Source code for pyccl.cosmology

"""The core functionality of CCL, including the core data types lives in this
module. Its focus is the :class:`Cosmology` class, which plays a central role,
carrying the information on cosmological parameters and derived quantities
needed in most of the calculations carried out by CCL.

.. note::
    All of the standalone functions in other modules, which take `cosmo` as
    their first argument, are methods of :class:`~Cosmology`.

Some important CCL parameters, governing for example the precision and speed
of some calculations, are independent of the :class:`~Cosmology` objects,
and instead can be accessed at a global level. You can do so as e.g.
``pyccl.gsl_params['ODE_GROWTH_EPSREL']``, ``pyccl.spline_params['K_MIN']``,
``pyccl.physical_constants['CLIGHT']``, or
``pyccl.gsl_params.ODE_GROWTH_EPSREL``, ``pyccl.spline_params.K_MIN``,
__all__ = ("TransferFunctions", "MatterPowerSpectra",
           "Cosmology", "CosmologyVanillaLCDM", "CosmologyCalculator",)

import yaml
from enum import Enum
from inspect import getmembers, isfunction, signature
from numbers import Real
from typing import Iterable
from dataclasses import dataclass
from scipy.interpolate import Akima1DInterpolator

import numpy as np

from . import (
    CCLError, CCLObject, CCLParameters, CosmologyParams,
    DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM, DefaultParams, Pk2D, check, lib,
    unlock_instance, emulators, baryons, modified_gravity)
from . import physical_constants as const

[docs]class TransferFunctions(Enum): BBKS = "bbks" EISENSTEIN_HU = "eisenstein_hu" EISENSTEIN_HU_NOWIGGLES = "eisenstein_hu_nowiggles" BOLTZMANN_CLASS = "boltzmann_class" BOLTZMANN_CAMB = "boltzmann_camb" BOLTZMANN_ISITGR = "boltzmann_isitgr" CALCULATOR = "calculator" EMULATOR_LINPK = "emulator"
[docs]class MatterPowerSpectra(Enum): LINEAR = "linear" HALOFIT = "halofit" CAMB = "camb" CALCULATOR = "calculator" EMULATOR_NLPK = "emulator"
# Configuration types transfer_function_types = { 'eisenstein_hu': lib.eisenstein_hu, 'eisenstein_hu_nowiggles': lib.eisenstein_hu_nowiggles, 'bbks': lib.bbks, 'boltzmann_class': lib.boltzmann_class, 'boltzmann_camb': lib.boltzmann_camb, 'boltzmann_isitgr': lib.boltzmann_isitgr, 'calculator': lib.pklin_from_input, 'emulator': lib.emulator_linpk } matter_power_spectrum_types = { 'halo_model': lib.halo_model, 'halofit': lib.halofit, 'linear': lib.linear, 'calculator': lib.pknl_from_input, 'camb': lib.pknl_from_boltzman, 'emulator': lib.emulator_nlpk } _TOP_LEVEL_MODULES = ("",) def _make_methods(cls=None, *, modules=_TOP_LEVEL_MODULES, name=None): """Assign all functions in ``modules`` which take ``name`` as their first argument as methods of the class ``cls``. """ import functools from importlib import import_module if cls is None: # called with parentheses return functools.partial(_make_methods, modules=modules) pkg = __name__.rsplit(".")[0] modules = [import_module(f".{module}", pkg) for module in modules] funcs = [getmembers(module, isfunction) for module in modules] funcs = [func for sublist in funcs for func in sublist] for name, func in funcs: pars = signature(func).parameters if pars and list(pars)[0] == "cosmo": setattr(cls, name, func) return cls @dataclass class _CosmologyBackgroundData: """ This private class stores values calculated in the python level as we are porting background calculators from C to python. """ lookback: Akima1DInterpolator = None age0: float = None
[docs]@_make_methods(modules=("", "halos", "nl_pt",), name="cosmo") class Cosmology(CCLObject): """Stores information about cosmological parameters and associated data (e.g. distances, power spectra). The values of cosmological parameters may be looked up by name (e.g. ``cosmo["sigma8"]``). Note that some of the parameters accessible this way are not contained in the signature of :class:`~Cosmology`, but are derived during initialization. .. note:: Although some arguments default to `None`, they will raise a ValueError inside this function if not specified, so they are not optional. .. note:: The parameter ``Omega_g`` can be used to set the radiation density (not including relativistic neutrinos) to zero. Doing this will give you a model that is physically inconsistent since the temperature of the CMB will still be non-zero. Args: Omega_c (:obj:`float`): Cold dark matter density fraction. Omega_b (:obj:`float`): Baryonic matter density fraction. h (:obj:`float`): Hubble constant divided