlation function. Choices: ``'NN'`` (0x0), ``'NG'`` (0x2), ``'GG+'`` (2x2, :math:`\xi_+`), ``'GG-'`` (2x2, :math:`\xi_-`), where numbers refer to the spins of the two quantities being cross-correlated (see Section 2.4.2 of the CCL paper). The naming system roughly follows the nomenclature used in `TreeCorr <>`_. method (:obj:`str`): Method to compute the correlation function. Choices: ``'Bessel'`` (direct integration over Bessel function), ``'FFTLog'`` (fast integration with FFTLog), ``'Legendre'`` (brute-force sum over Legendre polynomials). Returns: (:obj:`float` or `array`): Value(s) of the correlation function at the input angular separations. """ # noqa cosmo_in = cosmo cosmo = cosmo.cosmo status = 0 method = method.lower() if type not in correlation_types: raise ValueError(f"Invalid correlation type {type}.") if method not in correlation_methods.keys(): raise ValueError(f"Invalid correlation method {method}.") # Convert scalar input into an array if scalar := isinstance(theta, (int, float)): theta = np.array([theta, ]) if np.all(np.array(C_ell) == 0): # short-cut and also avoid integration errors wth = np.zeros_like(theta) else: # Call correlation function wth, status = lib.correlation_vec(cosmo, ell, C_ell, theta, correlation_types[type], correlation_methods[method], len(theta), status) check(status, cosmo_in) if scalar: return wth[0] return wth
[docs]def correlation_3d(cosmo, *, r, a, p_of_k_a=DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM): r"""Compute the 3D correlation function: .. math:: \xi(r)\equiv\frac{1}{2\pi^2}\int dk\,k^2\,P(k)\,j_0(kr). Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): A Cosmology object. r (:obj:`float` or `array`): distance(s) at which to calculate the 3D correlation function (in Mpc). a (:obj:`float`): scale factor. p_of_k_a (:class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D`, :obj:`str` or :obj:`None`): 3D Power spectrum to integrate. If a string, it must correspond to one of the non-linear power spectra stored in `cosmo` (e.g. `'delta_matter:delta_matter'`). Returns: Value(s) of the correlation function at the input distance(s). """ # noqa cosmo.compute_nonlin_power() cosmo_in = cosmo cosmo = cosmo.cosmo psp = cosmo_in.parse_pk2d(p_of_k_a) status = 0 # Convert scalar input into an array if scalar := isinstance(r, (int, float)): r = np.array([r, ]) # Call 3D correlation function xi, status = lib.correlation_3d_vec(cosmo, psp, a, r, len(r), status) check(status, cosmo_in) if scalar: return xi[0] return xi
[docs]def correlation_multipole(cosmo, *, r, a, beta, ell, p_of_k_a=DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM): r"""Compute the correlation function multipoles: .. math:: \xi_\ell(r)\equiv\frac{i^\ell}{2\pi^2}\int dk\,k^2\,P(k)\,j_\ell(kr). Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): A Cosmology object. r (:obj:`float` or `array`): distance(s) at which to calculate the 3D correlation function (in Mpc). a (:obj:`float`): scale factor. beta (:obj:`float`): growth rate divided by galaxy bias. ell (:obj:`int`) : the desired multipole p_of_k_a (:class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D`, :obj:`str` or :obj:`None`): 3D Power spectrum to integrate. If a string, it must correspond to one of the non-linear power spectra stored in `cosmo` (e.g. `'delta_matter:delta_matter'`). Returns: Value(s) of the correlation function at the input distance(s). """ # noqa cosmo.compute_nonlin_power() cosmo_in = cosmo cosmo = cosmo.cosmo psp = cosmo_in.parse_pk2d(p_of_k_a) status = 0 # Convert scalar input into an array if scalar := isinstance(r, (int, float)): r = np.array([r, ]) # Call 3D correlation function xis, status = lib.correlation_multipole_vec(cosmo, psp, a, beta, ell, r, len(r), status) check(status, cosmo_in) if scalar: return xis[0] return xis
