Source code for pyccl.halos.profiles.hod

__all__ = ("HaloProfileHOD",)

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import sici, erf

from . import HaloProfile

[docs]class HaloProfileHOD(HaloProfile): """ A generic halo occupation distribution (HOD) profile describing the number density of galaxies as a function of halo mass. The parametrization for the mean profile is: .. math:: \\langle n_g(r)|M,a\\rangle = \\bar{N}_c(M,a) \\left[f_c(a)+\\bar{N}_s(M,a) u_{\\rm sat}(r|M,a)\\right] where :math:`\\bar{N}_c` and :math:`\\bar{N}_s` are the mean number of central and satellite galaxies respectively, :math:`f_c` is the observed fraction of central galaxies, and :math:`u_{\\rm sat}(r|M,a)` is the distribution of satellites as a function of distance to the halo centre. These quantities are parametrized as follows: .. math:: \\bar{N}_c(M,a)=\\frac{1}{2}\\left[1+{\\rm erf} \\left(\\frac{\\log(M/M_{\\rm min})}{\\sigma_{{\\rm ln}M}} \\right)\\right] .. math:: \\bar{N}_s(M,a)=\\Theta(M-M_0)\\left(\\frac{M-M_0}{M_1} \\right)^\\alpha .. math:: u_s(r|M,a)\\propto\\frac{\\Theta(r_{\\rm max}-r)} {(r/r_g)(1+r/r_g)^2} Where :math:`\\Theta(x)` is the Heaviside step function, and the proportionality constant in the last equation is such that the volume integral of :math:`u_s` is 1. The radius :math:`r_g` is related to the NFW scale radius :math:`r_s` through :math:`r_g=\\beta_g\\,r_s`, and the radius :math:`r_{\\rm max}` is related to the overdensity radius :math:`r_\\Delta` as :math:`r_{\\rm max}=\\beta_{\\rm max}r_\\Delta`. The scale radius is related to the comoving overdensity halo radius through the concentration-mass relation via :math:`r_\\Delta(M) = c(M)\\,r_s`. All the quantities :math:`\\log_{10}M_{\\rm min}`, :math:`\\log_{10}M_0`, :math:`\\log_{10}M_1`, :math:`\\sigma_{{\\rm ln}M}`, :math:`f_c`, :math:`\\alpha`, :math:`\\beta_g` and :math:`\\beta_{\\rm max}` are time-dependent via a linear expansion around a pivot scale factor :math:`a_*` with an offset and a tilt parameter (:math:`X_0` and :math:`X_p`, respectively): .. math:: X(a) = X_0 + X_p\\,(a-a_*). This definition of the HOD profile draws from several papers in the literature, including: `Zheng et al. 2005 <>`_, `Ando et al. 2018 <>`_, and `Nicola et al. 2020 <>`_. The default values used here are roughly compatible with those found in the latter paper. .. warning:: Note that :math:`\\sigma_{{\\rm ln}M}` is defined so that all logarithms of mass entering the definition of :math:`\\bar{N}_c(M,a)` are natural logarithms, and not decimal. This is different from the convention used in some of the papers above, which used :math:`\\log_{10}`. See :class:`~pyccl.halos.profiles_2pt.Profile2ptHOD` for a description of the Fourier-space two-point correlator of the HOD profile. Args: mass_def (:class:`~pyccl.halos.massdef.MassDef` or :obj:`str`): a mass definition object, or a name string. concentration (:class:`~pyccl.halos.halo_model_base.Concentration`): concentration-mass relation to use with this profile. log10Mmin_0 (:obj:`float`): offset parameter for :math:`\\log_{10}M_{\\rm min}`. log10Mmin_p (:obj:`float`): tilt parameter for :math:`\\log_{10}M_{\\rm min}`. siglnM_0 (:obj:`float`): offset parameter for :math:`\\sigma_{{\\rm ln}M}`. siglnM_p (:obj:`float`): tilt parameter for :math:`\\sigma_{{\\rm ln}M}`. log10M0_0 (:obj:`float`): offset parameter for :math:`\\log_{10}M_0`. log10M0_p (:obj:`float`): tilt parameter for :math:`\\log_{10}M_0`. log10M1_0 (:obj:`float`): offset parameter for :math:`\\log_{10}M_1`. log10M1_p (:obj:`float`): tilt parameter for :math:`\\log_{10}M_1`. alpha_0 (:obj:`float`): offset parameter for :math:`\\alpha`. alpha_p (:obj:`float`): tilt parameter for :math:`\\alpha`. fc_0 (:obj:`float`): offset parameter for :math:`f_c`. fc_p (:obj:`float`): tilt parameter for :math:`f_c`. bg_0 (:obj:`float`): offset parameter for :math:`\\beta_g`. bg_p (:obj:`float`): tilt parameter for :math:`\\beta_g`. bmax_0 (:obj:`float`): offset parameter for :math:`\\beta_{\\rm max}`. bmax_p (:obj:`float`): tilt parameter for :math:`\\beta_{\\rm max}`. a_pivot (:obj:`float`): pivot scale factor :math:`a_*`. ns_independent (:obj:`bool`): drop requirement to only form satellites when centrals are present. is_number_counts (:obj:`bool`): set to ``True`` if this profile is meant to represent galaxy overdensity. """ __repr_attrs__ = __eq_attrs__ = ( "log10Mmin_0", "log10Mmin_p", "siglnM_0", "siglnM_p", "log10M0_0", "log10M0_p", "log10M1_0", "log10M1_p", "alpha_0", "alpha_p", "fc_0", "fc_p", "bg_0", "bg_p", "bmax_0", "bmax_p", "a_pivot", "_is_number_counts", "ns_independent", "mass_def", "concentration", "precision_fftlog",) def __init__(self, *, mass_def, concentration, log10Mmin_0=12., log10Mmin_p=0., siglnM_0=0.4, siglnM_p=0., log10M0_0=7., log10M0_p=0., log10M1_0=13.3, log10M1_p=0., alpha_0=1., alpha_p=0., fc_0=1., fc_p=0., bg_0=1., bg_p=0., bmax_0=1., bmax_p=0., a_pivot=1., ns_independent=False, is_number_counts=True): self.log10Mmin_0 = log10Mmin_0 self.log10Mmin_p = log10Mmin_p self.log10M0_0 = log10M0_0 self.log10M0_p = log10M0_p self.log10M1_0 = log10M1_0 self.log10M1_p = log10M1_p self.siglnM_0 = siglnM_0 self.siglnM_p = siglnM_p self.alpha_0 = alpha_0 self.alpha_p = alpha_p self.fc_0 = fc_0 self.fc_p = fc_p self.bg_0 = bg_0 self.bg_p = bg_p self.bmax_0 = bmax_0 self.bmax_p = bmax_p self.a_pivot = a_pivot self.ns_independent = ns_independent super().__init__(mass_def=mass_def, concentration=concentration, is_number_counts=is_number_counts)
[docs] def update_parameters(self, *, log10Mmin_0=None, log10Mmin_p=None, siglnM_0=None, siglnM_p=None, log10M0_0=None, log10M0_p=None, log10M1_0=None, log10M1_p=None, alpha_0=None, alpha_p=None, fc_0=None, fc_p=None, bg_0=None, bg_p=None, bmax_0=None, bmax_p=None, a_pivot=None, ns_independent=None): """ Update any of the parameters associated with this profile. Any parameter set to ``None`` won't be updated. Args: log10Mmin_0 (:obj:`float`): offset parameter for :math:`\\log_{10}M_{\\rm min}`. log10Mmin_p (:obj:`float`): tilt parameter for :math:`\\log_{10}M_{\\rm min}`. siglnM_0 (:obj:`float`): offset parameter