by 100 km/s/Mpc; unitless. A_s (:obj:`float`): Power spectrum normalization. Exactly one of A_s and sigma_8 is required. sigma8 (:obj:`float`): Variance of matter density perturbations at an 8 Mpc/h scale. Exactly one of A_s and sigma_8 is required. Note that, if a value of `sigma8` is passed, CCL will enforce the linear matter power spectrum to be correctly normalised to this value of :math:`\\sigma_8`, even in the presence of other parameters (e.g. modified gravity parameters) that might affect the overall power spectrum normalization. n_s (:obj:`float`): Primordial scalar perturbation spectral index. Omega_k (:obj:`float`): Curvature density fraction. Defaults to 0. Omega_g (:obj:`float`): Density in relativistic species except massless neutrinos. The default of `None` corresponds to setting this from the CMB temperature. Note that if a non-`None` value is given, this may result in a physically inconsistent model because the CMB temperature will still be non-zero in the parameters. Neff (:obj:`float`): Effective number of massless neutrinos present. Defaults to 3.044. m_nu (:obj:`float` or `array`): Mass in eV of the massive neutrinos present. Defaults to 0. If a sequence is passed, it is assumed that the elements of the sequence represent the individual neutrino masses. mass_split (:obj:`str`): Type of massive neutrinos. Should be one of 'single', 'equal', 'normal', 'inverted'. 'single' treats the mass as being held by one massive neutrino. The other options split the mass into 3 massive neutrinos. Ignored if a sequence is passed in ``m_nu``. Default is 'normal'. w0 (:obj:`float`): First order term of dark energy equation of state. Defaults to -1. wa (:obj:`float`): Second order term of dark energy equation of state. Defaults to 0. T_CMB (:obj:`float`): The CMB temperature today. The default value is 2.7255. T_ncdm (:obj:`float`): Non-CDM temperature in units of photon temperature. The default is 0.71611. transfer_function (:obj:`str` or :class:`~pyccl.emulators.emu_base.EmulatorPk`): The transfer function to use. Defaults to 'boltzmann_camb'. matter_power_spectrum (:obj:`str` or :class:`~pyccl.emulators.emu_base.EmulatorPk`): The matter power spectrum to use. Defaults to 'halofit'. baryonic_effects (:class:`~pyccl.baryons.baryons_base.Baryons` or :obj:`None`): The baryonic effects model to use. Options are `None` (no baryonic effects), or a :class:`~pyccl.baryons.baryons_base.Baryons` object. mg_parametrization (:class:`~pyccl.modified_gravity.modified_gravity_base.ModifiedGravity` or `None`): The modified gravity parametrization to use. Options are `None` (no MG), or a :class:`~pyccl.modified_gravity.modified_gravity_base.ModifiedGravity` object. Currently, only :class:`~pyccl.modified_gravity.mu_Sigma.MuSigmaMG` is supported. extra_parameters (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary holding extra parameters. Currently supports extra parameters for CAMB. Details described below. Defaults to None. Currently supported extra parameters for CAMB are: * `halofit_version` * `HMCode_A_baryon` * `HMCode_eta_baryon` * `HMCode_logT_AGN` * `kmax` * `lmax` * `dark_energy_model` Consult the CAMB documentation for their usage. These parameters are passed in a :obj:`dict` to `extra_parameters` as:: extra_parameters = {"camb": {"halofit_version": "mead2020_feedback", "HMCode_logT_AGN": 7.8}} .. note :: If using camb to compute the non-linear power spectrum with HMCode to include baryonic effects, you should not include any extra baryonic effects (i.e. set `baryonic_effects=None`). """ # noqa from ._core.repr_ import build_string_Cosmology as __repr__ __eq_attrs__ = ("_params_init_kwargs", "_config_init_kwargs", "_accuracy_params", "lin_pk_emu", 'nl_pk_emu', "baryons", "mg_parametrization") def __init__( self, *, Omega_c=None, Omega_b=None, h=None, n_s=None, sigma8=None, A_s=None, Omega_k=0., Omega_g=None, Neff=None, m_nu=0., mass_split='normal', w0=-1., wa=0., T_CMB=DefaultParams.T_CMB, T_ncdm=DefaultParams.T_ncdm, transfer_function='boltzmann_camb', matter_power_spectrum='halofit', baryonic_effects=None, mg_parametrization=None, extra_parameters=None): if Neff is None: Neff = 3.044 extra_parameters = extra_parameters or {} # initialise linear Pk emulators if needed self.lin_pk_emu = None if isinstance(transfer_function, emulators.EmulatorPk): self.lin_pk_emu = transfer_function transfer_function = 'emulator' # initialise nonlinear Pk emulators if needed self.nl_pk_emu = None if