Source code for pyccl.halos.halo_model_base

__all__ = ("HMIngredients", "Concentration", "MassFunc", "HaloBias",
           "get_delta_c", )

from abc import abstractmethod

import numpy as np

from .. import CCLAutoRepr, CCLNamedClass, lib, check
from .. import physical_constants as const

[docs]def get_delta_c(cosmo, a, kind='EdS'): """Returns the linear collapse threshold. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): A Cosmology object. a (:obj:`float` or `array`): scale factor. kind (:obj:`str`): prescription to use. Should be one of * 'EdS': the SC prediction in Einstein de-Sitter, :math:`\\delta_c=(3/20)(12\\pi)^{2/3}`. * 'EdS_approx': a common approximation to the EdS result :math:`\\delta_c=1.686`. * 'NakamuraSuto97': the prescription from `Nakamura & Suto 1997 <>`_. * 'Mead16': the prescription from `Mead et al. 2016 <>`_. Returns: (:obj:`float` or `array`): linear collapse threshold. """ # noqa # This is the linear collapse threshold in Einstein de-Sitter: # delta_c = 3/20*(12*pi)^(2/3) dc0 = 1.68647019984 if kind == 'EdS': return dc0 elif kind == 'EdS_approx': return 1.686 elif kind == 'NakamuraSuto97': Om = cosmo.omega_x(a, 'matter') return dc0*(1+0.012299*np.log10(Om)) elif kind == 'Mead16': Om = cosmo.omega_x(a, 'matter') s8 = cosmo.sigma8()*cosmo.growth_factor(a) facs8 = (1.59+0.0314*np.log(s8)) facOm = (1+0.0123*np.log10(Om)) return facs8*facOm else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown threshold kind {kind}")
[docs]class HMIngredients(CCLAutoRepr, CCLNamedClass): """Base class for halo model ingredients.""" __repr_attrs__ = __eq_attrs__ = ("mass_def", "mass_def_strict",) def __init__(self, *, mass_def, mass_def_strict=True): # Check mass definition consistency. from .massdef import MassDef mass_def = MassDef.create_instance(mass_def) self.mass_def_strict = mass_def_strict self._check_mass_def(mass_def) self.mass_def = mass_def self._setup() @property @abstractmethod def _mass_def_strict_always(self) -> bool: """Property that dictates whether ``mass_def_strict`` can be set as False on initialization. Some models are set up in a way so that the set of fitted parameters depends on the mass definition, (i.e. no one universal model exists to cover all cases). Setting this to True fixes ``mass_def_strict`` to True irrespective of what the user passes. Set this propery to False to allow users to override strict checks. """ @abstractmethod def _check_mass_def_strict(self, mass_def) -> bool: """Check if this class is defined for mass definition ``mass_def``.""" def _setup(self) -> None: """ Use this function to initialize any internal attributes of this object. This function is called at the very end of the constructor call. """ def _check_mass_def(self, mass_def) -> None: """ Return False if the input mass definition agrees with the definitions for which this mass function parametrization works. True otherwise. This function gets called at the start of the constructor call. Args: mass_def (:class:`~pyccl.halos.massdef.MassDef`): a mass definition object. """ classname = self.__class__.__name__ msg = f"{classname} is not defined for {} masses" if self._check_mass_def_strict(mass_def): # Passed mass is incompatible with model. if self._mass_def_strict_always: # Class has no universal model and mass is incompatible. raise ValueError( f"{msg} and this requirement cannot be relaxed.") if self.mass_def_strict: # Strict mass_def check enabled and mass is incompatible. raise ValueError( f"{msg}. To relax this check set `mass_def_strict=False`.") def _get_logM_sigM(self, cosmo, M, a, *, return_dlns=False): """Compute ``logM``, ``sigM``, and (optionally) ``dlns_dlogM``.""" cosmo.compute_sigma() # initialize sigma(M) splines if needed logM = np.log10(M) # sigma(M) status = 0 sigM, status = lib.sigM_vec(cosmo.cosmo, a, logM, len(logM), status) check(status, cosmo=cosmo) if not return_dlns: return logM, sigM # dlogsigma(M)/dlog10(M) dlns_dlogM, status = lib.dlnsigM_dlogM_vec(cosmo.cosmo, a, logM, len(logM), status) check(status, cosmo=cosmo) return logM, sigM, dlns_dlogM
