Source code for pyccl.halos.profiles.nfw

__all__ = ("HaloProfileNFW",)

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import sici

from . import HaloProfileMatter

[docs]class HaloProfileNFW(HaloProfileMatter): """`Navarro-Frenk-White <>`_ profile. .. math:: \\rho(r) = \\frac{\\rho_0} {\\frac{r}{r_s}\\left(1+\\frac{r}{r_s}\\right)^2} where :math:`r_s` is related to the comoving spherical overdensity halo radius :math:`r_\\Delta(M)` through the concentration parameter :math:`c(M)` as .. math:: r_\\Delta(M) = c(M)\\,r_s and the normalization :math:`\\rho_0` is .. math:: \\rho_0 = \\frac{M}{4\\pi\\,r_s^3\\,[\\log(1+c) - c/(1+c)]} By default, this profile is truncated at :math:`r = r_\\Delta(M)`. Args: mass_def (:class:`~pyccl.halos.massdef.MassDef` or :obj:`str`): a mass definition object, or a name string. concentration (:obj:`~pyccl.halos.halo_model_base.Concentration`): concentration-mass relation to use with this profile. fourier_analytic (:obj:`bool`): set to ``True`` if you want to compute the Fourier profile analytically (and not through FFTLog). projected_analytic (:obj:`bool`): set to ``True`` if you want to compute the 2D projected profile analytically (and not through FFTLog). cumul2d_analytic (:obj:`bool`): set to ``True`` if you want to compute the 2D cumulative surface density analytically (and not through FFTLog). truncated (:obj:`bool`): set to ``True`` if the profile should be truncated at :math:`r = r_\\Delta`. """ __repr_attrs__ = __eq_attrs__ = ( "fourier_analytic", "projected_analytic", "cumul2d_analytic", "truncated", "mass_def", "concentration", "precision_fftlog",) def __init__(self, *, mass_def, concentration, fourier_analytic=True, projected_analytic=False, cumul2d_analytic=False, truncated=True): self.truncated = truncated self.fourier_analytic = fourier_analytic self.projected_analytic = projected_analytic self.cumul2d_analytic = cumul2d_analytic if fourier_analytic: self._fourier = self._fourier_analytic if projected_analytic: if truncated: raise ValueError("Analytic projected profile not supported " "for truncated NFW. Set `truncated` or " "`projected_analytic` to `False`.") self._projected = self._projected_analytic if cumul2d_analytic: if truncated: raise ValueError("Analytic cumuative 2d profile not supported " "for truncated NFW. Set `truncated` or " "`cumul2d_analytic` to `False`.") self._cumul2d = self._cumul2d_analytic self._omln2 = 1 - np.log(2) super().__init__(mass_def=mass_def, concentration=concentration) self.update_precision_fftlog(padding_hi_fftlog=1E2, padding_lo_fftlog=1E-2, n_per_decade=1000, plaw_fourier=-2.) def _norm(self, M, Rs, c): # NFW normalization from mass, radius and concentration return M / (4 * np.pi * Rs**3 * (np.log(1+c) - c/(1+c))) def _real(self, cosmo, r, M, a): r_use = np.atleast_1d(r) M_use = np.atleast_1d(M) # Comoving virial radius R_M = self.mass_def.get_radius(cosmo, M_use, a) / a c_M = self.concentration(cosmo, M_use, a) R_s = R_M / c_M x = r_use[None, :] / R_s[:, None] prof = 1./(x * (1 + x)**2) if self.truncated: prof[r_use[None, :] > R_M[:, None]] = 0 norm = self._norm(M_use, R_s, c_M) prof = prof[:, :] * norm[:, None] if np.ndim(r) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=-1) if np.ndim(M) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=0) return prof def _fx_projected(self, x): def f1(xx): x2m1 = xx * xx - 1 sqx2m1 = np.sqrt(-x2m1) return 1 / x2m1 + np.arcsinh(sqx2m1 / xx) / (-x2m1)**1.5 def f2(xx): x2m1 = xx * xx - 1 sqx2m1 = np.sqrt(x2m1) return 1 / x2m1 - np.arcsin(sqx2m1 / xx) / x2m1**1.5 xf = x.flatten() return np.piecewise(xf, [xf < 1, xf > 1], [f1, f2, 1./3.]).reshape(x.shape) def _projected_analytic(self, cosmo, r, M, a): r_use = np.atleast_1d(r) M_use = np.atleast_1d(M) # Comoving virial radius R_M = self.mass_def.get_radius(cosmo, M_use, a) / a c_M = self.concentration(cosmo, M_use, a) R_s = R_M / c_M x = r_use[None, :] / R_s[:, None] prof = self._fx_projected(x) norm = 2 * R_s * self._norm(M_use, R_s, c_M) prof *= norm[:, None] if np.ndim(r) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=-1) if np.ndim(M) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=0) return prof def _fx_cumul2d(self, x): def f1(xx): sqx2m1 = np.sqrt(-(xx * xx - 1)) return np.log(0.5 * xx) + np.arcsinh(sqx2m1 / xx) / sqx2m1 def f2(xx): sqx2m1 = np.sqrt(xx * xx - 1) return np.log(0.5 * xx) + np.arcsin(sqx2m1 / xx) / sqx2m1 xf = x.flatten() f = np.piecewise(xf, [xf < 1, xf > 1], [f1, f2, self._omln2]).reshape(x.shape) return 2 * f / x**2 def _cumul2d_analytic(self, cosmo, r, M, a): r_use = np.atleast_1d(r) M_use = np.atleast_1d(M) # Comoving virial radius R_M = self.mass_def.get_radius(cosmo, M_use, a) / a c_M = self.concentration(cosmo, M_use, a) R_s = R_M / c_M x = r_use[None, :] / R_s[:, None] prof = self._fx_cumul2d(x) norm = 2 * R_s * self._norm(M_use, R_s, c_M) prof = prof[:, :] * norm[:, None] if np.ndim(r) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=-1) if np.ndim(M) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=0) return prof def _fourier_analytic(self, cosmo, k, M, a): M_use = np.atleast_1d(M) k_use = np.atleast_1d(k) # Comoving virial radius R_M = self.mass_def.get_radius(cosmo, M_use, a) / a c_M = self.concentration(cosmo, M_use, a) R_s = R_M / c_M x = k_use[None, :] * R_s[:, None] Si2, Ci2 = sici(x) P1 = M_use / (np.log(1 + c_M) - c_M / (1 + c_M)) if self.truncated: Si1, Ci1 = sici((1 + c_M[:, None]) * x) P2 = np.sin(x) * (Si1 - Si2) + np.cos(x) * (Ci1 - Ci2) P3 = np.sin(c_M[:, None] * x) / ((1 + c_M[:, None]) * x) prof = P1[:, None] * (P2 - P3) else: P2 = np.sin(x) * (0.5 * np.pi - Si2) - np.cos(x) * Ci2 prof = P1[:, None] * P2 if np.ndim(k) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=-1) if np.ndim(M) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=0) return prof