[docs]def correlation_3dRsd(cosmo, *, r, a, mu, beta, p_of_k_a=DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM, use_spline=True): r""" Compute the 3D correlation function with linear RSDs using multipoles: .. math:: \xi(r,\mu) = \sum_{\ell\in\{0,2,4\}}\xi_\ell(r)\,P_\ell(\mu) where :math:`P_\ell(\mu)` are the Legendre polynomials, and :math:`\xi_\ell(r)` are the correlation function multipoles. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): A Cosmology object. r (:obj:`float` or `array`): distance(s) at which to calculate the 3D correlation function (in Mpc). a (:obj:`float`): scale factor. mu (:obj:`float`): cosine of the angle at which to calculate the 3D correlation function. beta (:obj:`float`): growth rate divided by galaxy bias. p_of_k_a (:class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D`, :obj:`str` or :obj:`None`): 3D Power spectrum to integrate. If a string, it must correspond to one of the non-linear power spectra stored in `cosmo` (e.g. `'delta_matter:delta_matter'`). use_spline (:obj:`bool`): switch that determines whether the RSD correlation function is calculated using global splines of multipoles. Returns: Value(s) of the correlation function at the input distance(s) & angle. """ # noqa cosmo.compute_nonlin_power() cosmo_in = cosmo cosmo = cosmo.cosmo psp = cosmo_in.parse_pk2d(p_of_k_a) status = 0 # Convert scalar input into an array if scalar := isinstance(r, (int, float)): r = np.array([r, ]) # Call 3D correlation function xis, status = lib.correlation_3dRsd_vec(cosmo, psp, a, mu, beta, r, len(r), int(use_spline), status) check(status, cosmo_in) if scalar: return xis[0] return xis
[docs]def correlation_3dRsd_avgmu(cosmo, *, r, a, beta, p_of_k_a=DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM): """ Compute the 3D correlation function averaged over angles with RSDs. Equivalent to calling :func:`correlation_multipole` with ``ell=0``. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): A Cosmology object. r (:obj:`float` or `array`): distance(s) at which to calculate the 3D correlation function (in Mpc). a (:obj:`float`): scale factor. beta (:obj:`float`): growth rate divided by galaxy bias. p_of_k_a (:class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D`, :obj:`str` or :obj:`None`): 3D Power spectrum to integrate. If a string, it must correspond to one of the non-linear power spectra stored in `cosmo` (e.g. `'delta_matter:delta_matter'`). Returns: Value(s) of the correlation function at the input distance(s) & angle. """ # noqa cosmo.compute_nonlin_power() cosmo_in = cosmo cosmo = cosmo.cosmo psp = cosmo_in.parse_pk2d(p_of_k_a) status = 0 # Convert scalar input into an array if scalar := isinstance(r, (int, float)): r = np.array([r, ]) # Call 3D correlation function xis, status = lib.correlation_3dRsd_avgmu_vec(cosmo, psp, a, beta, r, len(r), status) check(status, cosmo_in) if scalar: return xis[0] return xis
[docs]def correlation_pi_sigma(cosmo, *, pi, sigma, a, beta, use_spline=True, p_of_k_a=DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM): r""" Compute the 3D correlation in :math:`(\pi,\sigma)` space. This is just .. math:: \xi(\pi,\sigma) = \xi(r=\sqrt{\pi^2+\sigma^2},\mu=\pi/r). Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): A Cosmology object. pi (:obj:`float`): distance times cosine of the angle (in Mpc). sigma (:obj:`float` or `array`): distance(s) times sine of the angle (in Mpc). a (:obj:`float`): scale factor. beta (:obj:`float`): growth rate divided by galaxy bias. p_of_k_a (:class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D`, :obj:`str` or :obj:`None`): 3D Power spectrum to integrate. If a string, it must correspond to one of the non-linear power spectra stored in `cosmo` (e.g. `'delta_matter:delta_matter'`). use_spline (:obj:`bool`): switch that determines whether the RSD correlation function is calculated using global splines of multipoles. Returns: Value(s) of the correlation function at the input pi and sigma. """ # noqa cosmo.compute_nonlin_power() cosmo_in = cosmo cosmo = cosmo.cosmo psp = cosmo_in.parse_pk2d(p_of_k_a) status = 0 # Convert scalar input into an array if scalar := isinstance(sigma, (int, float)): sigma = np.array([sigma, ]) # Call 3D correlation function xis, status = lib.correlation_pi_sigma_vec(cosmo, psp, a, beta, pi, sigma, len(sigma), int(use_spline), status) check(status, cosmo_in) if scalar: return xis[0] return xis