Source code for pyccl.tracers

Tracers represent projected quantities that can be cross-correlated to get
angular power spectra (see :func:`~pyccl.cells.angular_cl`). In the most
general case, the angular power spectrum between two tracers is given by

.. math::
    C^{\alpha\beta}_\ell=\frac{2}{\pi}\int d\chi_1\,d\chi_2\,dk\,k^2

where :math:`P_{\alpha\beta}` is a generalized power spectrum (see
and :math:`\Delta^\alpha_\ell(k,\chi)` is a sum over different contributions
associated to tracer :math:`\alpha`, where every contribution takes the form:

.. math::

Here, :math:`f^\alpha_\ell` is an :math:`\ell`-dependent **prefactor**,
:math:`W_\alpha(\chi)` is the **radial kernel**, :math:`T_\alpha(k,\chi)`
is the **transfer function**, and :math:`j^{(n)}_\ell(x)` is a
generalized version of the **spherical Bessel functions**. Descriptions
of each of these ingredients, and how to implement generalised Tracers
as sub-classes of the :class:`Tracer` base class can be found below. The
documentation of the base :class:`Tracer` class is a good place to start.

import warnings

import numpy as np

from . import ccllib as lib
from .pyutils import check
from .errors import CCLWarning
from ._core.parameters import physical_constants
from ._core import CCLObject, UnlockInstance, unlock_instance
from .pyutils import (_check_array_params, NoneArr, _vectorize_fn6,
                      _get_spline1d_arrays, _get_spline2d_arrays)

__all__ = ("get_density_kernel", "get_lensing_kernel", "get_kappa_kernel",
           "Tracer", "NzTracer", "NumberCountsTracer", "WeakLensingTracer",
           "CMBLensingTracer", "tSZTracer", "CIBTracer", "ISWTracer",)

def _Sig_MG(cosmo, a, k):
    """Redshift-dependent modification to Poisson equation for massless
    particles under modified gravity.

        cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): a Cosmology object.
        a (:obj:`float` or `array`): Scale factor(s), normalized to 1 today.
        k (:obj:`float` or `array`): Wavenumber for scale

        (:obj:`float` or `array`): Modification to Poisson equation under
            modified gravity at scale factor a.
            Sig_MG is assumed to be proportional to Omega_Lambda(z),
            see e.g. Abbott et al. 2018, 1810.02499, Eq. 9.
    return _vectorize_fn6(lib.Sig_MG, lib.Sig_MG_vec, cosmo, a, k)

def _check_background_spline_compatibility(cosmo, z):
    """Check that a redshift array lies within the support of the
    CCL background splines.
    a_bg, _ = _get_spline1d_arrays(
    a = 1/(1+z)

    if a.min() < a_bg.min() or a.max() > a_bg.max():
        raise ValueError(
            "Tracer has wider redshift support than internal CCL splines. "
            f"Tracer: z=[{1/a.max()-1}, {1/a.min()-1}]. "
            f"Background splines: z=[{1/a_bg.max()-1}, {1/a_bg.min()-1}].")

