Source code for pyccl.halos.profiles.cib_shang12

__all__ = ("HaloProfileCIBShang12",)

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import simpson
from scipy.special import lambertw

from . import HaloProfileNFW, HaloProfileCIB

[docs]class HaloProfileCIBShang12(HaloProfileCIB): """ CIB profile implementing the model by `Shang et al. 2012 <>`_. The parametrization for the mean profile emissivity :math:`j_\\nu` is: .. math:: j_\\nu(r) = \\frac{1}{4\\pi} \\left(L^{\\rm cen}_{\\nu(1+z)}(M)+ L^{\\rm sat}_{\\nu(1+z)}u_{\\rm sat}(r|M) \\right), where the luminosity from centrals and satellites is modelled as: .. math:: L^{\\rm cen}_{\\nu}(M) = L^{\\rm gal}_\\nu(M)\\, N_{\\rm cen}(M), .. math:: L^{\\rm sat}_{\\nu}(M) = \\int_{M_{\\rm min}}^{M} dm \\frac{dN_{\\rm sub}}{dm}\\,L^{\\rm gal}_\\nu(m). Here, :math:`dN_{\\rm sub}/dm` is the subhalo mass function, :math:`u_{\\rm sat}` is the satellite galaxy density profile (modelled as a truncated NFW profile), and the infrared galaxy luminosity is parametrized as .. math:: L^{\\rm gal}_{\\nu}(M,z)=L_0(1+z)^{s_z}\\, \\Sigma(M)\\,S_\\nu, where the mass dependence is lognormal .. math:: \\Sigma(M) = \\frac{M}{\\sqrt{2\\pi\\sigma_{LM}^2}} \\exp\\left[-\\frac{\\log_{10}^2(M/M_{\\rm eff})} {2\\sigma_{LM}^2}\\right], and the spectrum is a modified black-body law .. math:: S_\\nu \\propto\\left\\{ \\begin{array}{cc} \\nu^\\beta\\,B_\\nu(T_d) & \\nu < \\nu_0 \\\\ \\nu^\\gamma & \\nu \\geq \\nu_0 \\end{array} \\right., with the normalization fixed by :math:`S_{\\nu_0}=1`, and :math:`\\nu_0` defined so the spectrum has a continuous derivative for all :math:`\\nu`. Finally, the dust temperature is assumed to have a redshift dependence of the form :math:`T_d=T_0(1+z)^\\alpha`. Args: mass_def (:class:`~pyccl.halos.massdef.MassDef` or :obj:`str`): a mass definition object, or a name string. concentration (:class:`~pyccl.halos.halo_model_base.Concentration`): concentration-mass relation for NFW profile. nu_GHz (:obj:`float`): frequency in GHz. alpha (:obj:`float`): dust temperature evolution parameter. T0 (:obj:`float`): dust temperature at :math:`z=0` in Kelvin. beta (:obj:`float`): dust spectral index. gamma (:obj:`float`): high frequency slope. s_z (:obj:`float`): luminosity evolution slope. log10Meff (:obj:`float`): :math:`\\log_{10}` of the most efficient mass. siglog10M (:obj:`float`): logarithmic scatter in mass. Mmin (:obj:`float`): minimum subhalo mass. L0 (:obj:`float`): luminosity scale (in :math:`{\\rm Jy}\\,{\\rm Mpc}^2\\,M_\\odot^{-1}`). """ # noqa __repr_attrs__ = __eq_attrs__ = ( "nu", "alpha", "T0", "beta", "gamma", "s_z", "log10Meff", "siglog10M", "Mmin", "L0", "mass_def", "concentration", "precision_fftlog",) _one_over_4pi = 0.07957747154 def __init__(self, *, mass_def, concentration, nu_GHz, alpha=0.36, T0=24.4, beta=1.75, gamma=1.7, s_z=3.6, log10Meff=12.6, siglog10M=0.707, Mmin=1E10, L0=6.4E-8): = nu_GHz self.alpha = alpha self.T0 = T0 self.beta = beta self.gamma = gamma self.s_z = s_z self.log10Meff = log10Meff self.siglog10M = siglog10M self.Mmin = Mmin self.L0 = L0 kwargs = {"concentration": concentration, "mass_def": mass_def} self.pNFW = HaloProfileNFW(**kwargs) super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def dNsub_dlnM_TinkerWetzel10(self, Msub, Mparent): """Subhalo mass function of `Tinker & Wetzel 2010 <>`_. Number of subhalos per (natural) logarithmic interval of mass. Args: Msub (:obj:`float` or `array`): sub-halo mass (in solar masses). Mparent (:obj:`float`): parent halo mass (in solar masses). Returns: (:obj:`float` or `array`): average number of subhalos. """ return 0.30*(Msub/Mparent)**(-0.7)*np.exp(-9.9*(Msub/Mparent)**2.5)