[docs]class MassFunc(HMIngredients): """This class enables the calculation of halo mass functions. We currently assume that all mass functions can be written as .. math:: \\frac{dn}{d\\log_{10}M} = f(\\sigma_M)\\,\\frac{\\rho_M}{M}\\, \\frac{d\\log \\sigma_M}{d\\log_{10} M} where :math:`\\sigma_M^2` is the overdensity variance on spheres with a radius given by the Lagrangian radius for mass M. * Subclasses implementing analytical mass function parametrizations can be created by overriding the ``_get_fsigma`` method. * Subclasses may have particular implementations of ``_check_mass_def_strict`` to ensure consistency of the halo mass definition. * Subclasses for parametrizations that cannot be written in terms of :math:`\\sigma_M` can simply overload the :meth:`__call__` method. Args: mass_def (:class:`~pyccl.halos.massdef.MassDef`): a mass definition object or a name string. mass_def_strict (:obj:`bool`): if False, consistency of the mass definition will be ignored. .. automethod:: __call__ """ _mass_def_strict_always = False def _get_fsigma(self, cosmo, sigM, a, lnM): """ Get the :math:`f(\\sigma_M)` function for this mass function object (see description of this class for details). Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): A Cosmology object. sigM (:obj:`float` or `array`): standard deviation in the overdensity field on the scale of this halo. a (:obj:`float`): scale factor. lnM (:obj:`float` or `array`): natural logarithm of the halo mass in units of M_sun (provided in addition to sigM for convenience in some mass function parametrizations). Returns: (:obj:`float` or `array`): :math:`f(\\sigma_M)` function. """
[docs] def __call__(self, cosmo, M, a): """ Returns the mass function for input parameters. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): A Cosmology object. M (:obj:`float` or `array`): halo mass. a (:obj:`float`): scale factor. Returns: (:obj:`float` or `array`): mass function \ :math:`dn/d\\log_{10}M` in units of Mpc^-3 (comoving). """ M_use = np.atleast_1d(M) logM, sigM, dlns_dlogM = self._get_logM_sigM( cosmo, M_use, a, return_dlns=True) rho = (const.RHO_CRITICAL * cosmo['Omega_m'] * cosmo['h']**2) f = self._get_fsigma(cosmo, sigM, a, 2.302585092994046 * logM) mf = f * rho * dlns_dlogM / M_use if np.ndim(M) == 0: return mf[0] return mf
[docs]class HaloBias(HMIngredients): """This class enables the calculation of halo bias functions. We currently assume that all halo bias functions can be written as functions that depend on :math:`M` only through :math:`\\sigma_M` (where :math:`\\sigma_M^2` is the overdensity variance on spheres with a radius given by the Lagrangian radius for mass :math:`M`). All sub-classes implementing specific parametrizations can therefore be simply created by replacing this class' ``_get_bsigma`` method. New classes departing from this paradigm can simply overload the :meth:`__call__` method. Args: mass_def (:class:`~pyccl.halos.massdef.MassDef`): a mass definition object or a name string. mass_def_strict (:obj:`bool`): if False, consistency of the mass definition will be ignored. .. automethod:: __call__ """ _mass_def_strict_always = False def _get_bsigma(self, cosmo, sigM, a): """ Get the halo bias as a function of sigmaM. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): A Cosmology object. sigM (:obj:`float` or `array`): standard deviation in the overdensity field on the scale of this halo. a (:obj:`float`): scale factor. Returns: (:obj:`float` or `array`): f(sigma_M) function. """
[docs] def __call__(self, cosmo, M, a): """Returns the halo bias for input parameters. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): A Cosmology object. M (:obj:`float` or `array`): halo mass. a (:obj:`float`): scale factor. Returns: (:obj:`float` or `array`): halo bias. """ M_use = np.atleast_1d(M) logM, sigM = self._get_logM_sigM(cosmo, M_use, a) b = self._get_bsigma(cosmo, sigM, a) if np.ndim(M) == 0: return b[0] return b
[docs]class Concentration(HMIngredients): """ This class enables the calculation of halo concentrations. Args: mass_def (:class:`~pyccl.halos.massdef.MassDef`): a mass definition object or a name string. .. automethod:: __call__ """ _mass_def_strict_always = True def __init__(self, *, mass_def): super().__init__(mass_def=mass_def, mass_def_strict=True) def _concentration(self, cosmo, M, a): """Implementation of the c(M) relation."""
[docs] def __call__(self, cosmo, M, a): """Returns the concentration for input parameters. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): A Cosmology object. M (:obj:`float` or `array`): halo mass. a (:obj:`float`): scale factor. Returns: (:obj:`float` or `array`): concentration. """ M_use = np.atleast_1d(M) c = self._concentration(cosmo, M_use, a) if np.ndim(M) == 0: return c[0] return c