[docs]def get_density_kernel(cosmo, *, dndz): """This convenience function returns the radial kernel for galaxy-clustering-like tracers. Given an unnormalized redshift distribution, it returns two arrays: :math:`\\chi`, :math:`W(\\chi)`, where :math:`\\chi` is an array of radial distances in units of Mpc and :math:`W(\\chi) = p(z)\\,H(z)`, where :math:`H(z)` is the expansion rate in units of :math:`{\\rm Mpc}^{-1}`, and :math:`p(z)` is the normalized redshift distribution. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): cosmology object used to transform redshifts into distances. dndz (:obj:`tuple`): A tuple of arrays ``(z, N(z))`` giving the redshift distribution of the objects. The units are arbitrary; ``N(z)`` will be normalized to unity. """ z_n, n = _check_array_params(dndz, 'dndz') _check_background_spline_compatibility(cosmo, dndz[0]) # this call inits the distance splines neded by the kernel functions chi = cosmo.comoving_radial_distance(1./(1.+z_n)) status = 0 wchi, status = lib.get_number_counts_kernel_wrapper(cosmo.cosmo, z_n, n, len(z_n), status) check(status, cosmo=cosmo) return chi, wchi
[docs]def get_lensing_kernel(cosmo, *, dndz, mag_bias=None, n_chi=None): r"""This convenience function returns the radial kernel for weak-lensing-like. Given an unnormalized redshift distribution and an optional magnification bias function, it returns two arrays: :math:`\chi`, :math:`W(\chi)`, where :math:`\chi` is an array of radial distances in units of Mpc and :math:`W(\chi)` is the lensing kernel: .. math:: W(\chi)=\frac{3H_0^2\Omega_m}{2a}\chi\, \int_{z(\chi)}^\infty dz\,\left(1-\frac{5s(z)}{2}\right)\, \frac{\chi(z)-\chi}{\chi(z)} .. note:: If using this function to compute the magnification bias kernel, the result must be multiplied by -2. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): cosmology object used to transform redshifts into distances. dndz (:obj:`tuple`): A tuple of arrays ``(z, N(z))`` giving the redshift distribution of the objects. The units are arbitrary; ``N(z)`` will be normalized to unity. mag_bias (:obj:`tuple`): A tuple of arrays ``(z, s(z))`` giving the magnification bias as a function of redshift. If ``None``, ``s=0`` will be assumed. """ # we need the distance functions at the C layer cosmo.compute_distances() z_n, n = _check_array_params(dndz, 'dndz') has_magbias = mag_bias is not None z_s, s = _check_array_params(mag_bias, 'mag_bias') _check_background_spline_compatibility(cosmo, dndz[0]) if n_chi is None: # Calculate number of samples in chi n_chi = lib.get_nchi_lensing_kernel_wrapper(z_n) if (n_chi > len(z_n) and cosmo.cosmo.gsl_params.LENSING_KERNEL_SPLINE_INTEGRATION): warnings.warn( f"The number of samples in the n(z) ({len(z_n)}) is smaller than " f"the number of samples in the lensing kernel ({n_chi}). Consider " "disabling spline integration for the lensing kernel by setting " "pyccl.gsl_params.LENSING_KERNEL_SPLINE_INTEGRATION = False " "before instantiating the Cosmology passed.", category=CCLWarning) # Compute array of chis status = 0 chi, status = lib.get_chis_lensing_kernel_wrapper(cosmo.cosmo, z_n[-1], n_chi, status) # Compute kernel wchi, status = lib.get_lensing_kernel_wrapper(cosmo.cosmo, z_n, n, z_n[-1], int(has_magbias), z_s, s, chi, n_chi, status) check(status, cosmo=cosmo) return chi, wchi
[docs]def get_kappa_kernel(cosmo, *, z_source, n_samples=100): """This convenience function returns the radial kernel for CMB-lensing-like tracers. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): Cosmology object. z_source (:obj:`float`): Redshift of source plane for CMB lensing. n_samples (:obj:`int`): number of samples over which the kernel is desired. These will be equi-spaced in radial distance. The kernel is quite smooth, so usually O(100) samples is enough. """ _check_background_spline_compatibility(cosmo, np.array([z_source])) # this call inits the distance splines neded by the kernel functions chi_source = cosmo.comoving_radial_distance(1./(1.+z_source)) chi = np.linspace(0, chi_source, n_samples) status = 0 wchi, status = lib.get_kappa_kernel_wrapper(cosmo.cosmo, chi_source, chi, n_samples, status) check(status, cosmo=cosmo) return chi, wchi
