Source code for pyccl.halos.profiles.pressure_gnfw

__all__ = ("HaloProfilePressureGNFW",)

import numpy as np

from ... import UnlockInstance
from . import HaloProfilePressure

[docs]class HaloProfilePressureGNFW(HaloProfilePressure): """ Generalized NFW electron pressure profile by `Arnaud et al. 2010 <>`_. The parametrization is: .. math:: P_e(r) = C\\times P_0 h_{70}^E (c_{500} x)^{-\\gamma} [1+(c_{500}x)^\\alpha]^{(\\gamma-\\beta)/\\alpha}, where .. math:: C = 1.65\\,h_{70}^2\\left(\\frac{H(z)}{H_0}\\right)^{8/3} \\left[\\frac{h_{70}\\tilde{M}_{500c}} {3\\times10^{14}\\,M_\\odot}\\right]^{2/3+\\alpha_{\\mathrm{P}}}, :math:`x = r/\\tilde{r}_{500c}`, :math:`h_{70}=h/0.7`, and the exponent :math:`E` is -1 for SZ-based profile normalizations and -1.5 for X-ray-based normalizations. The biased mass :math:`\\tilde{M}_{500c}` is related to the true overdensity mass :math:`M_{500c}` via the mass bias parameter :math:`(1-b)` as :math:`\\tilde{M}_{500c}=(1-b)M_{500c}`. :math:`\\tilde{r}_{500c}` is the overdensity halo radius associated with :math:`\\tilde{M}_{500c}` (note the intentional tilde!), and the profile is defined for a halo overdensity :math:`\\Delta=500` with respect to the critical density. The default arguments (other than ``mass_bias``), correspond to the profile parameters used in the `Planck 2013 (XX) <>`_ paper. The profile is calculated in physical (non-comoving) units of :math:`\\mathrm{eV/cm^3}`. Args: mass_def (:class:`~pyccl.halos.massdef.MassDef` or :obj:`str`): a mass definition object, or a name string. mass_bias (:obj:`float`): The mass bias parameter :math:`1-b`. P0 (:obj:`float`): Profile normalization. c500 (:obj:`float`): Concentration parameter. alpha, beta, gamma (:obj:`float`): Profile shape parameters. alpha_P (:obj:`float`): Additional mass dependence exponent P0_hexp (:obj:`float`): Power of :math:`h` with which the normalization parameter scales. Equal to :math:`-1` for SZ-based normalizations, and :math:`-3/2` for X-ray-based normalizations. qrange (:obj:`tuple`): Tuple of two numbers denoting the limits of integration used when computing the Fourier-space profile template, in units of :math:`r_{\\mathrm{vir}}`. nq (:obj:`int`): Number of sampling points of the Fourier-space profile template. x_out (:obj:`float`): Profile threshold, in units of :math:`r_{\\mathrm{500c}}`. Defaults to :math:`+\\infty`. """ __repr_attrs__ = __eq_attrs__ = ( "mass_bias", "P0", "c500", "alpha", "alpha_P", "beta", "gamma", "P0_hexp", "qrange", "nq", "x_out", "mass_def", "precision_fftlog",) def __init__(self, *, mass_def, mass_bias=0.8, P0=6.41, c500=1.81, alpha=1.33, alpha_P=0.12, beta=4.13, gamma=0.31, P0_hexp=-1., qrange=(1e-3, 1e3), nq=128, x_out=np.inf): self.qrange = qrange self.nq = nq self.mass_bias = mass_bias self.P0 = P0 self.c500 = c500 self.alpha = alpha self.alpha_P = alpha_P self.beta = beta self.gamma = gamma self.P0_hexp = P0_hexp self.x_out = x_out # Interpolator for dimensionless Fourier-space profile self._fourier_interp = None super().__init__(mass_def=mass_def)
[docs] def update_parameters(self, *, mass_bias=None, P0=None, c500=None, alpha=None, beta=None, gamma=None, alpha_P=None, P0_hexp=None, x_out=None): """Update any of the parameters associated with this profile. Any parameter set to ``None`` won't be updated. .. note:: A change in ``alpha``, ``beta``, ``gamma``, ``c500``, or ``x_out`` recomputes the Fourier-space template, which may be slow. Args: mass_bias (:obj:`float`): The mass bias parameter :math:`1-b`. P0 (:obj:`float`): Profile normalization. c500 (:obj:`float`): Concentration parameter. alpha, beta, gamma (:obj:`float`): Profile shape parameters. alpha_P (:obj:`float`): Additional mass dependence exponent P0_hexp (:obj:`float`): Power of :math:`h` with which the normalization parameter scales. Equal to :math:`-1` for SZ-based normalizations, and :math:`-3/2` for X-ray-based normalizations. x_out (:obj:`float`): Profile threshold, in units of :math:`r_{\\mathrm{500c}}`. Defaults to :math:`+\\infty`. """ if mass_bias is not None: self.mass_bias = mass_bias if alpha_P is not None: self.alpha_P = alpha_P if P0 is not None: self.P0 = P0 if P0_hexp is not None: self.P0_hexp = P0_hexp # Check if we need to recompute the Fourier profile. re_fourier = False if alpha is not None and alpha != self.alpha: re_fourier = True self.alpha = alpha if beta is not None and beta != self.beta: re_fourier = True self.beta = beta if gamma is not None and gamma != self.gamma: re_fourier = True self.gamma = gamma if c500 is not None and c500 != self.c500: re_fourier = True self.c500 = c500 if x_out is not None and x_out != self.x_out: re_fourier = True self.x_out = x_out if re_fourier and (self._fourier_interp is not None): self._fourier_interp = self._integ_interp()
def _form_factor(self, x): # Scale-dependent factor of the GNFW profile. f1 = (self.c500*x)**(-self.gamma) exponent = -(self.beta-self.gamma)/self.alpha f2 = (1+(self.c500*x)**self.alpha)**exponent return f1*f2 def _integ_interp(self): # Precomputes the Fourier transform of the profile in terms # of the scaled radius x and creates a spline interpolator # for it. from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from scipy.integrate import quad def integrand(x): return self._form_factor(x)*x q_arr = np.geomspace(self.qrange[0], self.qrange[1], self.nq) # We use the `weight` feature of quad to quickly estimate # the Fourier transform. We could use the existing FFTLog # framework, but this is a lot less of a kerfuffle. f_arr = np.array([quad(integrand, a=1e-4, b=self.x_out, # limits of integration weight="sin", # fourier sine weight wvar=q)[0] / q for q in q_arr]) Fq = interp1d(np.log(q_arr), f_arr, fill_value="extrapolate", bounds_error=False) return Fq def _norm(self, cosmo, M, a, mb): # Computes the normalization factor of the GNFW profile. # Normalization factor is given in units of eV/cm^3. # (Bolliet et al. 2017). h70 = cosmo["h"]/0.7 C0 = 1.65*h70**2 CM = (h70*M*mb/3E14)**(2/3+self.alpha_P) # M dependence Cz = cosmo.h_over_h0(a)**(8/3) # z dependence P0_corr = self.P0 * h70**self.P0_hexp # h-corrected P_0 return P0_corr * C0 * CM * Cz def _real(self, cosmo, r, M, a): # Real-space profile. # Output in units of eV/cm^3 r_use = np.atleast_1d(r) M_use = np.atleast_1d(M) # Comoving virial radius # (1-b) mb = self.mass_bias # R_Delta*(1+z) R = self.mass_def.get_radius(cosmo, M_use * mb, a) / a nn = self._norm(cosmo, M_use, a, mb) prof = self._form_factor(r_use[None, :] / R[:, None]) prof *= nn[:, None] if np.ndim(r) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=-1) if np.ndim(M) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=0) return prof def _fourier(self, cosmo, k, M, a): # Fourier-space profile. # Output in units of eV * Mpc^3 / cm^3. # Tabulate if not done yet if self._fourier_interp is None: with UnlockInstance(self): self._fourier_interp = self._integ_interp() # Input handling M_use = np.atleast_1d(M) k_use = np.atleast_1d(k) mb = self.mass_bias # R_Delta*(1+z) R = self.mass_def.get_radius(cosmo, M_use*mb, a) / a ff = self._fourier_interp(np.log(k_use[None, :] * R[:, None])) nn = self._norm(cosmo, M_use, a, mb) prof = (4*np.pi*R**3 * nn)[:, None] * ff if np.ndim(k) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=-1) if np.ndim(M) == 0: prof = np.squeeze(prof, axis=0) return prof