isinstance(matter_power_spectrum, emulators.EmulatorPk): self.nl_pk_emu = matter_power_spectrum matter_power_spectrum = 'emulator' self.baryons = baryonic_effects if not isinstance(self.baryons, baryons.Baryons): if self.baryons is not None: raise ValueError("`baryonic_effects` must be `None` " "or a `Baryons` instance.") self.mg_parametrization = mg_parametrization if self.mg_parametrization is not None and not isinstance( self.mg_parametrization, modified_gravity.ModifiedGravity): raise ValueError("`mg_parametrization` must be `None` " "or a `ModifiedGravity` instance.") if self.mg_parametrization is None: # Internally, CCL still relies exclusively on the mu-Sigma # parametrization, so we fill that in for now unless something # else is provided. self.mg_parametrization = modified_gravity.MuSigmaMG() if not isinstance( self.mg_parametrization, modified_gravity.MuSigmaMG): raise NotImplementedError("`mg_parametrization` only supports the " "mu-Sigma parametrization at this point") # going to save these for later self._params_init_kwargs = dict( Omega_c=Omega_c, Omega_b=Omega_b, h=h, n_s=n_s, sigma8=sigma8, A_s=A_s, Omega_k=Omega_k, Omega_g=Omega_g, Neff=Neff, m_nu=m_nu, mass_split=mass_split, w0=w0, wa=wa, T_CMB=T_CMB, T_ncdm=T_ncdm, extra_parameters=extra_parameters) self._config_init_kwargs = dict( transfer_function=transfer_function, matter_power_spectrum=matter_power_spectrum, extra_parameters=extra_parameters) self._build_cosmo() self._pk_lin = {} self._pk_nl = {} def _build_cosmo(self): """Assemble all of the input data into a valid ccl_cosmology object.""" # We have to make all of the C stuff that goes into a cosmology # and then we make the cosmology. self._build_parameters(**self._params_init_kwargs) self._build_config(**self._config_init_kwargs) self.cosmo = lib.cosmology_create(self._params, self._config) = _CosmologyBackgroundData() self._spline_params = CCLParameters.get_params_dict("spline_params") self._gsl_params = CCLParameters.get_params_dict("gsl_params") self._accuracy_params = {**self._spline_params, **self._gsl_params} if self.cosmo.status != 0: raise CCLError(f"{self.cosmo.status}: {self.cosmo.status_message}")
[docs] def write_yaml(self, filename, *, sort_keys=False): """Write a YAML representation of the parameters to file. Args: filename (:obj:`str`): file name, file pointer, or stream to write parameters to. """ def make_yaml_friendly(d): # serialize numpy types and dicts for k, v in d.items(): if isinstance(v, int): d[k] = int(v) elif isinstance(v, float): d[k] = float(v) elif isinstance(v, dict): make_yaml_friendly(v) params = {**self._params_init_kwargs, **self._config_init_kwargs} make_yaml_friendly(params) if isinstance(filename, str): with open(filename, "w") as fp: return yaml.dump(params, fp, sort_keys=sort_keys) return yaml.dump(params, filename, sort_keys=sort_keys)
[docs] @classmethod def read_yaml(cls, filename, **kwargs): """Read the parameters from a YAML file. Args: filename (:obj:`str`): file name, file pointer, or stream to read parameters from. **kwargs (:obj:`dict`): additional keywords that supersede file contents """ loader = yaml.Loader if isinstance(filename, str): with open(filename, 'r') as fp: return cls(**{**yaml.load(fp, Loader=loader), **kwargs}) return cls(**{**yaml.load(filename, Loader=loader), **kwargs})
def _build_config( self, transfer_function=None, matter_power_spectrum=None, extra_parameters=None): """Build a ccl_configuration struct. This function builds C ccl_configuration struct. This structure controls which various approximations are used for the transfer function, matter power spectrum, and baryonic effect in the matter power spectrum. It also does some error checking on the inputs to make sure they are valid and physically consistent. """ if (matter_power_spectrum == "camb" and transfer_function != "boltzmann_camb"): raise CCLError( "To compute the non-linear matter power spectrum with CAMB " "the transfer function should be 'boltzmann_camb'.") config = lib.configuration() tf = transfer_function_types[transfer_function] config.transfer_function_method = tf mps = matter_power_spectrum_types[matter_power_spectrum] config.matter_power_spectrum_method = mps # Store ccl_configuration for later access self._config = config def _build_parameters( self, Omega_c=None, Omega_b=None, h=None, n_s=None, sigma8=None, A_s=None, Omega_k=None, Neff=None, m_nu=None, mass_split=None, w0=None, wa=None, T_CMB=None, T_ncdm=None, Omega_g=None, extra_parameters=None): """Build