[docs]class Tracer(CCLObject): """Tracers contain the information necessary to describe the contribution of a given sky observable to its cross-power spectrum with any other tracer. Tracers are composed of 4 main ingredients: * A radial kernel: this expresses the support in redshift/distance over which this tracer extends. * A transfer function: this is a function of wavenumber and scale factor that describes the connection between the tracer and the power spectrum on different scales and at different cosmic times. * An ell-dependent prefactor: normally associated with angular derivatives of a given fundamental quantity. * The order of the derivative of the Bessel functions with which they enter the computation of the angular power spectrum. A ``Tracer`` object will in reality be a list of different such tracers that get combined linearly when computing power spectra. """ from ._core.repr_ import build_string_Tracer as __repr__ def __init__(self): """By default this `Tracer` object will contain no actual tracers """ # Do nothing, just initialize list of tracers self._trc = [] self.chi_fft_dict = {} self.avg_weighted_a = [] def __eq__(self, other): # Check object id. if self is other: return True # Check the object class. if type(self) is not type(other): return False # If the tracer collections are empty, return early. if not (self or other): return True # If the tracer collections are not the same length, return early. if len(self._trc) != len(other._trc): return False # Check `der_angles` & `der_bessel` for each tracer in the collection. bessel = self.get_bessel_derivative(), other.get_bessel_derivative() angles = self.get_angles_derivative(), other.get_angles_derivative() if not (np.array_equal(*bessel) and np.array_equal(*angles)): return False # Check the kernels. for t1, t2 in zip(self._trc, other._trc): if bool(t1.kernel) ^ bool(t2.kernel): # only one of them has a kernel return False if t1.kernel is None: # none of them has a kernel continue if not np.array_equal(_get_spline1d_arrays(t1.kernel.spline), _get_spline1d_arrays(t2.kernel.spline)): # both have kernels, but they are unequal return False # Check the transfer functions. for t1, t2 in zip(self._trc, other._trc): if bool(t1.transfer) ^ bool(t2.transfer): # only one of them has a transfer return False if t1.transfer is None: # none of them has a transfer continue # Check the characteristics of the transfer function. for arg in ("extrap_order_lok", "extrap_order_hik", "is_factorizable", "is_log"): if getattr(t1.transfer, arg) != getattr(t2.transfer, arg): return False c2py = {"fa": _get_spline1d_arrays, "fk": _get_spline1d_arrays, "fka": _get_spline2d_arrays} for attr in c2py.keys(): spl1 = getattr(t1.transfer, attr, None) spl2 = getattr(t2.transfer, attr, None) if bool(spl1) ^ bool(spl2): # only one of them has this transfer type return False if spl1 is None: # none of them has this transfer type continue # `pts` contain the the grid points and the transfer functions pts1, pts2 = c2py[attr](spl1), c2py[attr](spl2) for pt1, pt2 in zip(pts1, pts2): # loop through output points of `_get_splinend_arrays` if not np.array_equal(pt1, pt2): # both have this transfer type, but they are unequal # or are defined at different grid points return False return True def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self)) def __bool__(self): return bool(self._trc) @property def chi_min(self): """Returns the minimum comoving distance over which this tracer's radial kernel is defined, if it exists. For tracers with more than one contribution with an associated ``chi_min``, the lowest value is returned. """ chis = [tr.chi_min for tr in self._trc] return min(chis) if chis else None @property def chi_max(self): """Returns the maximum comoving distance over which this tracer's radial kernel is defined, if it exists. For tracers with more than one contribution with an associated ``chi_max``, the highest value is returned. """ chis = [tr.chi_max for tr in self._trc] return max(chis) if chis else None
[docs] def get_kernel(self, chi=None): """Get the radial kernels for all tracers contained in this ``Tracer``. Args: chi (:obj:`float` or `array`): values of the comoving radial distance in increasing order and in Mpc. If ``None``, returns the kernel at the internal spline nodes. Returns: `array`: list of radial kernels for each tracer. The shape will be ``(n_tracer, chi.size)``, where ``n_tracer`` is the number of tracers. The last dimension will be squeezed if the input is a scalar. """ if chi is None: chis = [] else: chi_use = np.atleast_1d(chi) kernels = [] for t in self._trc: if t.kernel is None: continue else: if chi is None: chi_use, w = _get_spline1d_arrays(t.kernel.spline) chis.append(chi_use) else: status = 0 w, status = lib.cl_tracer_get_kernel( t, chi_use, chi_use.size, status) check(status) kernels.append(w) if chi is None: return kernels, chis kernels = np.array(kernels) if np.ndim(chi) == 0 and kernels.shape != (0,): kernels = np.squeeze(kernels, axis=-1) return kernels
[docs] def get_f_ell(self, ell): """Get the :math:`\\ell`-dependent prefactors for all tracers contained in this `Tracer`. Args: ell (:obj:`float` or `array`): angular multipole values. Returns: `array`: list of prefactors for each tracer. The shape will be ``(n_tracer, ell.size)``, where ``n_tracer`` is the number of tracers. The last dimension will be squeezed if the input ``ell`` is a scalar. """ ell_use = np.atleast_1d(ell) f_ells = [] for t in self._trc: status = 0 f, status = lib.cl_tracer_get_f_ell(t, ell_use, ell_use.size, status) check(status) f_ells.append(f) f_ells = np.array(f_ells) if np.ndim(ell) == 0: if f_ells.shape != (0,): f_ells = np.squeeze(f_ells, axis=-1) return f_ells
