Source code for pyccl.pk2d

__all__ = ("Pk2D", "parse_pk2d", "parse_pk",)

import warnings

import numpy as np

from . import (
    CCLObject, DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM, UnlockInstance, check, get_pk_spline_a,
    get_pk_spline_lk, lib, unlock_instance)
from . import CCLWarning, CCLError
from .pyutils import _get_spline1d_arrays, _get_spline2d_arrays

[docs]class Pk2D(CCLObject): """A power spectrum class holding the information needed to reconstruct an arbitrary function of wavenumber and scale factor. .. note:: The ``Pk2D`` class is a wrapper around CCL's bicubic interpolators. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division returning new objects or in-place is supported between ``Pk2D`` objects and other ``Pk2D`` objects, integers, or floats. When the second object is also of type ``Pk2D``, the a- and k-range changes to the most restrictive range. Exponentiation is also supported for integers and floats. .. note:: The power spectrum can be evaluated by directly calling the instance ``pk(k, a)``. This is vectorized in both ``k`` and ``a``. Args: a_arr (`array`): An array holding values of the scale factor lk_arr (`array`): An array holding values of the natural logarithm of the wavenumber (in :math:`\\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}`). pk_arr (`array`) : A 2-D array of shape ``(na, nk)``, of the values of the power spectrum at ``a_arr`` and ``lk_arr``. Input array could be flattened, provided that its size is ``nk*na``. The array can hold the values of the natural logarithm of the power spectrum, depending on the value of ``is_logp``. Users must ensure that the power spectrum is sufficiently well sampled (i.e. the resolution of `a_arr` and `lk_arr` is high enough to sample the main features in the power spectrum). CCL uses bicubic interpolation to evaluate the power spectrum at any intermediate point in k and a. extrap_order_lok (:obj:`int`): ``{0, 1, 2}``. Extrapolation order to be used on k-values below the minimum the splines. Note that extrapolation is either in :math:`\\log(P(k))` or in :math:`P(k)`, depending on the value of ``is_logp``. extrap_order_hik (:obj:`int`) : ``{0, 1, 2}``. Extrapolation order to be used on k-values above the maximum of the splines. Note that extrapolation is either in :math:`\\log(P(k))` or in :math:`P(k)`, depending on the value of ``is_logp``. is_logp (:obj:`bool`): If True, ``pkarr`` holds the natural logarithm of the power spectrum. Otherwise, the true value of the power spectrum is expected. If ``is_logp`` is ``True``, arrays are interpolated in log-space. .. automethod:: __call__ """ # noqa E501 from ._core.repr_ import build_string_Pk2D as __repr__ def __init__(self, *, a_arr=None, lk_arr=None, pk_arr=None, is_logp=True, extrap_order_lok=1, extrap_order_hik=2): # Make sure input makes sense if (a_arr is None) or (lk_arr is None) or (pk_arr is None): raise ValueError("If you do not provide a function, " "you must provide arrays") # Check that `a` is a monotonically increasing array. if not (np.diff(a_arr) > 0).all(): raise ValueError("Input scale factor array in `a_arr` is not " "monotonically increasing.") pkflat = pk_arr.flatten() # Check dimensions make sense if len(pkflat) != len(a_arr)*len(lk_arr): raise ValueError("Size of input arrays is inconsistent") status = 0 self.psp, status = lib.set_pk2d_new_from_arrays(lk_arr, a_arr, pkflat, int(extrap_order_lok), int(extrap_order_hik), int(is_logp), status) check(status)
[docs] @classmethod def from_function(cls, pkfunc, *, is_logp=True, spline_params=None, extrap_order_lok=1, extrap_order_hik=2): """ Generates a `Pk2D` object from a function that calculates a power spectrum. Args: pkfunc (:obj:`callable`): Function with signature ``f(k, a)`` which takes vectorized input in ``k`` (wavenumber in :math:`\\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}`) and a scale factor`a``, and returns the value of the corresponding quantity. ``pkfunc`` will be sampled at the values of ``k`` and ``a`` used internally by CCL to store the linear and non-linear power spectra. spline_params (:obj:`~pyccl._core.parameters.parameters_base.SplineParameters`): optional spline parameters. Used to determine sampling rates in scale factor and wavenumber. Custom parameters can be passed via the :class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology` object with ``cosmo.cosmo.spline_params`` (C