Source code for pyccl.emulators.cosmicemu_pk

__all__ = ("CosmicemuMTIVPk", "CosmicemuMTIIPk",)

import numpy as np
import os
import inspect
from abc import abstractmethod
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from .. import Pk2D
from . import EmulatorPk

class CosmicemuBase(EmulatorPk):
    """ Base class for non-linear power spectrum emulators
    from CosmicEmu.

        kind (:obj:`str`): type of matter power spectrum to use.
            Options are `'tot'` (for the total matter power spectrum)
            or `'cb'` (for the CDM+baryons power spectrum).
    def __init__(self, kind='tot'):
        # Parameter order
        self.pnames = ['omega_m', 'omega_b', 'sigma8', 'h', 'n_s',
                       'w_0', 'wtild', 'omega_nu']
        self.kind = kind

        # Data path
        data_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(
            os.path.abspath(inspect.stack()[0][1])), 'data')

        # Initialize emulator

    def _initialize(self, data_path):
        """Initialize emulator from data folder

    def _get_pk_full(self, cosmo):
        """ Computes power spectrum at full grid of redshifts and k
        for this cosmology.

    def _cosmo_to_x(self, cosmo):
        # Translates cosmology to an array of parameters used
        # by CosmicEmu.
        h = cosmo['h']
        omega_m = cosmo['Omega_m']*h**2
        omega_b = cosmo['Omega_b']*h**2
        sigma8 = cosmo['sigma8']
        if np.isnan(sigma8):
            raise ValueError("sigma8 must be provided to use CosmicEmu")
        wtild = (-cosmo['w0']-cosmo['wa'])**0.25
        omega_nu = cosmo.omega_x(1.0, 'neutrinos_massive')*h**2
        return np.array([omega_m, omega_b, sigma8, h,
                         cosmo['n_s'], cosmo['w0'], wtild, omega_nu])

    def _get_pk_at_a(self, cosmo, a):
        z, ks, pk = self._get_pk_full(cosmo)
        pki = interp1d(z, pk.T, kind='cubic')
        pks = pki(1./a-1).T
        return ks, pks

    def _get_pk2d(self, cosmo):
        z, ks, pk = self._get_pk_full(cosmo)
        return Pk2D(a_arr=1./(1+z), lk_arr=np.log(ks), pk_arr=np.log(pk),
                    is_logp=True, extrap_order_lok=1, extrap_order_hik=2)