[docs] def get_transfer(self, lk, a): """Get the transfer functions for all tracers contained in this ``Tracer``. Args: lk (:obj:`float` or `array`): values of the natural logarithm of the wave number (in units of inverse Mpc) in increasing order. a (:obj:`float` or `array`): values of the scale factor. Returns: `array`: list of transfer functions for each tracer. The shape will be ``(n_tracer, lk.size, a.size)``, where ``n_tracer`` is the number of tracers. The other dimensions will be squeezed if the inputs are scalars. """ lk_use = np.atleast_1d(lk) a_use = np.atleast_1d(a) transfers = [] for t in self._trc: status = 0 t, status = lib.cl_tracer_get_transfer(t, lk_use, a_use, lk_use.size * a_use.size, status) check(status) transfers.append(t.reshape([lk_use.size, a_use.size])) transfers = np.array(transfers) if transfers.shape != (0,): if np.ndim(a) == 0: transfers = np.squeeze(transfers, axis=-1) if np.ndim(lk) == 0: transfers = np.squeeze(transfers, axis=-1) else: if np.ndim(lk) == 0: transfers = np.squeeze(transfers, axis=-2) return transfers
[docs] def get_bessel_derivative(self): """Get list of Bessel function derivative orders for all tracers contained in this ``Tracer``. Returns: `array`: list of Bessel derivative orders for each tracer. """ return np.array([t.der_bessel for t in self._trc])
[docs] def get_angles_derivative(self): r"""Get list of the :math:`\ell`-dependent prefactor order for all tracers contained in this ``Tracer``. Returns: `array`: list of angular derivative orders for each tracer. """ return np.array([t.der_angles for t in self._trc])
def _get_fkem_fft(self, tracer, Nchi, chimin, chimax, ell): """Get list fft integral over chi for FKEM non-limber calculation contained in this ``Tracer``. Returns: `tuple`: k values and fft integral values at each k """ temp = self.chi_fft_dict.get((tracer, Nchi, chimin, chimax, ell)) if temp is None: return None, None return temp[0], temp[1] def _set_fkem_fft(self, tracer, Nchi, chimin, chimax, ell, ks, fft): """Set list fft integral over chi for FKEM non-limber calculation contained in this ``Tracer``. Returns: `tuple`: k values and fft integral values at each k """ self.chi_fft_dict[(tracer, Nchi, chimin, chimax, ell)] = (ks, fft) return ks, fft
[docs] def get_avg_weighted_a(self): """Get list of kernel-averaged scale factors for all tracers contained in this ``Tracer``. Returns: `array`: list of kernel-averaged scale factors for each tracer. """ return np.array(self.avg_weighted_a)
def _MG_add_tracer(self, cosmo, kernel, z_b, der_bessel=0, der_angles=0, bias_transfer_a=None, bias_transfer_k=None): """ function to set mg_transfer in the right format and add MG tracers for different cases including different cases and biases like intrinsic alignements (IA) when present """ # Getting MG transfer function and building a k-array mg_transfer = self._get_MG_transfer_function(cosmo, z_b) # case with no astro biases if ((bias_transfer_a is None) and (bias_transfer_k is None)): self.add_tracer(cosmo, kernel=kernel, transfer_ka=mg_transfer, der_bessel=der_bessel, der_angles=der_angles) # case of an astro bias depending on a and k elif ((bias_transfer_a is not None) and (bias_transfer_k is not None)): mg_transfer_new = (mg_transfer[0], mg_transfer[1], (bias_transfer_a[1] * (bias_transfer_k[1] * mg_transfer[2]).T).T) self.add_tracer(cosmo, kernel=kernel, transfer_ka=mg_transfer_new, der_bessel=der_bessel, der_angles=der_angles) # case of an astro bias depending on a but not k elif ((bias_transfer_a is not None) and (bias_transfer_k is None)): mg_transfer_new = (mg_transfer[0], mg_transfer[1], (bias_transfer_a[1] * mg_transfer[2].T).T) self.add_tracer(cosmo, kernel=kernel, transfer_ka=mg_transfer_new, der_bessel=der_bessel, der_angles=der_angles) # case of an astro bias depending on k but not a elif ((bias_transfer_a is None) and (bias_transfer_k is not None)): mg_transfer_new = (mg_transfer[0], mg_transfer[1], (bias_transfer_k[1] * mg_transfer[2])) self.add_tracer(cosmo, kernel=kernel, transfer_ka=mg_transfer_new, der_bessel=der_bessel, der_angles=der_angles) def _get_MG_transfer_function(self, cosmo, z): """ This function allows to obtain the function Sigma(z,k) (1 or 2D arrays) for an array of redshifts coming from a redshift distribution (defined by the user) and a single value or an array of k specified by the user. We obtain then Sigma(z,k) as a 1D array for those z and k arrays and then convert it to a 2D array taking into consideration the given sizes of the arrays for z and k The MG parameter array goes then as a multiplicative factor within the MG transfer function. If k is not specified then only a 1D array for Sigma(a,k=0) is used. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): cosmology object used to transform redshifts into distances. z (float or tuple of arrays): a single z value (e.g. for CMB) or a tuple of arrays (z, N(z)) giving the redshift distribution of the objects. The units are arbitrary; N(z) will be normalized to unity. k (float or array): a single k value or an array of k for which we calculate the MG parameter Sigma(a,k). For now, the k range should be limited to linear scales. """ # Sampling scale factor from a very small (at CMB for example) # all the way to 1 here and today for the transfer function. # For a < a_single it is GR (no early MG) if isinstance(z, (int, float)): a_single = 1/(1+z) a = np.linspace(a_single, 1, 100) # a_single is for example like for the CMB surface else: if z[0] != 0.0: stepsize = z[1]-z[0] samplesize = int(z[0]/stepsize) z_0_to_zmin = np.linspace(0.0, z[0] - stepsize, samplesize) z = np.concatenate((z_0_to_zmin, z)) a = 1./(1.+z) a.sort() # Scale-dependant MG case with an array of k nk = lib.get_pk_spline_nk(cosmo.cosmo) status = 0 lk, status = lib.get_pk_spline_lk(cosmo.cosmo, nk, status) check(status, cosmo=cosmo) k = np.exp(lk) # computing MG factor array mgfac_1d = 1 mgfac_1d += _Sig_MG(cosmo, a, k) # converting 1D MG factor to a 2D array, so it is compatible # with the transfer_ka input structure in MG_add.tracer and # add.tracer mgfac_2d = mgfac_1d.reshape(len(a), -1, order='F') # setting transfer_ka for this case mg_transfer = (a, lk, mgfac_2d) return mg_transfer
[docs] @unlock_instance def add_tracer(self, cosmo, *, kernel=None, transfer_ka=None, transfer_k=None, transfer_a=None, der_bessel=0, der_angles=0, is_logt=False, extrap_order_lok=0, extrap_order_hik=2): """Adds one more tracer to the list contained in this ``Tracer``. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): cosmology object. kernel (:obj:`tuple`): A tuple of arrays ``(chi, w_chi)`` describing the radial kernel of this tracer. ``chi`` should contain values of the comoving radial distance in increasing order, and ``w_chi`` should contain the values of the kernel at those values of the radial distance. The kernel will be assumed to be zero outside the range of distances covered by ``chi``. If ``kernel`` is ``None`` a constant kernel :math:`W(\\chi)=1` will be assumed everywhere. transfer_ka (:obj:`tuple`): a tuple of arrays ``(a, lk,t_ka)`` describing the most general transfer function for a tracer. ``a`` should be an array of scale factor values in increasing order. ``lk`` should be an array of values of the natural logarithm of the wave number (in units of inverse Mpc) in increasing order. ``t_ka`` should be an array of shape ``(na, nk)``, where ``na`` and ``nk`` are the sizes of ``a`` and ``lk`` respectively.``t_ka`` should hold the values of the transfer function at the corresponding values of ``a`` and ``lk``. If your transfer function is factorizable (i.e. :math:`T(a,k) = A(a)\\, K(k))`, it is more efficient to set this to ``None`` and use ``transfer_k`` and ``transfer_a`` to describe :math:`K` and :math:`A` respectively. The transfer function will be assumed continuous and constant outside the range of scale factors covered by ``a``. It will be extrapolated using polynomials of order ``extrap_order_lok`` and ``extrap_order_hik`` below and above the range of wavenumbers covered by ``lk`` respectively. If this argument is not ``None``, the values of ``transfer_k`` and ``transfer_a`` will be ignored. transfer_k (:obj:`tuple`): a tuple of arrays ``(lk,t_k)`` describing the scale-dependent part of a factorizable transfer function. ``lk`` should be an array of values of the natural logarithm of the wave number (in units of inverse Mpc) in increasing order. ``t_k`` should be an array of the same size holding the values of the k-dependent part of the transfer function at those wavenumbers. It will be extrapolated using polynomials of order ``extrap_order_lok`` and ``extrap_order_hik`` below and above the range of wavenumbers covered by ``lk`` respectively. If ``None``, the k-dependent part of the transfer function will be set to 1 everywhere. transfer_a (:obj:`tuple`): a tuple of arrays `(a, t_a)`` describing the time-dependent part of a factorizable transfer function. ``a`` should be an array of scale factor values in increasing order. ``t_a`` should contain the time-dependent part of the transfer function at those values of the scale factor. The time dependence will be assumed continuous and constant outside the range covered by ``a``. If ``None``, the time-dependent part of the transfer function will be set to 1 everywhere. der_bessel (:obj:`int`): order of the derivative of the Bessel functions with which this tracer enters the calculation of the power spectrum. Allowed values are -1, 0, 1 and 2. 