Source code for pyccl.tk3d

__all__ = ("Tk3D",)

import numpy as np

from . import CCLObject, check, lib
from .pyutils import _get_spline2d_arrays, _get_spline3d_arrays

[docs]class Tk3D(CCLObject): """A container for \"isotropized\" connected trispectra, relevant for covariance matrix calculations. These are functions of 3 variables of the form :math:`T(k_1,k_2,a)`, where :math:`k_i` are wavenumbers, and :math:`a` is the scale factor. This function can be provided as a 3D array (one dimension per variable), or as two 2D arrays corresponding to functions :math:`f_i(k,a)` such that .. math:: T(k_1,k_2,a) = f_1(k_1,a)\\,f_2(k_2,a) Typical uses for these objects will be: * To store perturbation theory or halo model \"isotropized\" connected trispectra of the form: .. math:: \\bar{T}_{abcd}(k_1, k_2, a) = \\int \\frac{d\\varphi_1}{2\\pi} \\int \\frac{d\\varphi_2}{2\\pi} T_{abcd}({\\bf k_1},-{\\bf k_1},{\\bf k_2},-{\\bf k_2}), where :math:`{\\bf k}_i\\equiv k_i(\\cos\\varphi_i,\\sin\\varphi_i,0)`, and :math:`T_{abcd}({\\bf k}_a,{\\bf k}_b,{\\bf k}_c,{\\bf k}_d)` is the connected trispectrum of fields :math:`\\{a,b,c,d\\}`. * To store the kernel for super-sample covariance calculations as a product of the responses of power spectra to long-wavelength overdensity modes :math:`\\delta_L`: .. math:: \\bar{T}_{abcd}(k_1,k_2,a)= \\frac{\\partial P_{ab}(k_1,a)}{\\partial\\delta_L}\\, \\frac{\\partial P_{cd}(k_2,a)}{\\partial\\delta_L}. These objects can then be used, analogously to :class:`~pyccl.pk2d.Pk2D` objects, to construct the non-Gaussian covariance of angular power spectra via Limber integration. See :py:mod:`~pyccl.covariances`. Args: a_arr (array): an array holding values of the scale factor. Note that the trispectrum will be extrapolated as constant on values of the scale factor outside those held by this array. lk_arr (array): an array holding values of the natural logarithm of the wavenumber (in units of :math:`{\\rm Mpc}^{-1}`). tkk_arr (array): a 3D array with shape ``[na,nk,nk]``, where ``na`` and ``nk`` are the sizes of ``a_arr`` and ``lk_arr`` respectively. This array should contain the values of the trispectrum at the values of scale factor and wavenumber held by ``a_arr`` and ``lk_arr``. The array can hold the values of the natural logarithm of the trispectrum, depending on the value of ``is_logt``. If ``tkk_arr`` is ``None``, then it is assumed that the trispectrum can be factorized as described above, and the two functions :math:`f_i(k_i,a)` are described by ``pk1_arr`` and ``pk2_arr``. You are responsible for making sure all these arrays are sufficiently well sampled (i.e. the resolution of ``a_arr`` and ``lk_arr`` is high enough to sample the main features in the trispectrum). For reference, CCL will use bicubic interpolation to evaluate the trispectrum in the 2D space of wavenumbers :math:`(k_1,k_2)` at a fixed scale factor, and will use linear interpolation in the scale factor dimension. pk1_arr (array): a 2D array with shape ``[na,nk]`` describing the first function :math:`f_1(k,a)` that makes up a factorizable trispectrum :math:`T(k_1,k_2,a)=f_1(k_1,a)f_2(k_2,a)`. ``pk1_arr`` and ``pk2_arr`` are ignored if ``tkk_arr`` is not ``None``. pk2_arr (array): a 2D array with shape ``[na,nk]`` describing the second factor :math:`f_2(k,a)` for a factorizable trispectrum. is_logt (:obj:`bool`): if True, ``tkk_arr``/``pk1_arr``/``pk2_arr`` hold the natural logarithm of the trispectrum (or its factors). Otherwise, the true values of the corresponding quantities are expected. Note that arrays will be interpolated in log space if ``is_logt`` is set to ``True``. extrap_order_lok (:obj:`int`): extrapolation order to be used on k-values below the minimum of the splines (use 0 or 1). Note that the extrapolation will be done in either :math:`\\log(T(k_1,k_2,a))` or :math:`T(k_1,k_2,a)`, depending on the value of ``is_logt``. extrap_order_hik (:obj:`int`): same as ``extrap_order_lok`` for k-values above the maximum of the splines. .. automethod:: __call__ """ from ._core.repr_ import build_string_Tk3D as __repr__ def __init__(self, *, a_arr, lk_arr, tkk_arr=None, pk1_arr=None, pk2_arr=None, is_logt=True, extrap_order_lok=1, extrap_order_hik=1): na = len(a_arr) nk = len(lk_arr) if not (np.diff(a_arr) > 