[docs] def update_parameters(self, nu_GHz=None, alpha=None, T0=None, beta=None, gamma=None, s_z=None, log10Meff=None, siglog10M=None, Mmin=None, L0=None): """ Update any of the parameters associated with this profile. Any parameter set to ``None`` won't be updated. Args: nu_GHz (:obj:`float`): frequency in GHz. alpha (:obj:`float`): dust temperature evolution parameter. T0 (:obj:`float`): dust temperature at :math:`z=0` in Kelvin. beta (:obj:`float`): dust spectral index. gamma (:obj:`float`): high frequency slope. s_z (:obj:`float`): luminosity evolution slope. log10Meff (:obj:`float`): :math:`\\log_{10}` of the most efficient mass. siglog10M (:obj:`float`): logarithmic scatter in mass. Mmin (:obj:`float`): minimum subhalo mass. L0 (:obj:`float`): luminosity scale (in :math:`{\\rm Jy}\\,{\\rm Mpc}^2\\,M_\\odot^{-1}`). """ if nu_GHz is not None: = nu_GHz if alpha is not None: self.alpha = alpha if T0 is not None: self.T0 = T0 if beta is not None: self.beta = beta if gamma is not None: self.gamma = gamma if s_z is not None: self.s_z = s_z if log10Meff is not None: self.log10Meff = log10Meff if siglog10M is not None: self.siglog10M = siglog10M if Mmin is not None: self.Mmin = Mmin if L0 is not None: self.L0 = L0
def _spectrum(self, nu, a): # h*nu_GHZ / k_B / Td_K h_GHz_o_kB_K = 0.0479924466 Td = self.T0/a**self.alpha x = h_GHz_o_kB_K * nu / Td # Find nu_0 q = self.beta+3+self.gamma x0 = q+np.real(lambertw(-q*np.exp(-q), k=0)) def mBB(x): ex = np.exp(x) return x**(3+self.beta)/(ex-1) mBB0 = mBB(x0) def plaw(x): return mBB0*(x0/x)**self.gamma return np.piecewise(x, [x <= x0], [mBB, plaw])/mBB0 def _Lum(self, l10M, a): # Redshift evolution phi_z = a**(-self.s_z) # Mass dependence # M/sqrt(2*pi*siglog10M^2) sig_pref = 10**l10M/(2.50662827463*self.siglog10M) sigma_m = sig_pref * np.exp(-0.5*((l10M - self.log10Meff) / self.siglog10M)**2) return self.L0*phi_z*sigma_m def _Lumcen(self, M, a): Lum = self._Lum(np.log10(M), a) Lumcen = np.heaviside(M-self.Mmin, 1)*Lum return Lumcen def _Lumsat(self, M, a): if not np.max(M) > self.Mmin: return np.zeros_like(M) res = np.zeros_like(M) M_use = M[M >= self.Mmin, None] logM = np.log10(M_use) LOGM_MIN = np.log10(self.Mmin) nm = max(2, 10*int(np.max(logM) - LOGM_MIN)) msub = np.linspace(LOGM_MIN, np.max(logM), nm+1)[None, :] Lum = self._Lum(msub, a) dnsubdlnm = self.dNsub_dlnM_TinkerWetzel10(10**msub, M_use) integ = dnsubdlnm * Lum Lumsat = simpson(integ, x=np.log(10)*msub) res[-len(Lumsat):] = Lumsat return res def _real(self, cosmo, r, M, a): M_use = np.atleast_1d(M) r_use = np.atleast_1d(r) # (redshifted) Frequency dependence spec_nu = self._spectrum(, a) Ls = self._Lumsat(M_use, a) ur = self.pNFW._real(cosmo, r_use, M_use, a)/M_use[:, None] prof = Ls[:, None]*ur*spec_nu*self._one_over_4pi if np.ndim(r) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=-1) if np.ndim(M) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=0) return prof def _fourier(self, cosmo, k, M, a): M_use = np.atleast_1d(M) k_use = np.atleast_1d(k) # (redshifted) Frequency dependence spec_nu = self._spectrum(, a) Lc = self._Lumcen(M_use, a) Ls = self._Lumsat(M_use, a) uk = self.pNFW._fourier(cosmo, k_use, M_use, a)/M_use[:, None] prof = (Lc[:, None]+Ls[:, None]*uk)*spec_nu*self._one_over_4pi if np.ndim(k) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=-1) if np.ndim(M) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=0) return prof def _fourier_variance(self, cosmo, k, M, a, nu_other=None): M_use = np.atleast_1d(M) k_use = np.atleast_1d(k) spec_nu1 = self._spectrum(, a) if nu_other is None: spec_nu2 = spec_nu1 else: spec_nu2 = self._spectrum(nu_other/a, a) Lc = self._Lumcen(M_use, a) Ls = self._Lumsat(M_use, a) uk = self.pNFW._fourier(cosmo, k_use, M_use, a)/M_use[:, None] prof = Ls[:, None]*uk prof = 2*Lc[:, None]*prof + prof**2 prof *= spec_nu1*spec_nu2*self._one_over_4pi**2 if np.ndim(k) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=-1) if np.ndim(M) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=0) return prof