a ccl_parameters struct""" # Fill-in defaults (SWIG converts `numpy.nan` to `NAN`) A_s = np.nan if A_s is None else A_s sigma8 = np.nan if sigma8 is None else sigma8 Omega_g = np.nan if Omega_g is None else Omega_g # Check to make sure Omega_k is within reasonable bounds. if Omega_k < -1.0135: raise ValueError("Omega_k must be more than -1.0135.") # Check to make sure specified amplitude parameter is consistent. if [A_s, sigma8].count(np.nan) != 1: raise ValueError("Set either A_s or sigma8 but not both.") # Check if any compulsory parameters are not set. compul = {"Omega_c": Omega_c, "Omega_b": Omega_b, "h": h, "n_s": n_s} for param, value in compul.items(): if value is None: raise ValueError(f"Must set parameter {param}.") # Make sure the neutrino parameters are consistent. if not isinstance(m_nu, (Real, Iterable)): raise ValueError("m_nu must be float or sequence") c = const # Initialize curvature. k_sign = -np.sign(Omega_k) if np.abs(Omega_k) > 1e-6 else 0 sqrtk = np.sqrt(np.abs(Omega_k)) * h / c.CLIGHT_HMPC # Initialize radiation. rho_g = 4 * c.STBOLTZ / c.CLIGHT**3 * T_CMB**4 rho_crit = c.RHO_CRITICAL * c.SOLAR_MASS / c.MPC_TO_METER**3 * h**2 # Initialize neutrinos. g = (4/11)**(1/3) T_nu = g * T_CMB massless_limit = T_nu * c.KBOLTZ / c.EV_IN_J from .neutrinos import nu_masses mnu_list = nu_masses(m_nu=m_nu, mass_split=mass_split) nu_mass = mnu_list[mnu_list > massless_limit] N_nu_mass = len(nu_mass) N_nu_rel = Neff - N_nu_mass * (T_ncdm/g)**4 rho_nu_rel = N_nu_rel * (7/8) * 4 * c.STBOLTZ / c.CLIGHT**3 * T_nu**4 Omega_nu_rel = rho_nu_rel / rho_crit Omega_nu_mass = self._OmNuh2(nu_mass, N_nu_mass, T_CMB, T_ncdm) / h**2 if N_nu_rel < 0: raise ValueError("Unphysical Neff and m_nu combination results to " "negative number of relativistic neutrinos.") # Initialize matter & dark energy. Omega_m = Omega_b + Omega_c + Omega_nu_mass Omega_l = 1 - Omega_m - rho_g/rho_crit - Omega_nu_rel - Omega_k if np.isnan(Omega_g): # No value passed for Omega_g Omega_g = rho_g/rho_crit else: # Omega_g was passed - modify Omega_l Omega_l += rho_g/rho_crit - Omega_g # Take the mu-Sigma parameters from the modified_gravity container # object. This is the only supported MG parametrization at this time. assert isinstance(self.mg_parametrization, modified_gravity.MuSigmaMG) mu_0 = self.mg_parametrization.mu_0 sigma_0 = self.mg_parametrization.sigma_0 c1_mg = self.mg_parametrization.c1_mg c2_mg = self.mg_parametrization.c2_mg lambda_mg = self.mg_parametrization.lambda_mg self._fill_params( m_nu=nu_mass, sum_nu_masses=sum(nu_mass), N_nu_mass=N_nu_mass, N_nu_rel=N_nu_rel, Neff=Neff, Omega_nu_mass=Omega_nu_mass, Omega_nu_rel=Omega_nu_rel, Omega_m=Omega_m, Omega_c=Omega_c, Omega_b=Omega_b, Omega_k=Omega_k, sqrtk=sqrtk, k_sign=int(k_sign), T_CMB=T_CMB, T_ncdm=T_ncdm, Omega_g=Omega_g, w0=w0, wa=wa, Omega_l=Omega_l, h=h, H0=h*100, A_s=A_s, sigma8=sigma8, n_s=n_s, mu_0=mu_0, sigma_0=sigma_0, c1_mg=c1_mg, c2_mg=c2_mg, lambda_mg=lambda_mg) def _OmNuh2(self, m_nu, N_nu_mass, T_CMB, T_ncdm): # Compute OmNuh2 today. ret, st = lib.Omeganuh2_vec(N_nu_mass, T_CMB, T_ncdm, [1], m_nu, 1, 0) check(st) return ret[0] def _fill_params(self, **kwargs): if not hasattr(self, "_params"): self._params = CosmologyParams() [setattr(self._params, par, val) for par, val in kwargs.items()] def __getitem__(self, key): if key == 'extra_parameters': return self._params_init_kwargs["extra_parameters"] return getattr(self._params, key) def __del__(self): """Free the C memory this object is managing as it is being garbage collected (hopefully).""" if hasattr(self, "cosmo"): lib.cosmology_free(self.cosmo) delattr(self, "cosmo") if hasattr(self, "_params"): lib.parameters_free(self._params) delattr(self, "_params") def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): """Free the C memory this object is managing when the context manager exits.""" self.__del__() def __getstate__(self): # we are removing any C data before pickling so that the # is pure python when pickled. state = self.__dict__.copy() state.pop('cosmo', None) state.pop('_params', None) state.pop('_config', None) return state def __setstate__(self, state): # This will create a new `Cosmology` object so we create another lock. state["_object_lock"] = type(state.pop("_object_lock"))() self.__dict__ = state # we removed the C data when it was pickled, so now we unpickle # and rebuild the C data self._build_cosmo() self._object_lock.lock() # Lock on exit.
