Source code for pyccl.halos.concentration.ishiyama21

__all__ = ("ConcentrationIshiyama21",)

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import brentq, root_scalar

from ... import lib
from ... import check
from . import Concentration, get_delta_c

[docs]class ConcentrationIshiyama21(Concentration): """Concentration-mass relation by `Ishiyama et al. 2021 <>`_. This parametrization is only valid for S.O. masses with :math:`\\Delta = \\Delta_{\\rm vir}`, or :math:`\\Delta=200` or :math:`500` times the critical density. By default it will be initialized for :math:`M_{500c}`. Args: mass_def (:class:`~pyccl.halos.massdef.MassDef` or :obj:`str`): a mass definition object or a name string. relaxed (:obj:`bool`): If ``True``, use concentration for relaxed halos. Otherwise, use concentration for all halos. Default: ``False``. Vmax (:obj:`bool`): If ``True``, use the concentration found with the "Vmax" numerical method. Otherwise, use the concentration found with profile fitting. Default: ``False``. """ __repr_attrs__ = __eq_attrs__ = ("mass_def", "relaxed", "Vmax",) name = 'Ishiyama21' def __init__(self, *, mass_def="500c", relaxed=False, Vmax=False): self.relaxed = relaxed self.Vmax = Vmax super().__init__(mass_def=mass_def) def _check_mass_def_strict(self, mass_def): is_500Vmax = mass_def.Delta == 500 and self.Vmax return not in ["vir", "200c", "500c"] or is_500Vmax def _setup(self): # key: (Vmax, relaxed, Delta) vals = {(True, True, 200): (1.79, 2.15, 2.06, 0.88, 9.24, 0.51), (True, False, 200): (1.10, 2.30, 1.64, 1.72, 3.60, 0.32), (False, True, 200): (0.60, 2.14, 2.63, 1.69, 6.36, 0.37), (False, False, 200): (1.19, 2.54, 1.33, 4.04, 1.21, 0.22), (True, True, "vir"): (2.40, 2.27, 1.80, 0.56, 13.24, 0.079), (True, False, "vir"): (0.76, 2.34, 1.82, 1.83, 3.52, -0.18), (False, True, "vir"): (1.22, 2.52, 1.87, 2.13, 4.19, -0.017), (False, False, "vir"): (1.64, 2.67, 1.23, 3.92, 1.30, -0.19), (False, True, 500): (0.38, 1.44, 3.41, 2.86, 2.99, 0.42), (False, False, 500): (1.83, 1.95, 1.17, 3.57, 0.91, 0.26)} key = (self.Vmax, self.relaxed, self.mass_def.Delta) self.kappa, self.a0, self.a1, \ self.b0, self.b1, self.c_alpha = vals[key] def _dlsigmaR(self, cosmo, M, a): # kappa multiplies radius, so in log, 3*kappa multiplies mass logM = 3*np.log10(self.kappa) + np.log10(M) status = 0 dlns_dlogM, status = lib.dlnsigM_dlogM_vec(cosmo.cosmo, a, logM, len(logM), status) check(status, cosmo=cosmo) return -3/np.log(10) * dlns_dlogM def _G(self, x, n_eff): fx = np.log(1 + x) - x / (1 + x) G = x / fx**((5 + n_eff) / 6) return G def _G_inv(self, arg, n_eff): # Numerical calculation of the inverse of `_G`. roots = [] for val, neff in zip(arg, n_eff): func = lambda x: self._G(x, neff) - val # noqa: _G_inv Traceback try: rt = brentq(func, a=0.05, b=200) except ValueError: # No root in [0.05, 200] (rare, but it may happen). rt = root_scalar(func, x0=1, x1=2).root.item() roots.append(rt) return np.asarray(roots) def _concentration(self, cosmo, M, a): nu = get_delta_c(cosmo, a, 'EdS_approx') / cosmo.sigmaM(M, a) n_eff = -2 * self._dlsigmaR(cosmo, M, a) - 3 alpha_eff = cosmo.growth_rate(a) A = self.a0 * (1 + self.a1 * (n_eff + 3)) B = self.b0 * (1 + self.b1 * (n_eff + 3)) C = 1 - self.c_alpha * (1 - alpha_eff) arg = A / nu * (1 + nu**2 / B) G = self._G_inv(arg, n_eff) return C * G