Source code for pyccl.nl_pt.tracers

__all__ = ("translate_IA_norm", "PTTracer", "PTMatterTracer",
           "PTNumberCountsTracer", "PTIntrinsicAlignmentTracer",)

from abc import abstractmethod

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from .. import CCLAutoRepr, physical_constants
from ..pyutils import _check_array_params

[docs]def translate_IA_norm(cosmo, *, z, a1=1.0, a1delta=None, a2=None, Om_m2_for_c2=False, Om_m_fid=0.3): """ Function to convert from :math:`A_{ia}` values to :math:`c_{ia}` values, for the intrinsic alignment bias parameters using the standard convention of `Blazek et al. 2019 <>`_ or the variant used by the Dark Energy Survey analysis. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): cosmology object. z (:obj:`float` or `array`): z value(s) where amplitude is evaluated. a1 (:obj:`float` or `array`): IA :math:`A_1` at input z values. a1delta (:obj:`float` or `array`): IA :math:`A_{1\\delta}` at input z values. a2 (:obj:`float` or `array`): IA :math:`A_2` at input z values. Om_m2_for_c2 (:obj:`bool`): True to use the Blazek et al. 2019 convention of :math:`\\Omega_m^2` scaling. Om_m_fid (:obj:`float`): Value for Blazek et al. 2019 scaling. Returns: Tuple of IA bias parameters - c1 (:obj:`float` or `array`): IA :math:`C_1` at input z values. - c1delta (:obj:`float` or `array`): IA :math:`C_{1\\delta}` at input z values. - c2 (:obj:`float` or `array`): IA :math:`C_2` at input z values. """ Om_m = cosmo['Omega_m'] rho_crit = physical_constants.RHO_CRITICAL c1 = c1delta = c2 = None gz = cosmo.growth_factor(1./(1+z)) if a1 is not None: c1 = -1*a1*5e-14*rho_crit*Om_m/gz if a1delta is not None: c1delta = -1*a1delta*5e-14*rho_crit*Om_m/gz if a2 is not None: if Om_m2_for_c2: # Blazek2019 convention c2 = a2*5*5e-14*rho_crit*Om_m**2/(Om_m_fid*gz**2) else: # DES convention c2 = a2*5*5e-14*rho_crit*Om_m/(gz**2) return c1, c1delta, c2
[docs]class PTTracer(CCLAutoRepr): """PTTracers contain the information necessary to describe the perturbative, non-linear inhomogeneities associated with different physical quantities. In essence their main function is to store a set of redshift-dependent functions (e.g. perturbation theory biases) needed in a perturbation theory framework to provide N-point correlations. """ __repr_attrs__ = __eq_attrs__ = ('type', 'biases') def __init__(self): self.biases = {} pass @property @abstractmethod def type(self): """String defining tracer type (``'M'``, ``'NC'`` and ``'IA'`` supported). """
[docs] def get_bias(self, bias_name, z): """Get the value of one of the bias functions at a given redshift. Args: bias_name (:obj:`str`): name of the bias function to return. z (:obj:`float` or `array`): redshift. Returns: (:obj:`float` or `array`): bias value at the input redshifts. """ if bias_name not in self.biases: raise KeyError(f"Bias {bias_name} not included in this tracer") return self.biases[bias_name](z)
def _get_bias_function(self, b): # If None, assume it's zero if b is None: b = 0 # If it's a scalar, then assume it's a constant function if np.ndim(b) == 0: def _const(z): if np.ndim(z) == 0: return b else: return b * np.ones_like(z) return _const else: # Otherwise interpolate z, b = _check_array_params(b) return interp1d(z, b, bounds_error=False, fill_value=b[-1])
[docs]class PTMatterTracer(PTTracer): """:class:`PTTracer` representing matter fluctuations. """ type = 'M' def __init__(self): self.biases = {}
[docs]class PTNumberCountsTracer(PTTracer): """:class:`PTTracer` representing number count fluctuations. This is described by 1st and 2nd-order biases and a tidal field bias. These are provided as floating point numbers or tuples of `(reshift,bias)` arrays. If a number is provided, a constant bias is assumed. If ``None``, a bias of zero is assumed. Args: b1 (:obj:`float` or :obj:`tuple`): a single number or a tuple of arrays ``(z, b(z))`` giving the first-order bias. b2 (:obj:`float` or :obj:`tuple`): as above for the second-order bias. bs (:obj:`float` or :obj:`tuple`): as above for the tidal bias. b3nl (:obj:`float` or :obj:`tuple`): as above for the third-order bias. bk2 (:obj:`float` or :obj:`tuple`): as above for the non-local bias. """ type = 'NC' def __init__(self, b1, b2=None, bs=None, b3nl=None, bk2=None): self.biases = {} # Initialize b1 self.biases['b1'] = self._get_bias_function(b1) # Initialize b2 self.biases['b2'] = self._get_bias_function(b2) # Initialize bs self.biases['bs'] = self._get_bias_function(bs) # Initialize b3nl self.biases['b3nl'] = self._get_bias_function(b3nl) # Initialize bk2 self.biases['bk2'] = self._get_bias_function(bk2) @property def b1(self): """Internal first-order bias function. """ return self.biases['b1'] @property def b2(self): """Internal second-order bias function. """ return self.biases['b2'] @property def bs(self): """Internal tidal bias function. """ return self.biases['bs'] @property def b3nl(self): """Internal third-order bias function. """ return self.biases['b3nl'] @property def bk2(self): """Internal non-local bias function. """ return self.biases['bk2']
[docs]class PTIntrinsicAlignmentTracer(PTTracer): """:class:`PTTracer` representing intrinsic alignments. This is described by 1st and 2nd-order alignment biases and an overdensity bias. These are provided as floating point numbers or tuples of (reshift,bias) arrays. If a number is provided, a constant bias is assumed. If ``None``, a bias of zero is assumed. Args: c1 (:obj:`float` or :obj:`tuple`): a single number or a tuple of arrays ``(z, c1(z))`` giving the first-order alignment bias :math:`C_1`. c2 (:obj:`float` or :obj:`tuple`): as above for the second-order alignment bias :math:`C_2`. cdelta (:obj:`float` or :obj:`tuple`): as above for the overdensity bias :math:`C_{1\\delta}`. """ type = 'IA' def __init__(self, c1, c2=None, cdelta=None): self.biases = {} # Initialize c1 self.biases['c1'] = self._get_bias_function(c1) # Initialize c2 self.biases['c2'] = self._get_bias_function(c2) # Initialize cdelta self.biases['cdelta'] = self._get_bias_function(cdelta) @property def c1(self): """Internal first-order bias function. """ return self.biases['c1'] @property def c2(self): """Internal second-order bias function. """ return self.biases['c2'] @property def cdelta(self): """Internal overdensity bias function. """ return self.biases['cdelta']