[docs] def compute_growth(self): """Compute the growth function.""" if self.has_growth: return status = 0 status = lib.cosmology_compute_growth(self.cosmo, status) check(status, self)
def _compute_linear_power(self): """Return the linear power spectrum.""" self.compute_growth() # Populate power spectrum splines trf = self._config_init_kwargs['transfer_function'] pk = None rescale_s8 = True rescale_mg = True if trf == "boltzmann_camb": rescale_s8 = False # For MG, the input sigma8 includes the effects of MG, while the # sigma8 that CAMB uses is the GR definition. So we need to rescale # sigma8 afterwards. if self.mg_parametrization.mu_0 != 0: rescale_s8 = True elif trf == 'boltzmann_class': pk = self.get_class_pk_lin() elif trf == 'boltzmann_isitgr': rescale_mg = False pk = self.get_isitgr_pk_lin() elif trf in ['bbks', 'eisenstein_hu', 'eisenstein_hu_nowiggles']: rescale_s8 = False rescale_mg = False pk = Pk2D.from_model(self, model=trf) elif trf == 'emulator': rescale_s8 = False pk = self.lin_pk_emu.get_pk2d(self) # Compute the CAMB nonlin power spectrum if needed, # to avoid repeating the code in `compute_nonlin_power`. # Because CAMB power spectra come in pairs with pkl always computed, # we set the nonlin power spectrum first, but keep the linear via a # status variable to use it later if the transfer function is CAMB too. pkl = None if self._config_init_kwargs["matter_power_spectrum"] == "camb": rescale_mg = False if self.mg_parametrization.mu_0 != 0: raise ValueError("Can't rescale non-linear power spectrum " "from CAMB for mu-Sigma MG.") name = "delta_matter:delta_matter" pkl, self._pk_nl[name] = self.get_camb_pk_lin(nonlin=True) if trf == "boltzmann_camb": pk = pkl if pkl is not None else self.get_camb_pk_lin() # Rescale by sigma8/mu-sigma if needed if pk: status = 0 status = lib.rescale_linpower(self.cosmo, pk.psp, int(rescale_mg), int(rescale_s8), status) check(status, self) return pk
[docs] @unlock_instance(mutate=False) def compute_linear_power(self): """Compute the linear power spectrum.""" if self.has_linear_power: return self._pk_lin[DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM] = self._compute_linear_power()
def _compute_nonlin_power(self): """Return the non-linear power spectrum.""" self.compute_distances() # Populate power spectrum splines mps = self._config_init_kwargs['matter_power_spectrum'] # needed for halofit, and linear options if (mps not in ['emulator']) and (mps is not None): self.compute_linear_power() if mps == "camb" and self.has_nonlin_power: # Already computed return self._pk_nl[DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM] if mps == 'halofit': pkl = self._pk_lin[DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM] pk = pkl.apply_halofit(self) elif mps == 'linear': pk = self._pk_lin[DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM] elif mps == 'emulator': pk = self.nl_pk_emu.get_pk2d(self) # Include baryonic effects if self.baryons is not None: pk = self.baryons.include_baryonic_effects(self, pk) return pk
[docs] @unlock_instance(mutate=False) def compute_nonlin_power(self): """Compute the non-linear power spectrum.""" if self.has_nonlin_power: return self._pk_nl[DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM] = self._compute_nonlin_power()
[docs] def compute_sigma(self): """Compute the sigma(M) spline.""" if self.has_sigma: return pk = self.get_linear_power() status = 0 status = lib.cosmology_compute_sigma(self.cosmo, pk.psp, status) check(status, self)
[docs] def get_linear_power(self, name=DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM): """Get the :class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D` object associated with the linear power spectrum with name ``name``. Args: name (:obj:`str` or :obj:`None`): name of the power spectrum to return. Returns: :class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D` object containing the linear power spectrum with name `name`. """ if name == DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM: self.compute_linear_power() pk = self._pk_lin.get(name) if pk is None: raise KeyError(f"Power spectrum {name} does not exist.") return pk
