Source code for pyccl.halos.massdef

__all__ = ("mass2radius_lagrangian", "convert_concentration", "MassDef",
           "MassDef200m", "MassDef200c", "MassDef500c", "MassDefVir",
           "MassDefFof", "mass_translator",)

from functools import cached_property

import numpy as np

from .. import CCLAutoRepr, CCLNamedClass, lib, check
from . import Concentration, HaloBias, MassFunc

[docs]def mass2radius_lagrangian(cosmo, M): """ Returns Lagrangian radius for a halo of mass :math:`M`. The Lagrangian radius is defined as that enclosing the mass of the halo assuming a homogeneous Universe. .. math:: R = \\left(\\frac{3\\,M}{4\\pi\\,\\rho_{M,0}}\\right)^{1/3} Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): A Cosmology object. M (:obj:`float` or `array`): halo mass in units of :math:`M_\\odot`. Returns: (:obj:`float` or `array`): Lagrangian radius in comoving Mpc. """ M_use = np.atleast_1d(M) R = (M_use / (4.18879020479 * cosmo.rho_x(1, 'matter')))**(1./3.) if np.ndim(M) == 0: return R[0] return R
[docs]def convert_concentration(cosmo, *, c_old, Delta_old, Delta_new): """ Computes the concentration parameter for a different mass definition. This is done assuming an NFW profile. The output concentration ``c_new`` is found by solving the equation: .. math:: f(c_{\\rm old}) \\Delta_{\\rm old} = f(c_{\\rm new}) \\Delta_{\\rm new} where .. math:: f(x) = \\frac{x^3}{\\log(1+x) - x/(1+x)}. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): A Cosmology object. c_old (:obj:`float` or `array`): concentration to translate from. Delta_old (:obj:`float`): Delta parameter associated to the input concentration. See description of the :class:`MassDef` class. Delta_new (:obj:`float`): Delta parameter associated to the output concentration. Returns: (:obj:`float` or `array`): concentration parameter for the new mass definition. """ status = 0 c_old_use = np.atleast_1d(c_old) c_new, status = lib.convert_concentration_vec(cosmo.cosmo, Delta_old, c_old_use, Delta_new, c_old_use.size, status) check(status, cosmo=cosmo) if np.isscalar(c_old): return c_new[0] return c_new
[docs]class MassDef(CCLAutoRepr, CCLNamedClass): """Halo mass definition. Halo masses are defined in terms of an overdensity parameter :math:`\\Delta` and an associated density :math:`X` (either the matter density or the critical density): .. math:: M_\\Delta = \\frac{4 \\pi}{3} \\Delta\\,\\rho_X\\, R_\\Delta^3 where :math:`R_\\Delta` is the halo radius. This object also holds methods to translate between :math:`R_\\Delta` and :math:`M_\\Delta`, and to translate masses between different definitions if a concentration-mass relation is provided. You may also define halo masses based on a Friends-of-Friends algorithm, in which case simply pass ``Delta='fof'`` below. Args: Delta (:obj:`float`): overdensity parameter. Pass ``'vir'`` if using virial overdensity. Pass ``'fof'`` for Friends-of-Friends halos. rho_type (:obj:`str`): either 'critical' or 'matter'. """ # noqa __eq_attrs__ = ("name",) def __init__(self, Delta, rho_type): # Check it makes sense if isinstance(Delta, str): if Delta.isdigit(): Delta = int(Delta) elif Delta not in ["fof", "vir"]: raise ValueError(f"Unknown Delta type {Delta}.") if isinstance(Delta, (int, float)) and Delta < 0: raise ValueError("Delta must be a positive number.") if rho_type not in ['matter', 'critical']: raise ValueError("rho_type must be {'matter', 'critical'}.") self.Delta = Delta self.rho_type = rho_type @cached_property def name(self): """Give a name to this mass definition.""" if isinstance(self.Delta, (int, float)): return f"{self.Delta}{self.rho_type[0]}" return f"{self.Delta}" def __repr__(self): return f"MassDef(Delta={self.Delta}, rho_type={self.rho_type})"