0, 1 and 2 correspond to the raw functions, their first derivatives or their second derivatives. -1 corresponds to the raw functions divided by the square of their argument. We enable this special value because this type of dependence is ubiquitous for many common tracers (lensing, IAs), and makes the corresponding transfer functions more stable for small :math:`k` or :math:`\\chi`. der_angles (:obj:`int`): integer describing the ell-dependent prefactor associated with this tracer. Allowed values are 0, 1 and 2. 0 means no prefactor. 1 means a prefactor :math:`\\ell(\\ell+1)`, associated with the angular Laplacian and used e.g. for lensing convergence and magnification. 2 means a prefactor :math:`\\sqrt{(\\ell+2)!/(\\ell-2)!}`, associated with the angular derivatives of spin-2 fields (e.g. cosmic shear, IAs). is_logt (:obj:`bool`): if ``True``, ``transfer_ka``, ``transfer_k`` and ``transfer_a`` will contain the natural logarithm of the transfer function (or their factorizable parts). extrap_order_lok (:obj:`int`): polynomial order used to extrapolate the transfer functions for low wavenumbers not covered by the input arrays. extrap_order_hik (:obj:`int`): polynomial order used to extrapolate the transfer functions for high wavenumbers not covered by the input arrays. """ # noqa is_factorizable = transfer_ka is None is_k_constant = (transfer_ka is None) and (transfer_k is None) is_a_constant = (transfer_ka is None) and (transfer_a is None) is_kernel_constant = kernel is None chi_s, wchi_s = _check_array_params(kernel, 'kernel') if is_factorizable: a_s, ta_s = _check_array_params(transfer_a, 'transfer_a') lk_s, tk_s = _check_array_params(transfer_k, 'transfer_k') tka_s = NoneArr if (not is_a_constant) and (a_s.shape != ta_s.shape): raise ValueError("Time-dependent transfer arrays " "should have the same shape") if (not is_k_constant) and (lk_s.shape != tk_s.shape): raise ValueError("Scale-dependent transfer arrays " "should have the same shape") else: a_s, lk_s, tka_s = _check_array_params(transfer_ka, 'transer_ka', arr3=True) if tka_s.shape != (len(a_s), len(lk_s)): raise ValueError("2D transfer array has inconsistent " "shape. Should be (na,nk)") tka_s = tka_s.flatten() ta_s = NoneArr tk_s = NoneArr if not (np.diff(a_s) > 0).all(): raise ValueError("Scale factor must be monotonically " "increasing") status = 0 ret = lib.cl_tracer_t_new_wrapper(cosmo.cosmo, int(der_bessel), int(der_angles), chi_s, wchi_s, a_s, lk_s, tka_s, tk_s, ta_s, int(is_logt), int(is_factorizable), int(is_k_constant), int(is_a_constant), int(is_kernel_constant), int(extrap_order_lok), int(extrap_order_hik), status) self._trc.append(_check_returned_tracer(ret)) a = cosmo.scale_factor_of_chi(chi_s) wint = np.trapz(wchi_s, a) if wint != 0: # Avoid division by zero avg_a = np.trapz(a*wchi_s, a)/wint else: # If kernel integral is zero, just set to z=0 avg_a = 1.0 self.avg_weighted_a.append(avg_a)
[docs] @classmethod def from_z_power(cls, cosmo, *, A, alpha, z_min=0., z_max=6., n_chi=1024): """Constructor for tracers associated with a radial kernel of the form .. math:: W(\\chi) = \\frac{A}{(1+z)^\\alpha}, where :math:`A` is an amplitude and :math:`\\alpha` is a power law index. The kernel only has support in the redshift range ``[z_min, z_max]``. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): Cosmology object. A (:obj:`float`): amplitude parameter. alpha (:obj:`float`): power law index. z_min (:obj:`float`): minimum redshift from to which we define the kernel. z_max (:obj:`float`): maximum redshift up to which we define the kernel. n_chi (:obj:`float`): number of intervals in the radial comoving distance on which we sample the kernel. """ # noqa if z_min >= z_max: raise ValueError("z_min should be smaller than z_max.") tracer = cls() chi_min = cosmo.comoving_radial_distance(1./(1+z_min)) chi_max = cosmo.comoving_radial_distance(1./(1+z_max)) chi_arr = np.linspace(chi_min, chi_max, n_chi) a_arr = cosmo.scale_factor_of_chi(chi_arr) w_arr = A * a_arr**alpha tracer.add_tracer(cosmo, kernel=(chi_arr, w_arr)) return tracer
def __del__(self): # Sometimes lib is freed before some Tracers, in which case, this # doesn't work. # So just check that lib.cl_tracer_t_free is still a real function. if hasattr(self, '_trc') and lib.cl_tracer_t_free is not None: for t in self._trc: lib.cl_tracer_t_free(t)
[docs]class NzTracer(Tracer): """Specific base class for tracers with an internal ``_dndz`` redshift distribution interpolator. These include :func:`NumberCountsTracer` and :func:`WeakLensingTracer`. """
[docs] def get_dndz(self, z): """Get the redshift distribution for this tracer. Args: z (:obj:`float` or `array`): redshift values. Returns: `array`: redshift distribution evaluated at the input values of ``z``. """ return self._dndz(z)