[docs] def get_nonlin_power(self, name=DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM): """Get the :class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D` object associated with the non-linear power spectrum with name ``name``. Args: name (:obj:`str` or :obj:`None`): name of the power spectrum to return. Returns: :class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D` object containing the non-linear power spectrum with name ``name``. """ if name == DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM: self.compute_nonlin_power() pk = self._pk_nl.get(name) if pk is None: raise KeyError(f"Power spectrum {name} does not exist.") return pk
@property def has_distances(self): """Checks if the distances have been precomputed.""" return bool(self.cosmo.computed_distances) @property def has_growth(self): """Checks if the growth function has been precomputed.""" return bool(self.cosmo.computed_growth) @property def has_linear_power(self): """Checks if the linear power spectra have been precomputed.""" return DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM in self._pk_lin @property def has_nonlin_power(self): """Checks if the non-linear power spectra have been precomputed.""" return DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM in self._pk_nl @property def has_sigma(self): """Checks if sigma(M) is precomputed.""" return bool(self.cosmo.computed_sigma)
[docs]def CosmologyVanillaLCDM(**kwargs): """A cosmology with typical flat Lambda-CDM parameters (`Omega_c=0.25`, `Omega_b = 0.05`, `Omega_k = 0`, `sigma8 = 0.81`, `n_s = 0.96`, `h = 0.67`, no massive neutrinos) for quick instantiation. Arguments: **kwargs (:obj:`dict`): a dictionary of parameters passed as arguments to the :class:`Cosmology` constructor. It should not contain any of the :math:`\\Lambda`-CDM parameters (`"Omega_c"`, `"Omega_b"`, `"n_s"`, `"sigma8"`, `"A_s"`, `"h"`), since these are fixed. """ p = {'Omega_c': 0.25, 'Omega_b': 0.05, 'h': 0.67, 'n_s': 0.96, 'sigma8': 0.81, 'A_s': None} if set(p).intersection(set(kwargs)): raise ValueError( f"You cannot change the ΛCDM parameters: {list(p.keys())}.") # TODO py39+: dictionary union operator `(p | kwargs)`. return Cosmology(**{**p, **kwargs})
[docs]class CosmologyCalculator(Cosmology): """A "calculator-mode" CCL :class:`~Cosmology` object. This allows users to build a cosmology from a set of arrays describing the background expansion, linear growth factor and linear and non-linear power spectra, which can then be used to compute more complex observables (e.g. angular power spectra or halo-model quantities). These are stored in ``background``, ``growth``, ``pk_linear`` and ``pk_nonlin``. .. note:: Although in principle these arrays should suffice to compute most observable quantities some calculations implemented in CCL (e.g. the halo mass function) requires knowledge of basic cosmological parameters such as :math:`\\Omega_M`. For this reason, users must pass a minimal set of :math:`\\Lambda`-CDM cosmological parameters. Args: Omega_c (:obj:`float`): Cold dark matter density fraction. Omega_b (:obj:`float`): Baryonic matter density fraction. h (:obj:`float`): Hubble constant divided by 100 km/s/Mpc; unitless. A_s (:obj:`float`): Power spectrum normalization. Exactly one of A_s and sigma_8 is required. sigma8 (:obj:`float`): Variance of matter density perturbations at an 8 Mpc/h scale. Exactly one of A_s and sigma_8 is required. n_s (:obj:`float`): Primordial scalar perturbation spectral index. Omega_k (:obj:`float`): Curvature density fraction. Defaults to 0. Omega_g (:obj:`float`): Density in relativistic species except massless neutrinos. The default of `None` corresponds to setting this from the CMB temperature. Note that if a non-`None` value is given, this may result in a physically inconsistent model because the CMB temperature will still be non-zero in the parameters. Neff (:obj:`float`): Effective number of massless neutrinos present. Defaults to 3.044. m_nu (:obj:`float` or `array`): Mass in eV of the massive neutrinos present. Defaults to 0. If a sequence is passed, it is assumed that the elements of the sequence represent the individual neutrino masses. mass_split (:obj:`str`): Type of massive neutrinos. Should be one of 'single', 'equal', 'normal', 'inverted'. 