[docs] def get_Delta_vir(self, cosmo, a): """ Computes the virial collapse density contrast with respect to the critical density assuming a :math:`\\Lambda` CDM model. We use the fitting function from `Bryan and Norman 1998 <>`_. The virial overdensity is returned for the density type of this object's mass definition (e.g. 'critical' or 'matter'). Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): A Cosmology object. a (:obj:`float`): scale factor Returns: :obj:`float`: value of the virial overdensity. """ Omz = cosmo.omega_x(a, 'matter') x = Omz-1 # Eq. 6 Dv = 18*np.pi**2+82*x-39*x**2 if self.rho_type == 'matter': Dv /= Omz return Dv
[docs] def get_Delta(self, cosmo, a): """ Gets overdensity parameter associated to this mass definition. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): A Cosmology object. a (:obj:`float`): scale factor Returns: :obj:`float`: value of the overdensity parameter. """ if self.Delta == 'fof': raise ValueError("FoF masses don't have an associated overdensity." "Nor can they be translated into other masses") if self.Delta == 'vir': return self.get_Delta_vir(cosmo, a) return self.Delta
def _get_Delta_m(self, cosmo, a): """ For SO-based mass definitions, this returns the corresponding value of Delta for a rho_matter-based definition. """ delta = self.get_Delta(cosmo, a) if self.rho_type == 'matter': return delta om_this = cosmo.omega_x(a, self.rho_type) om_matt = cosmo.omega_x(a, 'matter') return delta * om_this / om_matt
[docs] def get_mass(self, cosmo, R, a): """ Translates a halo radius into a mass .. math:: M_\\Delta = \\frac{4 \\pi}{3} \\Delta\\,\\rho_X\\, R_\\Delta^3 Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): A Cosmology object. R (:obj:`float` or `array`): halo radius (:math:`{\\rm Mpc}`, physical, not comoving). a (:obj:`float`): scale factor. Returns: (:obj:`float` or `array`): halo mass in units of :math:`M_\\odot`. """ R_use = np.atleast_1d(R) Delta = self.get_Delta(cosmo, a) M = 4.18879020479 * cosmo.rho_x(a, self.rho_type) * Delta * R_use**3 if np.ndim(R) == 0: return M[0] return M
[docs] def get_radius(self, cosmo, M, a): """ Translates a halo mass into a radius .. math:: R_\\Delta = \\left(\\frac{3M_\\Delta}{4 \\pi \\rho_X\\,\\Delta}\\right)^{1/3} Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): A Cosmology object. M (:obj:`float` or `array`): halo mass in units of :math:`M_\\odot`. a (:obj:`float`): scale factor. Returns: (:obj:`float` or `array`): halo radius in units of :math:`{\\rm Mpc}` (physical, not comoving). """ M_use = np.atleast_1d(M) Delta = self.get_Delta(cosmo, a) R = (M_use / (4.18879020479 * Delta * cosmo.rho_x(a, self.rho_type)))**(1./3.) if np.ndim(M) == 0: return R[0] return R
[docs] @classmethod def from_name(cls, name): """ Return mass definition subclass from name string. Args: name (:obj:`str`): a mass definition name (e.g. ``'200m'`` for :math:`\\Delta=200` times the matter density). Returns: :class:`MassDef` instance corresponding to the input name. """ MassDefName = f"MassDef{name.capitalize()}" if MassDefName in globals(): # MassDef is defined in one of the implementations below. return globals()[MassDefName] parser = {"c": "critical", "m": "matter"} if len(name) < 2 or name[-1] not in parser: # Bogus input - can't parse it. raise ValueError("Could not parse mass definition string.") Delta, rho_type = name[:-1], parser[name[-1]] return cls(Delta, rho_type)
[docs] @classmethod def create_instance(cls, input_): if isinstance(input_, cls): return input_ else: return cls.from_name(input_)