0).all(): raise ValueError("`a_arr` must be strictly increasing") if not np.all(lk_arr[1:]-lk_arr[:-1] > 0): raise ValueError("`lk_arr` must be strictly increasing") if ((extrap_order_hik not in (0, 1)) or (extrap_order_lok not in (0, 1))): raise ValueError("Only constant or linear extrapolation in " "log(k) is possible (`extrap_order_hik` or " "`extrap_order_lok` must be 0 or 1).") status = 0 if tkk_arr is None: if pk2_arr is None: pk2_arr = pk1_arr if (pk1_arr is None) or (pk2_arr is None): raise ValueError("If trispectrum is factorizable " "you must provide the two factors") if (pk1_arr.shape != (na, nk)) or (pk2_arr.shape != (na, nk)): raise ValueError("Input trispectrum factor " "shapes are wrong") self.tsp, status = lib.tk3d_new_factorizable(lk_arr, a_arr, pk1_arr.flatten(), pk2_arr.flatten(), int(extrap_order_lok), int(extrap_order_lok), int(is_logt), status) else: if tkk_arr.shape != (na, nk, nk): raise ValueError("Input trispectrum shape is wrong") self.tsp, status = lib.tk3d_new_from_arrays(lk_arr, a_arr, tkk_arr.flatten(), int(extrap_order_lok), int(extrap_order_lok), int(is_logt), status) check(status) def __eq__(self, other): # Check object id. if self is other: return True # Check the object class. if type(self) is not type(other): return False # If the objects contain no data, return early. if not (self or other): return True # If one is factorizable and the other one is not, return early. if self.tsp.is_product ^ other.tsp.is_product: return False # Check extrapolation orders. if not (self.extrap_order_lok == other.extrap_order_lok and self.extrap_order_hik == other.extrap_order_hik): return False # Check the individual splines. a1, lk11, lk12, tk1 = self.get_spline_arrays() a2, lk21, lk22, tk2 = other.get_spline_arrays() return ((a1 == a2).all() and (lk11 == lk21).all() and (lk21 == lk22).all() and np.array_equal(tk1, tk2)) def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self)) @property def has_tsp(self): return 'tsp' in vars(self) @property def extrap_order_lok(self): return self.tsp.extrap_order_lok if self else None @property def extrap_order_hik(self): return self.tsp.extrap_order_hik if self else None
[docs] def __call__(self, k, a): """Evaluate trispectrum. If ``k`` is a 1D array with size ``nk``, and ``a`` is a scalar, the output ``out`` will be a 2D array with shape ``[nk,nk]`` holding ``out[i,j] = T(k[j],k[i],a)``, where ``T`` is the trispectrum function held by this :class:`Tk3D` object. If ``a`` is an array, the shape will be ``[len(a),nk,nk]``. Args: k (:obj:`float` or `array`): wavenumber value(s) in units of :math:`{\\rm Mpc}^{-1}`. a (:obj:`float` or `array`): value(s) of the scale factor Returns: (:obj:`float` or `array`): value(s) of the trispectrum. """ a_use = np.atleast_1d(a).astype(float) k_use = np.atleast_1d(k).astype(float) lk_use = np.log(k_use) nk = k_use.size out = np.zeros([len(a_use), nk, nk]) status = 0 for ia, aa in enumerate(a_use): f, status = lib.tk3d_eval_multi(self.tsp, lk_use, aa, nk*nk, status) check(status) out[ia] = f.reshape([nk, nk]) if np.ndim(k) == 0: out = np.squeeze(np.squeeze(out, axis=-1), axis=-1) if np.ndim(a) == 0: out = np.squeeze(out, axis=0) return out
def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, 'has_tsp'): if self.has_tsp and hasattr(self, 'tsp'): lib.f3d_t_free(self.tsp) def __bool__(self): return self.has_tsp
[docs] def get_spline_arrays(self): """Get the spline data arrays. Returns: Tuple containing - a_arr (1D ``numpy.ndarray``): Array of scale factors. - lk_arr1, lk_arr2 (1D ``numpy.ndarray``): Arrays of :math:`log(k)`. - out (list of ``numpy.ndarray``): The trispectrum :math:`T(k_1, k_2, z)` or its factors :math:`f(k_1, z),\\,\\,f(k_2, z)`. """ if not self: raise ValueError("Tk3D object does not have data.") out = [] if self.tsp.is_product: a_arr, lk_arr1, pk_arr1 = _get_spline2d_arrays(self.tsp.fka_1.fka) _, lk_arr2, pk_arr2 = _get_spline2d_arrays(self.tsp.fka_2.fka) out.append(pk_arr1) out.append(pk_arr2) else: status = 0 a_arr, status = lib.get_array(self.tsp.a_arr,, status) check(status) lk_arr1, lk_arr2, tkka_arr = _get_spline3d_arrays(self.tsp.tkka, out.append(tkka_arr) if self.tsp.is_log: # exponentiate in-place [np.exp(tk, out=tk) for tk in out] return a_arr, lk_arr1, lk_arr2, out