for :math:`\\sigma_{{\\rm ln}M}`. siglnM_p (:obj:`float`): tilt parameter for :math:`\\sigma_{{\\rm ln}M}`. log10M0_0 (:obj:`float`): offset parameter for :math:`\\log_{10}M_0`. log10M0_p (:obj:`float`): tilt parameter for :math:`\\log_{10}M_0`. log10M1_0 (:obj:`float`): offset parameter for :math:`\\log_{10}M_1`. log10M1_p (:obj:`float`): tilt parameter for :math:`\\log_{10}M_1`. alpha_0 (:obj:`float`): offset parameter for :math:`\\alpha`. alpha_p (:obj:`float`): tilt parameter for :math:`\\alpha`. fc_0 (:obj:`float`): offset parameter for :math:`f_c`. fc_p (:obj:`float`): tilt parameter for :math:`f_c`. bg_0 (:obj:`float`): offset parameter for :math:`\\beta_g`. bg_p (:obj:`float`): tilt parameter for :math:`\\beta_g`. bmax_0 (:obj:`float`): offset parameter for :math:`\\beta_{\\rm max}`. bmax_p (:obj:`float`): tilt parameter for :math:`\\beta_{\\rm max}`. a_pivot (:obj:`float`): pivot scale factor :math:`a_*`. ns_independent (:obj:`bool`): drop requirement to only form satellites when centrals are present """ if log10Mmin_0 is not None: self.log10Mmin_0 = log10Mmin_0 if log10Mmin_p is not None: self.log10Mmin_p = log10Mmin_p if log10M0_0 is not None: self.log10M0_0 = log10M0_0 if log10M0_p is not None: self.log10M0_p = log10M0_p if log10M1_0 is not None: self.log10M1_0 = log10M1_0 if log10M1_p is not None: self.log10M1_p = log10M1_p if siglnM_0 is not None: self.siglnM_0 = siglnM_0 if siglnM_p is not None: self.siglnM_p = siglnM_p if alpha_0 is not None: self.alpha_0 = alpha_0 if alpha_p is not None: self.alpha_p = alpha_p if fc_0 is not None: self.fc_0 = fc_0 if fc_p is not None: self.fc_p = fc_p if bg_0 is not None: self.bg_0 = bg_0 if bg_p is not None: self.bg_p = bg_p if bmax_0 is not None: self.bmax_0 = bmax_0 if bmax_p is not None: self.bmax_p = bmax_p if a_pivot is not None: self.a_pivot = a_pivot if ns_independent is not None: self.ns_independent = ns_independent
def _usat_real(self, cosmo, r, M, a): r_use = np.atleast_1d(r) M_use = np.atleast_1d(M) # Comoving virial radius bg = self.bg_0 + self.bg_p * (a - self.a_pivot) bmax = self.bmax_0 + self.bmax_p * (a - self.a_pivot) R_M = self.mass_def.get_radius(cosmo, M_use, a) / a c_M = self.concentration(cosmo, M_use, a) R_s = R_M / c_M c_M *= bmax / bg x = r_use[None, :] / (R_s[:, None] * bg) prof = 1./(x * (1 + x)**2) # Truncate prof[r_use[None, :] > R_M[:, None]*bmax] = 0 norm = 1. / (4 * np.pi * (bg*R_s)**3 * (np.log(1+c_M) - c_M/(1+c_M))) prof = prof[:, :] * norm[:, None] if np.ndim(r) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=-1) if np.ndim(M) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=0) return prof def _usat_fourier(self, cosmo, k, M, a): M_use = np.atleast_1d(M) k_use = np.atleast_1d(k) # Comoving virial radius bg = self.bg_0 + self.bg_p * (a - self.a_pivot) bmax = self.bmax_0 + self.bmax_p * (a - self.a_pivot) R_M = self.mass_def.get_radius(cosmo, M_use, a) / a c_M = self.concentration(cosmo, M_use, a) R_s = R_M / c_M c_M *= bmax / bg x = k_use[None, :] * R_s[:, None] * bg Si1, Ci1 = sici((1 + c_M[:, None]) * x) Si2, Ci2 = sici(x) P1 = 1. / (np.log(1+c_M) - c_M/(1+c_M)) P2 = np.sin(x) * (Si1 - Si2) + np.cos(x) * (Ci1 - Ci2) P3 = np.sin(c_M[:, None] * x) / ((1 + c_M[:, None]) * x) prof = P1[:, None] * (P2 - P3) if np.ndim(k) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=-1) if np.ndim(M) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=0) return prof def _real(self, cosmo, r, M, a): r_use = np.atleast_1d(r) M_use = np.atleast_1d(M) Nc = self._Nc(M_use, a) Ns = self._Ns(M_use, a) fc = self._fc(a) # NFW profile ur = self._usat_real(cosmo, r_use, M_use, a) if self.ns_independent: prof = Nc[:, None] * fc + Ns[:, None] * ur else: prof = Nc[:, None] * (fc + Ns[:, None] * ur) if np.ndim(r) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=-1) if np.ndim(M) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=0) return prof
[docs] def get_normalization(self, cosmo, a, *, hmc): """Returns the normalization of this profile, which is the mean galaxy number density. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): a Cosmology object. a (:obj:`float`): scale factor. hmc (:class:`~pyccl.halos.halo_model.HMCalculator`): a halo model calculator object. Returns: :obj:`float`: normalization factor of this profile. """ def integ(M): Nc = self._Nc(M, a) Ns = self._Ns(M, a) fc = self._fc(a) if self.ns_independent: return Nc*fc + Ns return Nc*(fc + Ns) return hmc.integrate_over_massfunc(integ, cosmo, a)
def _fourier(self, cosmo, k, M, a): M_use = np.atleast_1d(M) k_use = np.atleast_1d(k) Nc = self._Nc(M_use, a) Ns = self._Ns(M_use, a) fc = self._fc(a) # NFW profile uk = self._usat_fourier(cosmo, k_use, M_use, a) if self.ns_independent: prof = Nc[:, None] * fc + Ns[:, None] * uk else: prof = Nc[:, None] * (fc + Ns[:, None] * uk) if np.ndim(k) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=-1) if np.ndim(M) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=0) return prof def _fourier_variance(self, cosmo, k, M, a): # Fourier-space variance of the HOD profile M_use = np.atleast_1d(M) k_use = np.atleast_1d(k) Nc = self._Nc(M_use, a) Ns = self._Ns(M_use, a) fc = self._fc(a) # NFW profile uk = self._usat_fourier(cosmo, k_use, M_use, a) prof = Ns[:, None] * uk if self.ns_independent: prof = 2 * Nc[:, None] * fc * prof + prof**2 else: prof = Nc[:, None] * (2 * fc * prof + prof**2) if np.ndim(k) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=-1) if np.ndim(M) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=0) return prof def _fc(self, a): # Observed fraction of centrals return self.fc_0 + self.fc_p * (a - self.a_pivot) def _Nc(self, M, a): # Number of centrals Mmin = 10.**(self.log10Mmin_0 + self.log10Mmin_p * (a - self.a_pivot)) siglnM = self.siglnM_0 + self.siglnM_p * (a - self.a_pivot) return 0.5 * (1 + erf(np.log(M/Mmin)/siglnM)) def _Ns(self, M, a): # Number of satellites M0 = 10.**(self.log10M0_0 + self.log10M0_p * (a - self.a_pivot)) M1 = 10.**(self.log10M1_0 + self.log10M1_p * (a - self.a_pivot)) alpha = self.alpha_0 + self.alpha_p * (a - self.a_pivot) return np.heaviside(M-M0, 1) * (np.fabs(M-M0) / M1)**alpha