[docs] @classmethod def from_specs(cls, mass_def=None, *, mass_function=None, halo_bias=None, concentration=None): """Instantiate mass definition and halo model ingredients. Unspecified halo model ingredients are ignored. ``mass_def`` is always instantiated. Args: mass_def (:obj:`MassDef`, :obj:`str` or :obj:`None`): Mass definition. If a string, instantiate from its name. If `None`, obtain the one from the first specified halo model ingredient. mass_function (:class:`~pyccl.halos.halo_model_base.MassFunc` or :obj:`str`): Mass function subclass. Strings are auto-instantiated using ``mass_def``. ``None`` values are ignored. halo_bias (:class:`~pyccl.halos.halo_model_base.HaloBias` or :obj:`str`): Halo bias subclass. Strings are auto-instantiated using ``mass_def``. ``None`` values are ignored. concentration (:class:`~pyccl.halos.halo_model_base.Concentration` or :obj:`str`): Concentration subclass. Strings are auto-instantiated using ``mass_def``. ``None`` values are ignored. Returns: Tuple of up to 4 elements. - mass_def : :class:`MassDef` - mass_function : :class:`~pyccl.halos.halo_model_base.MassFunc`, if specified - halo_bias : :class:`~pyccl.halos.halo_model_base.HaloBias`, if specified - concentration : :class:`~pyccl.halos.halo_model_base.Concentration`, if specified """ # noqa values = mass_function, halo_bias, concentration idx = [value is not None for value in values] # Filter only the specified ones. values = np.array(values)[idx] names = np.array(["mass_function", "halo_bias", "concentration"])[idx] Types = np.array([MassFunc, HaloBias, Concentration])[idx] # Sanity check. if mass_def is None: for name, value in zip(names, values): if isinstance(value, str): raise ValueError(f"Need mass_def if {name} is str.") # Instantiate mass_def. if mass_def is not None: mass_def = cls.create_instance(mass_def) # instantiate directly else: mass_def = values[0].mass_def # use the one in HMIngredients # Instantiate halo model ingredients. out = [] for name, value, Type in zip(names, values, Types): instance = Type.create_instance(value, mass_def=mass_def) out.append(instance) # Check mass definition consistency. if out and set([x.mass_def for x in out]) != set([mass_def]): raise ValueError("Inconsistent mass definitions.") return mass_def, *out
MassDef200m = MassDef(200, "matter") MassDef200c = MassDef(200, "critical") MassDef500c = MassDef(500, "critical") MassDefVir = MassDef("vir", "critical") MassDefFof = MassDef("fof", "matter")
[docs]def mass_translator(*, mass_in, mass_out, concentration): """Translate between mass definitions, assuming an NFW profile. Returns a function that can be used to translate between halo masses according to two different definitions. Args: mass_in (:class:`MassDef` or :obj:`str`): mass definition of the input mass. mass_out (:class:`MassDef` or :obj:`str`): mass definition of the output mass. concentration (:class:`~pyccl.halos.halo_model_base.Concentration` or :obj:`str`): concentration-mass relation to use for the mass conversion. It must be calibrated for masses using the ``mass_in`` definition. Returns: Function that ranslates between two masses. The returned function ``f`` can be called as: ``f(cosmo, M, a)``, where ``cosmo`` is a :class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology` object, ``M`` is a mass (or array of masses), and ``a`` is a scale factor. """ # noqa mass_in = MassDef.create_instance(mass_in) mass_out = MassDef.create_instance(mass_out) concentration = Concentration.create_instance(concentration, mass_def=mass_in) if concentration.mass_def != mass_in: raise ValueError("mass_def of concentration doesn't match mass_in") def translate(cosmo, M, a): if mass_in == mass_out: return M c_in = concentration(cosmo, M, a) Om_in = cosmo.omega_x(a, mass_in.rho_type) D_in = mass_in.get_Delta(cosmo, a) * Om_in R_in = mass_in.get_radius(cosmo, M, a) Om_out = cosmo.omega_x(a, mass_out.rho_type) D_out = mass_out.get_Delta(cosmo, a) * Om_out c_out = convert_concentration( cosmo, c_old=c_in, Delta_old=D_in, Delta_new=D_out) R_out = R_in * c_out/c_in return mass_out.get_mass(cosmo, R_out, a) return translate