Source code for pyccl.covariances

__all__ = ("angular_cl_cov_cNG", "sigma2_B_disc", "sigma2_B_from_mask",

import numpy as np

from . import DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM, check, lib
from .pyutils import _check_array_params, integ_types

[docs]def angular_cl_cov_cNG(cosmo, tracer1, tracer2, *, ell, t_of_kk_a, tracer3=None, tracer4=None, ell2=None, fsky=1., integration_method='qag_quad'): """Calculate the connected non-Gaussian covariance for a pair of angular power spectra :math:`C_{\\ell_1}^{ab}` and :math:`C_{\\ell_2}^{cd}`, between two pairs of tracers (:math:`(a,b)` and :math:`(c,d)`). Specifically, it computes: .. math:: {\\rm Cov}_{\\rm cNG}(\\ell_1,\\ell_2)=\\frac{1}{4\\pi f_{\\rm sky}} \\int \\frac{d\\chi}{\\chi^6} \\tilde{\\Delta}^a_{\\ell_1}(\\chi) \\tilde{\\Delta}^b_{\\ell_1}(\\chi) \\tilde{\\Delta}^c_{\\ell_2}(\\chi) \\tilde{\\Delta}^d_{\\ell_2}(\\chi)\\, \\bar{T}_{abcd}\\left[\\frac{\\ell_1+1/2}{\\chi}, \\frac{\\ell_2+1/2}{\\chi}, a(\\chi)\\right] where :math:`\\Delta^x_\\ell(\\chi)` is the transfer function for tracer :math:`x` (see Eq. 39 in the CCL note), and :math:`\\bar{T}_{abcd}(k_1,k_2,a)` is the isotropized connected trispectrum of the four tracers (see the documentation of the :class:`~pyccl.tk3d.Tk3D` class for details). Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): A Cosmology object. tracer1 (:class:`~pyccl.tracers.Tracer`): a Tracer object. tracer2 (:class:`~pyccl.tracers.Tracer`): a second Tracer object. ell (:obj:`float` or `array`): Angular wavenumber(s) at which to evaluate the first dimension of the angular power spectrum covariance. t_of_kk_a (:class:`~pyccl.tk3d.Tk3D`): 3D connected trispectrum. tracer3 (:class:`~pyccl.tracers.Tracer`): a Tracer object. If ``None``, ``tracer1`` will be used instead. tracer4 (:class:`~pyccl.tracers.Tracer`): a Tracer object. If ``None``, ``tracer2`` will be used instead. ell2 (:obj:`float` or `array`): Angular wavenumber(s) at which to evaluate the second dimension of the angular power spectrum covariance. If ``None``, ``ell`` will be used instead. fsky (:obj:`float`): sky fraction. integration_method (:obj:`str`) : integration method to be used for the Limber integrals. Possibilities: ``'qag_quad'`` (GSL's `qag` method backed up by `quad` when it fails) and ``'spline'`` (the integrand is splined and then integrated analytically). Returns: (:obj:`float` or `array`): 2D array containing the connected non-Gaussian \ Angular power spectrum covariance \ :math:`{\\rm Cov}_{\\rm cNG}(\\ell_1,\\ell_2)`, for the \ four input tracers, as a function of :math:`\\ell_1` and \ :math:`\\ell_2`. The ordering is such that \ ``out[i2, i1] = Cov(ell2[i2], ell[i1])``. """ # noqa if integration_method not in integ_types: raise ValueError(f"Unknown integration method {integration_method}.") # we need the distances for the integrals cosmo.compute_distances() # Access ccl_cosmology object cosmo_in = cosmo cosmo = cosmo.cosmo tsp = t_of_kk_a.tsp # Create tracer colections status = 0 clt1, status = lib.cl_tracer_collection_t_new(status) for t in tracer1._trc: status = lib.add_cl_tracer_to_collection(clt1, t, status) clt2, status = lib.cl_tracer_collection_t_new(status) for t in tracer2._trc: status = lib.add_cl_tracer_to_collection(clt2, t, status) if tracer3 is