'single' treats the mass as being held by one massive neutrino. The other options split the mass into 3 massive neutrinos. Ignored if a sequence is passed in ``m_nu``. Default is 'normal'. w0 (:obj:`float`): First order term of dark energy equation of state. Defaults to -1. wa (:obj:`float`): Second order term of dark energy equation of state. Defaults to 0. T_CMB (:obj:`float`): The CMB temperature today. The default value is 2.7255. T_ncdm (:obj:`float`): Non-CDM temperature in units of photon temperature. The default is the same as in the base class mg_parametrization (:class:`~pyccl.modified_gravity.modified_gravity_base.ModifiedGravity` or `None`): The modified gravity parametrization to use. Options are `None` (no MG), or a :class:`~pyccl.modified_gravity.modified_gravity_base.ModifiedGravity` object. Currently, only :class:`~pyccl.modified_gravity.mu_Sigma.MuSigmaMG` is supported. background (:obj:`dict`): a dictionary describing the background expansion. It must contain three mandatory entries: ``'a'``: an array of monotonically ascending scale-factor values. ``'chi'``: an array containing the values of the comoving radial distance (in units of Mpc) at the scale factor values stored in ``a``. '``h_over_h0``': an array containing the Hubble expansion rate at the scale factor values stored in ``a``, divided by its value today (at ``a=1``). growth (:obj:`dict`): a dictionary describing the linear growth of matter fluctuations. It must contain three mandatory entries: ``'a'``: an array of monotonically ascending scale-factor values. ``'growth_factor'``: an array containing the values of the linear growth factor :math:`D(a)` at the scale factor values stored in ``a``. '``growth_rate``': an array containing the growth rate :math:`f(a)\\equiv d\\log D/d\\log a` at the scale factor values stored in ``a``. pk_linear (:obj:`dict`): a dictionary containing linear power spectra. It must contain the following mandatory entries: ``'a'``: an array of scale factor values. ``'k'``: an array of comoving wavenumbers in units of inverse Mpc. ``'delta_matter:delta_matter'``: a 2D array of shape ``(n_a, n_k)``, where ``n_a`` and ``n_k`` are the lengths of ``'a'`` and ``'k'`` respectively, containing the linear matter power spectrum :math:`P(k,a)`. This dictionary may also contain other entries with keys of the form ``'q1:q2'``, containing other cross-power spectra between quantities ``'q1'`` and ``'q2'``. pk_nonlin (:obj:`dict`): a dictionary containing non-linear power spectra. It must contain the following mandatory entries: ``'a'``: an array of scale factor values. ``'k'``: an array of comoving wavenumbers in units of inverse Mpc. If ``nonlinear_model`` is ``None``, it should also contain ``'delta_matter:delta_matter'``: a 2D array of shape ``(n_a, n_k)``, where ``n_a`` and ``n_k`` are the lengths of ``'a'`` and ``'k'`` respectively, containing the non-linear matter power spectrum :math:`P(k,a)`. This dictionary may also contain other entries with keys of the form ``'q1:q2'``, containing other cross-power spectra between quantities ``'q1'`` and ``'q2'``. nonlinear_model (:obj:`str`, :obj:`dict` or :obj:`None`): model to compute non-linear power spectra. If a string, the associated non-linear model will be applied to all entries in ``pk_linear`` which do not appear in ``pk_nonlin``. If a dictionary, it should contain entries of the form ``'q1:q2': model``, where ``model`` is a string designating the non-linear model to apply to the ``'q1:q2'`` power spectrum, which must also be present in ``pk_linear``. If ``model`` is ``None``, this non-linear power spectrum will not be calculated. If ``nonlinear_model`` is ``None``, no additional non-linear power spectra will be computed. The only non-linear model supported is ``'halofit'``, corresponding to the "HALOFIT" transformation of `Takahashi et al. 2012 <>`_. """ # noqa __eq_attrs__ = ("_params_init_kwargs", "_config_init_kwargs", "_accuracy_params", "_input_arrays",) def __init__( self, *, Omega_c=None, Omega_b=None, h=None, n_s=None, sigma8=None, A_s=None, Omega_k=0., Omega_g=None, Neff=None, m_nu=0., mass_split="normal", w0=-1., wa=0., T_CMB=DefaultParams.T_CMB, T_ncdm=DefaultParams.T_ncdm, mg_parametrization=None, background=None, growth=None, pk_linear=None, pk_nonlin=None, nonlinear_model=None): super().