Source code for pyccl.halos.pk_2pt

__all__ = ("halomod_power_spectrum", "halomod_Pk2D",)

import numpy as np

from .. import Pk2D
from . import Profile2pt

[docs]def halomod_power_spectrum(cosmo, hmc, k, a, prof, *, prof2=None, prof_2pt=None, p_of_k_a=None, get_1h=True, get_2h=True, smooth_transition=None, suppress_1h=None, extrap_pk=False): """ Computes the halo model power spectrum for two quantities defined by their respective halo profiles. The halo model power spectrum for two profiles :math:`u` and :math:`v` is: .. math:: P_{u,v}(k,a) = I^0_2(k,a|u,v) + I^1_1(k,a|u)\\,I^1_1(k,a|v)\\,P_{\\rm lin}(k,a) where :math:`P_{\\rm lin}(k,a)` is the linear matter power spectrum, :math:`I^1_1` is defined in the documentation of :meth:`~pyccl.halos.halo_model.HMCalculator.I_1_1`, and :math:`I^0_2` is defined in the documentation of :meth:`~pyccl.halos.halo_model.HMCalculator.I_0_2`. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): a Cosmology object. hmc (:class:`~pyccl.halos.halo_model.HMCalculator`): a halo model calculator. k (:obj:`float` or `array`): comoving wavenumber in Mpc^-1. a (:obj:`float` or `array`): scale factor. prof (:class:`~pyccl.halos.profiles.profile_base.HaloProfile`): halo profile. prof2 (:class:`~pyccl.halos.profiles.profile_base.HaloProfile`): a second halo profile. If ``None``, ``prof`` will be used as ``prof2``. prof_2pt (:class:`~pyccl.halos.profiles_2pt.Profile2pt`): a profile covariance object returning the the two-point moment of the two profiles being correlated. If ``None``, the default second moment will be used, corresponding to the products of the means of both profiles. p_of_k_a (:class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D`): a `Pk2D` object to be used as the linear matter power spectrum. If ``None``, the power spectrum stored within `cosmo` will be used. get_1h (:obj:`bool`): if ``False``, the 1-halo term (i.e. the first term in the first equation above) won't be computed. get_2h (:obj:`bool`): if ``False``, the 2-halo term (i.e. the second term in the first equation above) won't be computed. smooth_transition (:obj:`callable` or :obj:`None`): Modify the halo model 1-halo/2-halo transition region via a time-dependent function :math:`\\alpha(a)`, defined as in `HMCODE-2020 <>`_: :math:`P(k,a)= (P_{1h}^{\\alpha(a)}(k)+P_{2h}^{\\alpha(a)}(k))^{1/\\alpha}`. If ``None`` the extra factor is just 1. suppress_1h (:obj:`callable` or :obj:`None`): Suppress the 1-halo large scale contribution by a time- and scale-dependent function :math:`k_*(a)`, defined as in `HMCODE-2020 <>`_: :math:`1/[1+(k_*(a)/k)^4]`. If ``None`` the standard 1-halo term is returned with no damping. extrap_pk (:obj:`bool`): Whether to extrapolate ``p_of_k_a`` in case ``a`` is out of its support. If ```False```, and the queried values are out of bounds, an error is raised. Returns: (:obj:`float` or `array`): integral values evaluated at each combination of ``k`` and ``a``. The shape of the output will be ``(N_a, N_k)`` where ``N_k`` and ``N_a`` are the sizes of ``k`` and ``a`` respectively. If ``k`` or ``a`` are scalars, the corresponding dimension will be squeezed out on output. """ # noqa a_use = np.atleast_1d(a).astype(float) k_use = np.atleast_1d(k).astype(float) # Check inputs if smooth_transition is not None: if not (get_1h and get_2h): raise ValueError("Transition region can only be modified " "when both 1-halo and 2-halo terms are queried.") if suppress_1h is not None: if not get_1h: raise ValueError("Can't suppress the 1-halo term " "when get_1h is False.") if prof2 is None: prof2 = prof if prof_2pt is None: prof_2pt = Profile2pt() pk2d = cosmo.parse_pk(p_of_k_a) extrap = cosmo if extrap_pk else None # extrapolation rule for pk2d na = len(a_use) nk = len(k_use) out = np.zeros([na, nk]) for ia, aa in enumerate(a_use): # normalizations norm1 = prof.get_normalization(cosmo, aa, hmc=hmc) if prof2 == prof: norm2 = norm1 else: norm2 = prof2.get_normalization(cosmo, aa, hmc=hmc) if get_2h: # bias factors i11_1 = hmc.I_1_1(cosmo, k_use, aa, prof) if prof2 == prof: i11_2 = i11_1 else: i11_2 = hmc.I_1_1(cosmo, k_use, aa, prof2) pk_2h = pk2d(k_use, aa, cosmo=extrap) * i11_1 * i11_2 # 2h term else: pk_2h = 0 if get_1h: pk_1h = hmc.I_0_2(cosmo, k_use, aa, prof, prof2=prof2, prof_2pt=prof_2pt) # 1h term if suppress_1h is not None: # large-scale damping of 1-halo term ks = suppress_1h(aa) pk_1h *= (k_use / ks)**4 / (1 + (k_use / ks)**4) else: pk_1h = 0 # smooth 1h/2h transition region if smooth_transition is None: out[ia] = (pk_1h + pk_2h) / (norm1 * norm2) else: alpha = smooth_transition(aa) out[ia] = (pk_1h**alpha + pk_2h**alpha)**(1/alpha) / (norm1*norm2) if np.ndim(a) == 0: out = np.squeeze(out, axis=0) if np.ndim(k) == 0: out = np.squeeze(out, axis=-1) return out