API), or with an instance of ``ccl.parameters.SplineParameters`` (Python API). If ``None``, it defaults to the global accuracy parameters in CCL at the moment this function is called. Returns: :class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D`. Power spectrum object. """ # noqa E501 if spline_params is None: from . import spline_params # Set k and a sampling from CCL parameters a_arr = get_pk_spline_a(spline_params=spline_params) lk_arr = get_pk_spline_lk(spline_params=spline_params) # Compute power spectrum on 2D grid pk_arr = np.array([pkfunc(k=np.exp(lk_arr), a=a) for a in a_arr]) return cls(a_arr=a_arr, lk_arr=lk_arr, pk_arr=pk_arr, is_logp=is_logp, extrap_order_lok=extrap_order_lok, extrap_order_hik=extrap_order_hik)
def __eq__(self, other): # Check object id. if self is other: return True # Check the object class. if type(self) is not type(other): return False # If the objects contain no data, return early. if not (self or other): return True # Check extrapolation orders. if not (self.extrap_order_lok == other.extrap_order_lok and self.extrap_order_hik == other.extrap_order_hik): return False # Check the individual splines. a1, lk1, pk1 = self.get_spline_arrays() a2, lk2, pk2 = other.get_spline_arrays() return ((a1 == a2).all() and (lk1 == lk2).all() and np.array_equal(pk1, pk2)) def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self)) @property def has_psp(self): return 'psp' in vars(self) @property def extrap_order_lok(self): return self.psp.extrap_order_lok if self else None @property def extrap_order_hik(self): return self.psp.extrap_order_hik if self else None
[docs] @classmethod def from_model(cls, cosmo, model): """:class:`Pk2D` constructor returning the power spectrum associated with a given numerical model. Arguments: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): A Cosmology object. model (:obj:`str`): Model to use. These models allowed: - ``'bbks'`` (`Bardeen et al. 1986 <>`_). - ``'eisenstein_hu'`` (`Eisenstein & Hu 1997 <>`_). - ``'eisenstein_hu_nowiggles'`` (`Eisenstein & Hu 1997 <>`_, no-wiggles version). Returns: :class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D`. The power spectrum of the input model. """ # noqa E501 pk2d = Pk2D.__new__(cls) status = 0 if model == 'bbks': cosmo.compute_growth() ret = lib.compute_linpower_bbks(cosmo.cosmo, status) elif model == 'eisenstein_hu': cosmo.compute_growth() ret = lib.compute_linpower_eh(cosmo.cosmo, 1, status) elif model == 'eisenstein_hu_nowiggles': cosmo.compute_growth() ret = lib.compute_linpower_eh(cosmo.cosmo, 0, status) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid model {model}.") if np.ndim(ret) == 0: status = ret else: with UnlockInstance(pk2d): pk2d.psp, status = ret check(status, cosmo) return pk2d
[docs] def apply_halofit(self, cosmo): """Apply the "HALOFIT" transformation of `Takahashi et al. 2012 <>`_ on the linear power spectrum represented by this :class:`Pk2D` object, and return the result as a :class:`Pk2D` object. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): a Cosmology object. Return: :class:`Pk2D` object containing the non-linear power spectrum after applying HALOFIT. """ # noqa 501 if cosmo["wa"] != 0: # HALOFIT translates (w0, wa) to a w0_eff. This requires computing # the comoving distance to the CMB, which requires the background # splines being sampled to sufficiently high redshifts. cosmo.compute_distances() _, a = _get_spline1d_arrays( if min(a) > 1/(1 + 3000): raise CCLError("Comoving distance spline does not cover " "sufficiently high redshifts for HALOFIT. " "HALOFIT translates (w0, wa) to a w0_eff. This " "requires computing the comoving distance to " "the CMB, which requires the background " "splines being sampled to sufficiently high " "redshifts. If using the calculator mode, " "check the support of the background data.") pk2d = Pk2D.__new__(Pk2D) status = 0 ret = lib.apply_halofit(cosmo.cosmo, self.psp, status) if np.ndim(ret) == 0: status = ret else: with UnlockInstance(pk2d): pk2d.psp, status = ret check(status, cosmo) return pk2d