None: clt3 = clt1 else: clt3, status = lib.cl_tracer_collection_t_new(status) for t in tracer3._trc: status = lib.add_cl_tracer_to_collection(clt3, t, status) if tracer4 is None: clt4 = clt2 else: clt4, status = lib.cl_tracer_collection_t_new(status) for t in tracer4._trc: status = lib.add_cl_tracer_to_collection(clt4, t, status) ell1_use = np.atleast_1d(ell) if ell2 is None: ell2 = ell ell2_use = np.atleast_1d(ell2) cov, status = lib.angular_cov_vec( cosmo, clt1, clt2, clt3, clt4, tsp, ell1_use, ell2_use, integ_types[integration_method], 6, 1./(4*np.pi*fsky), ell1_use.size*ell2_use.size, status) cov = cov.reshape([ell2_use.size, ell1_use.size]) if np.ndim(ell2) == 0: cov = np.squeeze(cov, axis=0) if np.ndim(ell) == 0: cov = np.squeeze(cov, axis=-1) # Free up tracer collections lib.cl_tracer_collection_t_free(clt1) lib.cl_tracer_collection_t_free(clt2) if tracer3 is not None: lib.cl_tracer_collection_t_free(clt3) if tracer4 is not None: lib.cl_tracer_collection_t_free(clt4) check(status, cosmo=cosmo_in) return cov
[docs]def sigma2_B_disc(cosmo, a_arr=None, *, fsky=1., p_of_k_a=DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM): """Returns the variance of the projected linear density field over a circular disc covering a sky fraction `fsky` as a function of scale factor. This is given by .. math:: \\sigma^2_B(z) = \\int_0^\\infty \\frac{k\\,dk}{2\\pi} P_L(k,z)\\,\\left[\\frac{2J_1(k R(z))}{k R(z)}\\right]^2, where :math:`R(z)` is the corresponding radial aperture as a function of redshift. This quantity can be used to compute the super-sample covariance (see :func:`angular_cl_cov_SSC`). Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): a Cosmology object. a_arr (:obj:`float`, `array` or :obj:`None`): an array of scale factor values at which to evaluate the projected variance. If ``None``, a default sampling will be used. fsky (:obj:`float`): sky fraction. p_of_k_a (:class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D` or :obj:`str`): Linear power spectrum to use. Defaults to the internal linear power spectrum from ``cosmo``. Returns: Tuple containing - a_arr (`array`): an array of scale factor values at which the projected variance has been evaluated. Only returned if ``a_arr`` is ``None`` on input. - sigma2_B (:obj:`float` or `array`): projected variance. """ full_output = a_arr is None if full_output: a_arr = cosmo.get_pk_spline_a() else: ndim = np.ndim(a_arr) a_arr = np.atleast_1d(a_arr) chi_arr = cosmo.comoving_radial_distance(a_arr) R_arr = chi_arr * np.arccos(1-2*fsky) psp = cosmo.parse_pk2d(p_of_k_a, is_linear=True) status = 0 s2B_arr, status = lib.sigma2b_vec(cosmo.cosmo, a_arr, R_arr, psp, len(a_arr), status) check(status, cosmo=cosmo) if full_output: return a_arr, s2B_arr if ndim == 0: return s2B_arr[0] return s2B_arr
[docs]def sigma2_B_from_mask(cosmo, a_arr=None, *, mask_wl=None, p_of_k_a=DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM): """ Returns the variance of the projected linear density field, given the angular power spectrum of the footprint mask and scale factor. This is given by .. math:: \\sigma^2_B(z) = \\frac{1}{\\chi^2(z)}\\sum_\\ell P_L\\left(\\frac{\\ell+\\frac{1}{2}}{\\chi(z)},z\\right)\\, \\sum_{m=-\\ell}^\\ell W^A_{\\ell m} {W^B}^*_{\\ell m}, where :math:`W^A_{\\ell m}` and :math:`W^B_{\\ell m}` are the spherical harmonics decomposition of the footprint masks of fields `A` and `B`, normalized by their area. This quantity can be used to compute the super-sample covariance (see :func:`angular_cl_cov_SSC`). Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): a Cosmology object. a_arr (:obj:`float`, `array` or :obj:`None`): an array of scale factor values at which to evaluate the projected variance. mask_wl (`array`): Array with the angular power spectrum of the masks. The power spectrum should be given at integer multipoles, starting at :math:`\\ell=0`. The power spectrum is normalized as :math:`{\\tt mask\\_wl}=\\sum_m W^A_{\\ell m} {W^B}^*_{\\ell m}`. It is the responsibility of the user to the provide the mask power out to sufficiently high ell for their required precision. p_of_k_a (:class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D` or :obj:`str`): Linear power spectrum to use. Defaults to the internal linear power spectrum from `cosmo`. Returns: Tuple containing - a_arr (`array`): an array of scale factor values at which the projected variance has been evaluated. Only returned if ``a_arr`` is ``None`` on input. - sigma2_B (:obj:`float` or `array`): projected variance. """ full_output = a_arr is None if full_output: a_arr = cosmo.get_pk_spline_a() else: ndim = np.ndim(a_arr) a_arr = np.atleast_1d(a_arr) if p_of_k_a is DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM: cosmo.compute_linear_power() p_of_k_a = cosmo.get_linear_power() ell = np.arange(mask_wl.size) sigma2_B = np.zeros(a_arr.size) for i in range(sigma2_B.size): if 1-a_arr[i] < 1e-6: # For a=1, the integral becomes independent of the footprint in # the flat-sky approximation. So we are just using the method # for the disc geometry here sigma2_B[i] = sigma2_B_disc(cosmo=cosmo, a_arr=a_arr[i], p_of_k_a=p_of_k_a) else: chi = cosmo.comoving_angular_distance(a=a_arr) k = (ell+0.5)/chi[i] pk = p_of_k_a(k, a_arr[i], cosmo) # See eq. E.10 of 2007.01844 sigma2_B[i] = np.sum(pk * mask_wl)/chi[i]**2 if full_output: return a_arr, sigma2_B if ndim == 0: return sigma2_B[0] return sigma2_B
[docs]def angular_cl_cov_SSC(cosmo, tracer1, tracer2, *, ell, t_of_kk_a, tracer3=None, tracer4=None, ell2=None, sigma2_B=None, fsky=1., integration_method='qag_quad'): """Calculate the super-sample contribution to the connected non-Gaussian covariance for a pair of power spectra :math:`C_{\\ell_1}^{ab}` and :math:`C_{\\ell_2}^{cd}`, between two pairs of tracers (:math:`(a,b)` and :math:`(c,d)`). Specifically, it computes: .. math:: {\\rm Cov}_{\\rm SSC}(\\ell_1,\\ell_2)= \\int \\frac{d\\chi}{\\chi^4} \\tilde{\\Delta}^a_{\\ell_1}(\\chi) \\tilde{\\Delta}^b_{\\ell_1}(\\chi) \\tilde{\\Delta}^c_{\\ell_2}(\\chi) \\tilde{\\Delta}^d_{\\ell_2}(\\chi)\\, \\bar{T}_{abcd}\\left[\\frac{\\ell_1+1/2}{\\chi}, \\frac{\\ell_2+1/2}{\\chi}, a(\\chi)\\right] where :math:`\\Delta^x_\\ell(\\chi)` is the transfer function for tracer :math:`x` (see Eq. 39 in the CCL note), and :math:`\\bar{T}_{abcd}(k_1,k_2,a)` is the isotropized connected trispectrum of the four tracers (see the documentation of the :class:`~pyccl.tk3d.Tk3D` class for details). Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): A Cosmology object. tracer1 (:class:`~pyccl.tracers.Tracer`): a Tracer object. tracer2 (:class:`~pyccl.tracers.Tracer`): a second Tracer object. ell (:obj:`float` or `array`): Angular wavenumber(s) at which to evaluate the first dimension of the angular power spectrum covariance. t_of_kk_a (:class:`~pyccl.tk3d.Tk3D`): 3D connected trispectrum. tracer3 (:class:`~pyccl.tracers.Tracer`): a Tracer object. If ``None``, ``tracer1`` will be used instead. tracer4 (:class:`~pyccl.tracers.Tracer`): a Tracer object. If ``None``, ``tracer2`` will be used instead. ell2 (:obj:`float` or `array`): Angular wavenumber(s) at which to evaluate the second dimension of the angular power spectrum covariance. If ``None``, ``ell`` will be used instead. sigma2_B (:obj:`tuple` or :obj:`None`): A tuple of arrays (a, sigma2_B(a)) containing the variance of the projected matter overdensity over the footprint as a function of the scale factor. If ``None``, a compact circular footprint will be assumed covering a sky fraction ``fsky``. fsky (:obj:`float`): sky fraction. integration_method (:obj:`str`) : integration method to be used for the Limber integrals. Possibilities: ``'qag_quad'`` (GSL's `qag` method backed up by `quad` when it fails) and ``'spline'`` (the integrand is splined and then integrated analytically). Returns: (:obj:`float` or `array`): 2D array containing the super-sample \ Angular power spectrum covariance \ :math:`{\\rm Cov}_{\\rm SSC}(\\ell_1,\\ell_2)`, for the \ four input tracers, as a function of :math:`\\ell_1` and \ :math:`\\ell_2`. The ordering is such that \ ``out[i2, i1] = Cov(ell2[i2], ell[i1])``. """ # noqa if integration_method not in integ_types: raise ValueError(f"Unknown integration method {integration_method}.") # we need the distances for the integrals cosmo.compute_distances() # Access ccl_cosmology object cosmo_in = cosmo cosmo = cosmo.cosmo tsp = t_of_kk_a.tsp # Create tracer colections status = 0 clt1, status = lib.cl_tracer_collection_t_new(status) for t in tracer1._trc: status = lib.add_cl_tracer_to_collection(clt1, t, status) clt2, status = lib.cl_tracer_collection_t_new(status) for t in tracer2._trc: status = lib.add_cl_tracer_to_collection(clt2, t, status) if tracer3 is None: clt3 = clt1 else: clt3, status = lib.cl_tracer_collection_t_new(status) for t in tracer3._trc: status = lib.add_cl_tracer_to_collection(clt3, t, status) if tracer4 is None: clt4 = clt2 else: clt4, status = lib.cl_tracer_collection_t_new(status) for t in tracer4._trc: status = lib.add_cl_tracer_to_collection(clt4, t, status) ell1_use = np.atleast_1d(ell) if ell2 is None: ell2 = ell ell2_use = np.atleast_1d(ell2) if sigma2_B is None: a_arr, s2b_arr = sigma2_B_disc(cosmo_in, fsky=fsky) else: a_arr, s2b_arr = _check_array_params(sigma2_B, 'sigma2_B') cov, status = lib.angular_cov_ssc_vec( cosmo, clt1, clt2, clt3, clt4, tsp, a_arr, s2b_arr, ell1_use, ell2_use, integ_types[integration_method], 4, 1., ell1_use.size*ell2_use.size, status) cov = cov.reshape([ell2_use.size, ell1_use.size]) if np.ndim(ell2) == 0: cov = np.squeeze(cov, axis=0) if np.ndim(ell) == 0: cov = np.squeeze(cov, axis=-1) # Free up tracer collections lib.cl_tracer_collection_t_free(clt1) lib.cl_tracer_collection_t_free(clt2) if tracer3 is not None: lib.cl_tracer_collection_t_free(clt3) if tracer4 is not None: lib.cl_tracer_collection_t_free(clt4) check(status, cosmo=cosmo_in) return cov