__init__( Omega_c=Omega_c, Omega_b=Omega_b, h=h, n_s=n_s, sigma8=sigma8, A_s=A_s, Omega_k=Omega_k, Omega_g=Omega_g, Neff=Neff, m_nu=m_nu, mass_split=mass_split, w0=w0, wa=wa, T_CMB=T_CMB, T_ncdm=T_ncdm, mg_parametrization=mg_parametrization, transfer_function="calculator", matter_power_spectrum="calculator") self._input_arrays = {"background": background, "growth": growth, "pk_linear": pk_linear, "pk_nonlin": pk_nonlin, "nonlinear_model": nonlinear_model} if background is not None: self._init_background(background) if growth is not None: self._init_growth(growth) if pk_linear is not None: self._init_pk_linear(pk_linear) if pk_nonlin is not None: self._init_pk_nonlinear(pk_nonlin, nonlinear_model) self._apply_nonlinear_model(nonlinear_model) def _check_scale_factor(self, a): if not (np.diff(a) > 0).all(): raise ValueError("Scale factor not monotonically increasing.") if np.abs(a[-1] - 1) > 1e-5: raise ValueError("Scale factor should end at 1.") def _check_input(self, a, arr1, arr2): self._check_scale_factor(a) if not a.shape == arr1.shape == arr2.shape: raise ValueError("Shape mismatch of input arrays.") def _check_label(self, name): if len(name.split(":")) != 2: raise ValueError(f"Could not parse power spectrum {name}. " "Label must be of the form 'q1:q2'.") def _init_background(self, background): a, chi, E = background["a"], background["chi"], background["h_over_h0"] self._check_input(a, chi, E) status = 0 status = lib.cosmology_distances_from_input(self.cosmo, a, chi, E, status) check(status, self) def _init_growth(self, growth): a, gz, fz = growth["a"], growth["growth_factor"], growth["growth_rate"] self._check_input(a, gz, fz) status = 0 status = lib.cosmology_growth_from_input(self.cosmo, a, gz, fz, status) check(status, self) def _init_pk_linear(self, pk_linear): a, lk = pk_linear["a"], np.log(pk_linear["k"]) self._check_scale_factor(a) self.compute_growth() # needed for high-z extrapolation na, nk = a.size, lk.size if DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM not in pk_linear: raise ValueError("pk_linear does not contain " f"{DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM}") pk_names = set(pk_linear.keys()) - set(["a", "k"]) for name in pk_names: self._check_label(name) pk = pk_linear[name] if pk.shape != (na, nk): raise ValueError("Power spectrum shape mismatch. " f"Expected {(na, nk)}. Received {pk.shape}.") # Spline in log-space if the P(k) is positive-definite use_log = (pk > 0).all() if use_log: pk = np.log(pk) self._pk_lin[name] = Pk2D(a_arr=a, lk_arr=lk, pk_arr=pk, is_logp=use_log) def _init_pk_nonlinear(self, pk_nonlin, nonlinear_model): a, lk = pk_nonlin["a"], np.log(pk_nonlin["k"]) self._check_scale_factor(a) na, nk = a.size, lk.size if DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM not in pk_nonlin and nonlinear_model is None: raise ValueError(f"{DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM} not specified in " "`pk_nonlin` and `nonlinear_model` is None") pk_names = set(pk_nonlin.keys()) - set(["a", "k"]) for name in pk_names: self._check_label(name) pk = pk_nonlin[name] if pk.shape != (na, nk): raise ValueError("Power spectrum shape mismatch. " f"Expected {(na, nk)}. Received {pk.shape}.") # Spline in log-space if the P(k) is positive-definite use_log = (pk > 0).all() if use_log: pk = np.log(pk) self._pk_nl[name] = Pk2D(a_arr=a, lk_arr=lk, pk_arr=pk, is_logp=use_log) def _apply_nonlinear_model(self, nonlin_model): if nonlin_model is None: return if not isinstance(nonlin_model, (str, dict)): raise ValueError("`nonlin_model` must be str, dict, or None.") if isinstance(nonlin_model, str) and not self.has_linear_power: raise ValueError("Linear power spectrum is empty.") if isinstance(nonlin_model, str): nonlin_model = {name: nonlin_model for name in self._pk_lin} for name, model in nonlin_model.items(): if name in self._pk_nl: continue if name not in self._pk_lin: raise KeyError(f"Linear power spectrum {name} does not exist.") if model not in [None, "halofit"]: raise KeyError(f"{model} is not a valid non-linear model.") if name == DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM and model is None: raise ValueError("The non-linear matter power spectrum must " "not be None.") if model == 'halofit': pkl = self._pk_lin[name] self._pk_nl[name] = pkl.apply_halofit(self)