[docs] def __call__(self, k, a, cosmo=None, *, derivative=False): """Evaluate the power spectrum or its logarithmic derivative at a single value of the scale factor. Arguments --------- k : :obj:`float` or `array` Wavenumber value(s) in units of :math:`{\\ rm Mpc}^{-1}`. a : :obj:`float` or `array` Value of the scale factor cosmo : :class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology` Cosmology object. Used to evaluate the power spectrum outside of the interpolation range in ``a``, thorugh the linear growth factor. If ``cosmo`` is ``None``, attempting to evaluate the power spectrum outside of the interpolation range will raise an error. derivative : :obj:`bool` If ``False``, evaluate the power spectrum. If ``True``, evaluate the logarithmic derivative of the power spectrum, :math:`d\\log P(k)/d\\log k`. Returns ------- P(k, a) : (:obj:`float` or `array`) Value(s) of the power spectrum. or its derivative. """ # determine if logarithmic derivative is needed if not derivative: eval_func = lib.pk2d_eval_multi else: eval_func = lib.pk2d_der_eval_multi # handle scale factor extrapolation if cosmo is None: cosmo = self.__call__._cosmo self.psp.extrap_linear_growth = 404 # flag no extrapolation else: cosmo.compute_growth() # growth factors for extrapolation self.psp.extrap_linear_growth = 401 # flag extrapolation a_use = np.atleast_1d(a).astype(float) k_use = np.atleast_1d(k).astype(float) lk_use = np.log(k_use) status = 0 out = np.zeros([len(a_use), len(k_use)]) for ia, aa in enumerate(a_use): f, status = eval_func(self.psp, lk_use, aa, cosmo.cosmo, k_use.size, status) # Catch scale factor extrapolation bounds error. if status == lib.CCL_ERROR_SPLINE_EV: raise ValueError( "Pk2D evaluation scale factor is outside of the " "interpolation range. To extrapolate, pass a Cosmology.") check(status, cosmo) out[ia] = f if np.ndim(k) == 0: out = np.squeeze(out, axis=-1) if np.ndim(a) == 0: out = np.squeeze(out, axis=0) return out
# Save a dummy cosmology as an attribute of the `__call__` method # so we don't have to initialize one every time no `cosmo` is passed. # This is gentle with memory too, as `free` does not work for an empty # cosmology. __call__._cosmo = type("Dummy", (object,), {"cosmo": lib.cosmology()})()
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of this Pk2D object.""" if not self: return Pk2D.__new__(Pk2D) return self + 0
[docs] def get_spline_arrays(self): """Get the spline data arrays internally stored by this object to interpolate the power spectrum. Returns: Tuple containing - a_arr: Array of scale factors. - lk_arr: Array of natural logarithm of wavenumber k. - pk_arr: Array of the power spectrum :math:`P(k, a)`. The shape is ``(a_arr.size, lk_arr.size)``. """ if not self: raise ValueError("Pk2D object does not have data.") a_arr, lk_arr, pk_arr = _get_spline2d_arrays(self.psp.fka) if self.psp.is_log: pk_arr = np.exp(pk_arr) return a_arr, lk_arr, pk_arr
def __del__(self): """Free memory associated with this Pk2D structure.""" if self: lib.f2d_t_free(self.psp) def __bool__(self): return self.has_psp def __contains__(self, other): if not (self.psp.lkmin <= other.psp.lkmin and self.psp.lkmax >= other.psp.lkmax and self.psp.amin <= other.psp.amin and self.psp.amax >= other.psp.amax): return False return True def _get_binary_operator_arrays(self, other): if not (self and other): raise ValueError("Pk2D object does not have data.") if self not in other: raise ValueError( "The 2nd operand has its data defined over a smaller range " "than the 1st operand. To avoid extrapolation, this operation " "is forbidden. If you want to operate on the smaller support, " "try swapping the operands.") a_arr_a, lk_arr_a, pk_arr_a = self.get_spline_arrays() a_arr_b, lk_arr_b, pk_arr_b = other.get_spline_arrays() if not (a_arr_a.size == a_arr_b.size and lk_arr_a.size == lk_arr_b.size and np.allclose(a_arr_a, a_arr_b) and np.allclose(lk_arr_a, lk_arr_b)): warnings.warn( "Operands defined over different ranges. " "The result will be interpolated and clipped to " f"{self.psp.lkmin} <= log k <= {self.psp.lkmax} and " f"{self.psp.amin} <= a <= {self.psp.amax}.", CCLWarning) pk_arr_b = other(np.exp(lk_arr_a), a_arr_a) return a_arr_a, lk_arr_a, pk_arr_a, pk_arr_b def __add__(self, other): """Adds two Pk2D instances. The a and k ranges of the 2nd operand need to be the same or smaller than the 1st operand. The returned Pk2D object uses the same a and k arrays as the first operand. """ if isinstance(other, (float, int)): a_arr_a, lk_arr_a, pk_arr_a = self.get_spline_arrays() pk_arr_new = pk_arr_a + other elif isinstance(other, Pk2D): a_arr_a, lk_arr_a, pk_arr_a, pk_arr_b = \ self._get_binary_operator_arrays(other) pk_arr_new = pk_arr_a + pk_arr_b else: raise TypeError("Addition of Pk2D is only defined for " "floats, ints, and Pk2D objects.") logp = np.all(pk_arr_new > 0) if logp: pk_arr_new = np.log(pk_arr_new) new = Pk2D(a_arr=a_arr_a, lk_arr=lk_arr_a, pk_arr=pk_arr_new, is_logp=logp, extrap_order_lok=self.extrap_order_lok, extrap_order_hik=self.extrap_order_hik) return new def __mul__(self, other): """Multiply two Pk2D instances. The a and k ranges of the 2nd operand need to be the same or smaller than the 1st operand. The returned Pk2D object uses the same a and k arrays as the first operand. """ if isinstance(other, (float, int)): a_arr_a, lk_arr_a, pk_arr_a = self.get_spline_arrays() pk_arr_new = other * pk_arr_a elif isinstance(other, Pk2D): a_arr_a, lk_arr_a, pk_arr_a, pk_arr_b = \ self._get_binary_operator_arrays(other) pk_arr_new = pk_arr_a * pk_arr_b else: raise TypeError("Multiplication of Pk2D is only defined for " "floats, ints, and Pk2D objects.") logp = np.all(pk_arr_new > 0) if logp: pk_arr_new = np.log(pk_arr_new) new = Pk2D(a_arr=a_arr_a, lk_arr=lk_arr_a, pk_arr=pk_arr_new, is_logp=logp, extrap_order_lok=self.extrap_order_lok, extrap_order_hik=self.extrap_order_hik) return new def __pow__(self, exponent): """Take a Pk2D instance to a power. """ if not isinstance(exponent, (float, int)): raise TypeError( "Exponentiation of Pk2D is only defined for floats and ints.") a_arr_a, lk_arr_a, pk_arr_a = self.get_spline_arrays() if np.any(pk_arr_a < 0) and exponent % 1 != 0: warnings.warn( "Taking a non-positive Pk2D object to a non-integer " "power may lead to unexpected results", CCLWarning) pk_arr_new = pk_arr_a**exponent logp = np.all(pk_arr_new > 0) if logp: pk_arr_new = np.log(pk_arr_new) new = Pk2D(a_arr=a_arr_a, lk_arr=lk_arr_a, pk_arr=pk_arr_new, is_logp=logp, extrap_order_lok=self.extrap_order_lok, extrap_order_hik=self.extrap_order_hik) return new def __sub__(self, other): return self + (-1)*other def __truediv__(self, other): return self * other**(-1) __radd__ = __add__ __rmul__ = __mul__ def __rsub__(self, other): return other + (-1)*self def __rtruediv__(self, other): return other * self**(-1) @unlock_instance def __iadd__(self, other): self = self + other return self @unlock_instance def __imul__(self, other): self = self * other return self @unlock_instance def __isub__(self, other): self = self - other return self @unlock_instance def __itruediv__(self, other): self = self / other return self @unlock_instance def __ipow__(self, other): self = self**other return self
[docs]def parse_pk2d(cosmo, p_of_k_a=DEFAULT_POWER_SPECTRUM, *, is_linear=False): """ Return the C-level `f2d` spline associated with a :class:`Pk2D` object. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): A Cosmology object. p_of_k_a (:class:`Pk2D` or :obj:`str`): if a :class:`Pk2D` object, its `f2d` spline will be used. If a string, the linear or non-linear power spectrum stored by ``cosmo`` under this name will be used. Defaults to the matter power spectrum stored in `cosmo`. is_linear (:obj:`bool`): if ``True``, and if ``p_of_k_a`` is a string or ``None``, the linear version of the corresponding power spectrum will be used (otherwise it'll be the non-linear version). """ if isinstance(p_of_k_a, Pk2D): psp = p_of_k_a.psp else: if isinstance(p_of_k_a, str): name = p_of_k_a else: raise ValueError("p_of_k_a must be a pyccl.Pk2D object or " "a string") if is_linear: cosmo.compute_linear_power() pk = cosmo.get_linear_power(name) else: cosmo.compute_nonlin_power() pk = cosmo.get_nonlin_power(name) psp = pk.psp return psp
[docs]def parse_pk(cosmo, p_of_k_a=None): """Helper to retrieve the right :class:`Pk2D` object. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): a Cosmology object. p_of_k_a (:class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D`, :obj:`str` or :obj:`None`): 3D Power spectrum to return. If a `Pk2D`, it is just returned. If `None` or `"linear"`, the linear power spectrum stored in ``cosmo`` is returned. If `"nonlinear"`, the nonlinear matter power spectrum stored in ``cosmo`` is returned. Returns: :class:`Pk2D` object corresponding to ``p_of_k_a``. """ if not (p_of_k_a is None or isinstance(p_of_k_a, (str, Pk2D))): raise TypeError("p_of_k_a must be None, 'linear', 'nonlinear', Pk2D.") if isinstance(p_of_k_a, Pk2D): return p_of_k_a elif p_of_k_a is None or p_of_k_a == "linear": cosmo.compute_linear_power() return cosmo.get_linear_power() elif p_of_k_a == "nonlinear": cosmo.compute_nonlin_power() return cosmo.get_nonlin_power()