[docs]def NumberCountsTracer(cosmo, *, dndz, bias=None, mag_bias=None, has_rsd, n_samples=256): """Specific `Tracer` associated to galaxy clustering with linear scale-independent bias, including redshift-space distortions and magnification. The associated contributions are described in detail in Section 2.4.1 of the `CCL paper <>`_. .. warning:: When including redshift-space distortions, the current implementation assumes linear, scale-independent growth Although this should be valid in :math:`\\Lambda` CDM and on the large scales (especially when considering a broad :math:`N(z)`), this approximation should be borne in mind. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): Cosmology object. dndz (:obj:`tuple`): A tuple of arrays ``(z, N(z))`` giving the redshift distribution of the objects. The units are arbitrary; ``N(z)`` will be normalized to unity. bias (:obj:`tuple`): A tuple of arrays ``(z, b(z))`` giving the galaxy bias. If ``None``, this tracer won't include a term proportional to the matter density contrast. mag_bias (:obj:`tuple`): A tuple of arrays ``(z, s(z))`` giving the magnification bias as a function of redshift. If ``None``, the tracer is assumed to not have magnification bias terms. has_rsd (:obj:`bool`): If ``True``, this tracer will include a redshift-space distortion term. n_samples (:obj:`int`): number of samples over which the magnification lensing kernel is desired. These will be equi-spaced in radial distance. The kernel is quite smooth, so usually O(100) samples is enough. """ tracer = NzTracer() # we need the distance functions at the C layer cosmo.compute_distances() from scipy.interpolate import interp1d z_n, n = _check_array_params(dndz, 'dndz') with UnlockInstance(tracer, mutate=False): tracer._dndz = interp1d(z_n, n, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) kernel_d = None if bias is not None: # Has density term # Kernel if kernel_d is None: kernel_d = get_density_kernel(cosmo, dndz=dndz) # Transfer z_b, b = _check_array_params(bias, 'bias') # Reverse order for increasing a t_a = (1./(1+z_b[::-1]), b[::-1]) tracer.add_tracer(cosmo, kernel=kernel_d, transfer_a=t_a) if has_rsd: # Has RSDs # Kernel if kernel_d is None: kernel_d = get_density_kernel(cosmo, dndz=dndz) # Transfer (growth rate) z_b, _ = _check_array_params(dndz, 'dndz') a_s = 1./(1+z_b[::-1]) t_a = (a_s, -cosmo.growth_rate(a_s)) tracer.add_tracer(cosmo, kernel=kernel_d, transfer_a=t_a, der_bessel=2) if mag_bias is not None: # Has magnification bias # Kernel chi, w = get_lensing_kernel(cosmo, dndz=dndz, mag_bias=mag_bias, n_chi=n_samples) # Multiply by -2 for magnification kernel_m = (chi, -2 * w) if (cosmo['sigma_0'] == 0): # GR case tracer.add_tracer(cosmo, kernel=kernel_m, der_bessel=-1, der_angles=1) else: # MG case z_b, _ = _check_array_params(dndz, 'dndz') tracer._MG_add_tracer(cosmo, kernel_m, z_b, der_bessel=-1, der_angles=1) return tracer
[docs]def WeakLensingTracer(cosmo, *, dndz, has_shear=True, ia_bias=None, use_A_ia=True, n_samples=256): """Specific `Tracer` associated to galaxy shape distortions including lensing shear and intrinsic alignments within the L-NLA model. The associated contributions are described in detail in Section 2.4.1 of the `CCL paper <>`_. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): Cosmology object. dndz (:obj:`tuple`): A tuple of arrays ``(z, N(z))`` giving the redshift distribution of the objects. The units are arbitrary; ``N(z)`` will be normalized to unity. has_shear (:obj:`bool`): set to ``False`` if you want to omit the lensing shear contribution from this tracer. ia_bias (:obj:`tuple`): A tuple of arrays ``(z, A_IA(z))`` giving the intrinsic alignment amplitude ``A_IA(z)``. If ``None``, the tracer is assumed to not have intrinsic alignments. use_A_ia (:obj:`bool`): set to ``True`` to use the conventional IA normalization. Set to ``False`` to use the raw input amplitude, which will usually be 1 for use with perturbation theory IA modeling. n_samples (:obj:`int`): number of samples over which the lensing kernel is desired. These will be equi-spaced in radial distance. The kernel is quite smooth, so usually O(100) samples is enough. """ tracer = NzTracer() # we need the distance functions at the C layer cosmo.compute_distances() from scipy.interpolate import interp1d z_n, n = _check_array_params(dndz, 'dndz') with UnlockInstance(tracer, mutate=False): tracer._dndz = interp1d(z_n, n, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) if has_shear: kernel_l = get_lensing_kernel(cosmo, dndz=dndz, n_chi=n_samples) if (cosmo['sigma_0'] == 0): # GR case tracer.add_tracer(cosmo, kernel=kernel_l, der_bessel=-1, der_angles=2) else: # MG case tracer._MG_add_tracer(cosmo, kernel_l, z_n, der_bessel=-1, der_angles=2) if ia_bias is not None: # Has intrinsic alignments z_a, tmp_a = _check_array_params(ia_bias, 'ia_bias') # Kernel kernel_i = get_density_kernel(cosmo, dndz=dndz) if use_A_ia: # Normalize so that A_IA=1 D = cosmo.growth_factor(1./(1+z_a)) # Transfer # See Joachimi et al. (2011), arXiv: 1008.3491, Eq. 6. # and note that we use C_1= 5e-14 from arXiv:0705.0166 rho_m = physical_constants.RHO_CRITICAL * cosmo['Omega_m'] a = - tmp_a * 5e-14 * rho_m / D else: # use the raw input normalization. Normally, this will be 1 # to allow nonlinear PT IA models, where normalization is # already applied to the power spectrum. a = tmp_a # Reverse order for increasing a t_a = (1./(1+z_a[::-1]), a[::-1]) tracer.add_tracer(cosmo, kernel=kernel_i, transfer_a=t_a, der_bessel=-1, der_angles=2) return tracer