[docs]class CosmicemuMTIIPk(CosmicemuBase): """ Nonlinear power spectrum emulator for CosmicEmu (Mira-Titan II, 2017 version). This is an emulator of the non-linear matter power spectrum from N-body simulations, as a function of 8 cosmological parameters: (:math:`\\omega_m`, :math:`\\omega_b`, :math:`\\sigma_8`, :math:`n_s`, :math:`h`, :math:`w_0`, :math:`w_a`, and :math:`\\omega_\\nu`). The power spectrum is interpolated in this parameter space at a fixed grid of redshifts and wavenumbers. See `Lawrence et al. 2017 <>`_. and Args: kind (:obj:`str`): type of matter power spectrum to use. Options are `'tot'` (for the total matter power spectrum) or `'cb'` (for the CDM+baryons power spectrum). """ def __init__(self, kind='tot'): super().__init__(kind=kind) def _initialize(self, data_path): fname = os.path.join(data_path, f"CosmicEmu_MTII_2017_P{self.kind}.npz") d = np.load(fname) self.x = d['x'] self.xmin = d['xmin'] self.xrange = d['xrange'] self.xmax = d['xmax'] self.K = d['K'] self.w = [d['w1'], d['w2']] self.beta = [d['beta1'], d['beta2']] self.lamws = [d['lamws1'], d['lamws2']] self.lamz = [d['lamz1'], d['lamz2']] self.ks = d['mode'] self.mean = d['mean'] = d['sd'] self.z = d['z'][::-1] = len(self.z) self.nk = len(self.ks) self.peta, self.nsims = [[w.shape[i] for w in self.w] for i in range(2)] # Compute KrigBasis x2diff = (self.x[:, None, :]-self.x[None, :, :])**2 self.KrigBasis = [] for j, (n, m) in enumerate(zip(self.peta, self.nsims)): x2d = x2diff[:m][:, :m, :] logc = np.sum(x2d*self.beta[j][:n, None, None, :], axis=-1) sigma_sim = np.exp(-logc)/self.lamz[j][:, None, None] # Add to diagonal for i, lw in enumerate(self.lamws[j]): sigma_sim[i, :, :] += np.diag(np.full(m, 1./lw)) kb = np.linalg.solve(sigma_sim, self.w[j]) self.KrigBasis.append(kb) def _get_pk_full(self, cosmo): # Computes power spectrum at full grid of redshifts and k # for this cosmology. xstar = self._cosmo_to_x(cosmo) # Check for out of bounds out_of_bounds = (xstar < self.xmin) | (xstar > self.xmax) if np.any(out_of_bounds): for ip in np.where(out_of_bounds)[0]: pname = self.pnames[ip] pmin = self.xmin[ip] pmax = self.xmax[ip] raise ValueError(f'{pname} must be between {pmin} and {pmax}') # Standardize xstarstd = (xstar-self.xmin)/self.xrange # Compute covariance with new point wstar = [] for i in range(2): xs = self.x[:self.nsims[i]] Sigmastar = np.exp(-np.sum(self.beta[i][:, None, :] * ((xs-xstarstd[None, :])**2)[None, :, :], axis=-1))/self.lamz[i][:, None] wstar.append(np.sum(Sigmastar*self.KrigBasis[i], axis=-1)) wstar = np.concatenate(wstar) # Project and reshape ystaremu = (, wstar)*[, self.nk]) pk = 10**ystaremu*2*np.pi**2/self.ks**1.5 return self.z, self.ks, pk
[docs]class CosmicemuMTIVPk(CosmicemuBase): """ Nonlinear power spectrum emulator for CosmicEmu (Mira-Titan IV, 2022 version). This is an emulator of the non-linear matter power spectrum from N-body simulations, as a function of 8 cosmological parameters: (:math:`\\omega_m`, :math:`\\omega_b`, :math:`\\sigma_8`, :math:`n_s`, :math:`h`, :math:`w_0`, :math:`w_a`, and :math:`\\omega_\\nu`). The power spectrum is interpolated in this parameter space at a fixed grid of redshifts and wavenumbers. See `Moran et al. 2022 <>`_. and Args: kind (:obj:`str`): type of matter power spectrum to use. Options are `'tot'` (for the total matter power spectrum) or `'cb'` (for the CDM+baryons power spectrum). """ def __init__(self, kind='tot'): super().__init__(kind=kind) def _initialize(self, data_path): fname = os.path.join(data_path, f"CosmicEmu_MTIV_2022_P{self.kind}.npz") d = np.load(fname) self.x = d['x'] self.xmin = d['xmin'] self.xrange = d['xrange'] self.xmax = d['xmax'] self.z = d['z'] self.z_asc = d['z_asc'] self.ks = d['mode'] self.K = d['K'] self.w = d['w'] self.mean = d['mean'] = d['sd'] self.beta = d['beta'] self.lamws = d['lamws'] self.lamz = d['lamz'] self.nsim, self.npar = self.x.shape = len(self.z) self.nk = len(self.ks) self.peta = len(self.lamz) # Compute KrigBasis x2diff = (self.x[:, None, :]-self.x[None, :, :])**2 logc = np.sum(x2diff[None, :, :, :]*self.beta[:, None, None, :], axis=-1) sigma_sim = np.exp(-logc)/self.lamz[:, None, None] # Add to diagonal for i, lw in enumerate(self.lamws): sigma_sim[i, :, :] += np.diag(np.full(self.nsim, 1./lw)) self.KrigBasis = np.linalg.solve(sigma_sim, self.w) # Parameter order self.pnames = ['omega_m', 'omega_b', 'sigma8', 'h', 'n_s', 'w_0', 'wtild', 'omega_nu'] def _get_pk_full(self, cosmo): # Computes power spectrum at full grid of redshifts and k # for this cosmology. xstar = self._cosmo_to_x(cosmo) # Check for out of bounds out_of_bounds = (xstar < self.xmin) | (xstar > self.xmax) if np.any(out_of_bounds): for ip in np.where(out_of_bounds)[0]: pname = self.pnames[ip] pmin = self.xmin[ip] pmax = self.xmax[ip] raise ValueError(f'{pname} must be between {pmin} and {pmax}') # Standardize xstarstd = (xstar-self.xmin)/self.xrange # Compute covariance with new point Sigmastar = np.exp(-np.sum(self.beta[:, None, :] * ((self.x-xstarstd[None, :])**2)[None, :, :], axis=-1))/self.lamz[:, None] # Project and reshape wstar = np.sum(Sigmastar*self.KrigBasis, axis=-1) ystaremu = (, wstar)*[, self.nk]) pk = 10**ystaremu*2*np.pi**2/self.ks**1.5 return self.z, self.ks, pk