[docs]def halomod_Pk2D(cosmo, hmc, prof, *, prof2=None, prof_2pt=None, p_of_k_a=None, get_1h=True, get_2h=True, lk_arr=None, a_arr=None, extrap_order_lok=1, extrap_order_hik=2, smooth_transition=None, suppress_1h=None, extrap_pk=False): """ Returns a :class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D` object containing the halo-model power spectrum for two quantities defined by their respective halo profiles. See :meth:`halomod_power_spectrum` for more details about the actual calculation. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): a Cosmology object. hmc (:class:`~pyccl.halos.halo_model.HMCalculator`): a halo model calculator. prof (:class:`~pyccl.halos.profiles.profile_base.HaloProfile`): halo profile. prof2 (:class:`~pyccl.halos.profiles.profile_base.HaloProfile`): a second halo profile. If ``None``, ``prof`` will be used as ``prof2``. prof_2pt (:class:`~pyccl.halos.profiles_2pt.Profile2pt`): a profile covariance object returning the the two-point moment of the two profiles being correlated. If ``None``, the default second moment will be used, corresponding to the products of the means of both profiles. p_of_k_a (:class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D`): a `Pk2D` object to be used as the linear matter power spectrum. If ``None``, the power spectrum stored within `cosmo` will be used. get_1h (:obj:`bool`): if ``False``, the 1-halo term (i.e. the first term in the first equation above) won't be computed. get_2h (:obj:`bool`): if ``False``, the 2-halo term (i.e. the second term in the first equation above) won't be computed. a_arr (array): an array holding values of the scale factor at which the halo model power spectrum should be calculated for interpolation. If ``None``, the internal values used by `cosmo` will be used. lk_arr (array): an array holding values of the natural logarithm of the wavenumber (in units of Mpc^-1) at which the halo model power spectrum should be calculated for interpolation. If ``None``, the internal values used by `cosmo` will be used. extrap_order_lok (:obj:`int`): extrapolation order to be used on k-values below the minimum of the splines. See :class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D`. extrap_order_hik (:obj:`int`): extrapolation order to be used on k-values above the maximum of the splines. See :class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D`. smooth_transition (:obj:`callable` or :obj:`None`): Modify the halo model 1-halo/2-halo transition region via a time-dependent function :math:`\\alpha(a)`, defined as in `HMCODE-2020 <>`_: :math:`P(k,a)= (P_{1h}^{\\alpha(a)}(k)+P_{2h}^{\\alpha(a)}(k))^{1/\\alpha}`. If ``None`` the extra factor is just 1. suppress_1h (:obj:`callable` or :obj:`None`): Suppress the 1-halo large scale contribution by a time- and scale-dependent function :math:`k_*(a)`, defined as in `HMCODE-2020 <>`_: :math:`1/[1+(k_*(a)/k)^4]`. If ``None`` the standard 1-halo term is returned with no damping. extrap_pk (:obj:`bool`): Whether to extrapolate ``p_of_k_a`` in case ``a`` is out of its support. If ```False```, and the queried values are out of bounds, an error is raised. Returns: :class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D`: halo model power spectrum. """ # noqa if lk_arr is None: lk_arr = cosmo.get_pk_spline_lk() if a_arr is None: a_arr = cosmo.get_pk_spline_a() pk_arr = halomod_power_spectrum( cosmo, hmc, np.exp(lk_arr), a_arr, prof, prof2=prof2, prof_2pt=prof_2pt, p_of_k_a=p_of_k_a, get_1h=get_1h, get_2h=get_2h, smooth_transition=smooth_transition, suppress_1h=suppress_1h, extrap_pk=extrap_pk) return Pk2D(a_arr=a_arr, lk_arr=lk_arr, pk_arr=pk_arr, extrap_order_lok=extrap_order_lok, extrap_order_hik=extrap_order_hik, is_logp=False)