[docs]def CMBLensingTracer(cosmo, *, z_source, n_samples=100): r"""A Tracer for CMB lensing convergence :math:`\kappa`. The associated kernel and transfer function are described in Eq. 31 of the `CCL paper <>`_. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): Cosmology object. z_source (:obj:`float`): Redshift of source plane for CMB lensing. n_samples (:obj:`int`): number of samples over which the kernel is desired. These will be equi-spaced in radial distance. The kernel is quite smooth, so usually O(100) samples is enough. """ tracer = Tracer() # we need the distance functions at the C layer cosmo.compute_distances() kernel = get_kappa_kernel(cosmo, z_source=z_source, n_samples=n_samples) if (cosmo['sigma_0'] == 0): tracer.add_tracer(cosmo, kernel=kernel, der_bessel=-1, der_angles=1) else: tracer._MG_add_tracer(cosmo, kernel, z_source, der_bessel=-1, der_angles=1) return tracer
[docs]def tSZTracer(cosmo, *, z_max=6., n_chi=1024): """Specific :class:`Tracer` associated with the thermal Sunyaev Zel'dovich Compton-y parameter. The radial kernel for this tracer is simply given by .. math:: W(\\chi) = \\frac{\\sigma_T}{m_ec^2} \\frac{1}{1+z}, where :math:`\\sigma_T` is the Thomson scattering cross section and :math:`m_e` is the electron mass. Any angular power spectra computed with this tracer, should use a three-dimensional power spectrum involving the electron pressure in physical (non-comoving) units of :math:`eV\\,{\\rm cm}^{-3}`. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): Cosmology object. z_max (:obj:`float`): maximum redshift up to which we define the kernel. n_chi (:obj:`float`): number of intervals in the radial comoving distance on which we sample the kernel. """ # This is \sigma_T / (m_e * c^2) prefac = 4.01710079e-06 return Tracer.from_z_power(cosmo, A=prefac, alpha=1, z_min=0., z_max=z_max, n_chi=n_chi)
[docs]def CIBTracer(cosmo, *, z_min=0., z_max=6., n_chi=1024): """Specific :class:`Tracer` associated with the cosmic infrared background (CIB). The radial kernel for this tracer is simply .. math:: W(\\chi) = \\frac{1}{1+z}. Any angular power spectra computed with this tracer, should use a three-dimensional power spectrum involving the CIB emissivity density in units of :math:`{\\rm Jy}\\,{\\rm Mpc}^{-1}\\,{\\rm srad}^{-1}` (or multiples thereof -- see e.g. :class:`~pyccl.halos.profiles.cib_shang12.HaloProfileCIBShang12`). Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): Cosmology object. z_min (:obj:`float`): minimum redshift down to which we define the kernel. z_max (:obj:`float`): maximum redshift up to which we define the kernel. n_chi (:obj:`float`): number of intervals in the radial comoving distance on which we sample the kernel. """ return Tracer.from_z_power(cosmo, A=1.0, alpha=1, z_min=z_min, z_max=z_max, n_chi=n_chi)
[docs]def ISWTracer(cosmo, *, z_max=6., n_chi=1024): """Specific :class:`Tracer` associated with the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect (ISW). Useful when cross-correlating any low-redshift probe with the primary CMB anisotropies. The ISW contribution to the temperature fluctuations is: .. math:: \\Delta T_{\\rm CMB} = 2T_{\\rm CMB} \\int_0^{\\chi_{LSS}}d\\chi a\\,\\dot{\\phi} Any angular power spectra computed with this tracer, should use a three-dimensional power spectrum involving the matter power spectrum. .. warning:: The current implementation of this tracer assumes a standard Poisson equation relating :math:`\\phi` and :math:`\\delta`, and linear, scale-independent structure growth. Although this should be valid in :math:`\\Lambda` CDM and on the large scales the ISW is sensitive to, these approximations must be borne in mind. Args: cosmo (:class:`~pyccl.cosmology.Cosmology`): Cosmology object. z_max (:obj:`float`): maximum redshift up to which we define the kernel. n_chi (:obj:`float`): number of intervals in the radial comoving distance on which we sample the kernel. """ tracer = Tracer() chi_max = cosmo.comoving_radial_distance(1./(1+z_max)) chi = np.linspace(0, chi_max, n_chi) a_arr = cosmo.scale_factor_of_chi(chi) H0 = cosmo['h'] / physical_constants.CLIGHT_HMPC OM = cosmo['Omega_c']+cosmo['Omega_b'] Ez = cosmo.h_over_h0(a_arr) fz = cosmo.growth_rate(a_arr) w_arr = 3*cosmo['T_CMB']*H0**3*OM*Ez*chi**2*(1-fz) tracer.add_tracer(cosmo, kernel=(chi, w_arr), der_bessel=-1) return tracer
def _check_returned_tracer(return_val): """Wrapper to catch exceptions when tracers are spawned from C.""" if (isinstance(return_val, int)): check(return_val) tr = None else: tr, _ = return_val return tr